The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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a i I I I THE SPRINGIELD DATLY REPUBLICAN: TUESDAY EBRUARY 26f 1924 Boston Produce Market NORTHAMPTON WESTIELD of be given by WARE EASTHAMPTON permits were California discussed at this meet court be Mrs UNERAL CAPT LYONS ENIELD to Jed eb 25 Ovila Bousquet of WEST SPRINGIELD BRIMIELD OICER WOOD TO GO the I I PONDSVILLE ORANGE by of I this MT HOLYOKE COLLEGE THREE RIVERS th? nuptial high mas ho THE MOST AMOUS COMORT SHOE instructor in playwrit 4 summer the PLAN DI ORD noon George has gone tunes both churches will Bosch Magneto company holiday Huntington ineit HUNTINGTON SOI Til WICK PARISH PLEDGES $SOCO xt Sunday th Augustim tlie Mrs Galpin and Miss Dorothy feed Consistency MIDDLEIELD HAYDEN VILLE LI 400 210 Main St' 11 17 Railroad St Next Railroad Arch guests of Mr Simsbury Ct Thomas Logie recently ninth wedding unniver inother Mr a nd ffwn trie and is much im va Wright of farm Miss that that num Refreshments committee con Trayner James Coolidge the Re Blair of the MassachusettsPharmacy spent the week his parents on Springfield Richards teacher in spending her vacation have decided that now is decide upon permanent Mrs Lottie paper ou the Smith will Ira ted 1514c fresh aau pork upon the a place of ch in ches with the the I ride's William School of end with has the Clothing Seized Tore LOCAL COMMERCIAL GROUP AGAIN WINS CONTEST COMMUNITY ESTIVAL OPENS DRAMA COURSE PLAYSHOP HAS THREE PLAYS READY TAKES KNIE TO MAN WHO MADE ACES afternoon at musical pro Miss Mildred the Myrtle and Clarence MEN'S JugH or low shoe Hack er tan Calf PERMANENT EDERATION CHURCHES PLANNED high school of left town yes several lays at Mrs Herbert properties will be turned conned which will church that will be used as worship At present both are using their buildings BEATS UP WIE WHEN SHE STAYS OUT LATE Mrs Webster of Terryville Ct is with Mrs A Hall of North Longyard who is seriously ill at the The of in be reached served by the of Edward James Ramsey Austin Mr South riage Cushman place Saturday at Worwood A iss Irene Oshier who is playing a leading part in Dust at Springfield was the first leading woman the Northampton players The club of St John's Epis copal church will take dinner at the Teter Tefts Merton Lewis Cottrell have been the mumps Among those home for a cation are Miss rances North Adams at Glendale Dorothy of Pittsfield at Drew's Miss lorence rM Cook of Haverhill at Cook's Miss Helen Aiderman of New London Ct and Miss Ad' lia Aiderman of raming ham at Edwin Aiderman's Samuel Willard Sr has been spending a with relatives in Longmeadow Robert Major has returned to East hampton after spending several weeks at Mrs Rosie Tefts's Monday only AUTO TtilE DRAWS 15 MONTHS IN JAIL die man who Is on his feet most of the business day Dr Kahler shoes offer the utmost in foot freedom and comfort They give untiring supporttothearch and ample room to toes Combined with the five famous Dr Kahler comfort features is the exacting style of the well dressed man Try a pair' We Remodel a Great Many Bathrooms The Mount Holyoke chapter of the American association of university professors will meet tomorrow after noon at 5 in Skinner hall The busi ness of the meeting will include dis cussion of a proposal for the naming of the new dormitory on the slope of Prospect hili which has been called simply until now man available on the eligible of Hartford end and Justice William A superior court this day of the criminal sitting Before the Airs Emerson Moro of Day Westfield spent the week District Court Joseph Kotzeincki and 1 rank Vicki were fined $10 each in points having the past week are: Reds Lincoln 649 1 Walker 4611 Blacks II 1 coin 5177 Sharpe 4071 Wetherby 3600 The thermometer went to 12 below zero this morning in Ware Center and several places reported 8 and 10 be low The Woman's Relief corps will hold its regular meeting at Grand Army hall Wednesday night at 730 working on at district court Beimer Officer Wood is not pay The home raided last night from compt tition The best of the ones submitted "will be chosen and Caught Whirled Once Stationary Object Clothing reed swale whear MORE ROOM AT THE LIBRARY Dancing will be until midnight the Hollywood We also put in many new ones helping pegpie select a good place for it often suggesting a location which they a not thought of let us send an man to 2 sc ycu Brimfield eb 25 A cau cns was held Saturday night to nom inate a candidate for a mefnber of the school committee and a candidate for a member of the cemetery com missioners txZ Iv voted on nt a special town meeting Saturday night March 8 'William Davenport was nomi nated for school committee and Or rin Hicks for a cemetery commis sioner Miss Laura Hodges a former teach er in Hitchco*ck ree academy and now a teacher in the Stafford Springs Ct terday after spending the home of Air and ogg WOOLEN EMPLOYE SAVED IN SPIN ON SHATING Ryan 17 Al Ryan never used entered the Miss Ryan Galpin were week end and Mrs John Dodge in Miss Edna Wallis of Rowley is visit ing Mrs red Arnold Mr and Airs red Warner were week end guests of Mrs Alden Packard of Westfield I The proceeds from the supper given by the women of the Congregational church wore $40 Raymond Griffin a student in the Massachusetts Agricultural college is home with his parents Mr and Mrs Cooley A Gritiin for a few days George adult alien education will be at the Center grammar school tomorrow night at 7 to aid those who wish to take out citizenship papers Tremblay was called to Pitts field this morning by the death of his father Alexander Tremblay Thq Pilgrim male chorus which has been rehearsing under the direction of George I Munn ami red Clark made its first appearance nt the Con gregational church last night The armers' club will meet tomor row night at the home of Mr and Ralph Clapp Middlefield eb Walter A Smith Mr and Mrs Wesley A Olds cottreu ani sick with committed knife last night in the rear Storrs house block Evidence that Musin 1 had made faces at ordered Sierry for observation case to be dis parish house Thursday night at 630 and will hear a talk by of Boston on An informal recital will Miss Maybelle Pierce and Miss Gladys Miller at the rooms of the' Clef club riday night Justice Richard Irwin who has just completed a sitting of two months insuperior court at Worcester was presented with a traveling bag by the jurors at the close of the term speak 'line Arts ol This lecture will lie illus Congregational and Methodist Union Has Proved Satisfactory The Third Congregational church and the Chicopee Methodist Episcopal church after a year's trial of feder ated services the time to federation aid Nodolene A it 9 o'clock was Joseph Boutin I the ceremony The single ring service was used Theattendants were the fathers of the bride and groom After the marriage a wedding breakfast was served in tlie home After a honeymoon trip to Boston and New York the couple will make their home with Circulation of Books Increas ing Rapidly and Empha sizes Need of Better acil ities Westfield eb 25 The rapidly in ercasing circulation at the local 11 brary will soon call for the construc tion of a building wherein the thous tends of people can be served in an easier manner More than 50000 books were issued to children from aroom which would be considered smallJf used as an official's otiice A daily record of about 1000 books has been maintained The circulation at 'library during the month of January "was 022 books more than in 1923 ebruary will also surpass the record made during the same month a year Hgo A total of 134583 books were circulated last year and the manner in which the present year has started will assure a much greater circula tion in 1924 We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to the many friends and organizations for tlie expressions of sympathy assistance and beautiful floral tributes received at the time of our recent bereavement MRS JEAN BERUBE AND AMILY Heaven I 'Gulliver the Great" by Wal Birth by Zoan Gale: boys the Good Ralph Henry Bar of the Leader" by Ware Prospect street employed at the Ware Woolen company plant had a narrow escape from serious injury or death this morning when his clothing caught in a shafting at the mill He was car ried around at least once but caught hold of something stationary and saved It imselfr his clothing giving way and allowing him to fall to the floor Bousquet suffered severe bruises and cuts on his right arm bruises on hi? left leg and a bump on his head where it collided with something dur ing the whirl Antoni Sierry Before Court Charged with Assault Sanity Ordered Tested Ware eb 25 Antoni Sierry of North street was before the court this morning charged with assault with a dangerous weapon on Peter Musial the alleged assault bein with a of the showed Sierry held until tomorrow as to his sanity the posed of at that time George Thibodeau of Water street was charged with maintaining a liq uor nuisance guilty plea was two months to Thibodeau was the local police pies saw smoke coming from a window of the second floor and ran to the cor ner of Springfield and Marion streets where she turned in an alarm Before the apparatus from the Cab ot street and Grape street engine houses had arrived the upper part of the house was in Hames Because of the speed with which the fire spread tlie tiremen were unable to save anv of the furniture on the second floor i Only part of Airs Archambeaulfs I furniture was touched by the ifames I but much damage was done by smoke I anil water The building is owned by I AL Dunn of Hampden street who I reported his loss covered by insurance John Corcoran whose family occu 1 pied the second story of the dwelling stated that his furniture was covered by insurance Mrs Archambeault was i without insurance of covering though horse shoes of the kind now known were not in general' use until the nineteenth century Iron ore which possesses the prop erty of attraction was called magnet by the Greeks because it was first found in Alagnesia in Asia Alinpr ac cording to one account A new egg beater on tlie market is also capable of being used for cake hatter anti icing says the inventor will be given at Tivoli hall Chicopee alls Thurs orchestia will of street have announced the mar of their daughter Priscilla to airbanks which' took mechanics of give the student an opportunity to formulate her own theories of play making and producing through prac tical experience in the playshop rather than absorb the theories laid down by a lecturer "Beefsteak and written by Alary Alice Christy '24 of Uniontown Pa will be the first of the three plays fol lowed by "Alanagement" by Ednah Shepard '23 who is now a gradu ate student at Bryn Alawr college "The by Alaxine Ale Bride '24 of Holland Alich will be the last of the three Huntington eb 25 The Chapin Gould Paper Company Athletic as soci iton will present the three act conledy Out or in the town hall Thursday and Satur day nights 'There will also he two acts of vaudeville and a special mu sical program Elwood Bailey the well known lecturer will gve an address at Ala sonic temple riday night This is the last number of the series of en tertainments being given under the direction of the entertainment com mittee of Huntington lodge of Ala sons Pondsville eb John Guile of Pittsburg has bought the meat bus iness formerly conducted by Stan ley Kusek of High street The annual flapjack supper of the "Ye Olde will be held the 2Sth' Entertainment will be provided a recent visitor her in St Alary WHOLESALE LOTS lour To thip from mills Boston common rate points In sacks spring pat ents special $770477 85 standard $67547 65 spring first clears $5 404 610: hard w'nter patents $1147715: soft winter patents "4i7 soft straights 5 OOtiTG soft winter clears $510546 rye flour white Mary Lawlor alt of the alls anti Aliss Jessie Bassette of Ludlow All rhe past deputies of the court have beer invited to attend including high officials of the oresters in this dis trict Airs Clark of Holvoke and Driscoll of Holyoke will be present The drive for membership will be started at this meeting and canvassers for applicants will be named so that ail will be ready to start the drive Sunday Alarch 9 Pat tick Aston has already secured 10 applica tns and is still going strong The quota for ather Stone court is 50 and tt is expected her wtl wil' be sisting O'Neil and after entering a fined $100 and given of by Mrs Ray received Haley is opposing nim rant contains 32 articles more important ones are: to see if the town will vote to in crease the salary paid to the town clerk from $200 to $600 article 11 to see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate $2500 to be expended on the road from Wendell Depot to the Warwic line $1000 of this to be re imbursed by the state and $500 by the county: article 15 for an appro priation of $150 for inscribing the names of Civil war soldiers enlisting from Orange on the monu ment in Central cemtery article 23 to raise and appropriate $6000 with which to purchase and instal a new penstock at the pumping station ar ticle 25 to appropriate a sum of money to purchase a tractor for the ladder truck of the fire department and for an appropriation of $1000 for the erection of a hand stand Article 27 is to see if the town willvote to elect a moderator to serve for one year Heretofore the has been elected at each meeting and at the last special meeting it re quired nearly as much time to vote for the moderator as it did to trans act the business coming before the meeting article 29 is to see if the town will vote to instruct the as sessors to print the valuation of taxes for 1921 and to appropriate $450 for this purpose Police Officer Clyde Wood who is neither a taxpayer or voter of West Springfield will be dropped from the force at the close of some cases which he is Chief of Police Alarshall stated yesterday a the chief explained and was used only because there were nc otner list Barber A odolcne AV'ethling Three Rivers eb 25 A wedding of interest took place this morning Miss Doris Bauer in the village has returned to home in Attleboro hu P) ivpauna tops box yellow per lb bag Masonic Club Gives Enter tainment Proceeds to Go for Memorial Park Westfield eb 25 The American Jegion community festival opened at the Community hall tonight with the Alasonic club furnishing the enter tainment program The festival will 7 continue for the entire week Tomor row night the Knights of Columbus yvill furnish the program The entire city is co operating withthe Legion in making the affair aBticcess The proceeds will be used to Jay out a memorial park upon a plot of land which the city owns at thesummit of Clay hill on the Apremont highway Just what form the memo rial will take has not been ascertained but the details will be worked out by a committee to be appointed The city has been requested to put the plot in shape by constructing a curbing around the lot and to grade it bo that the memorial can be placed Aliss Hazel Royce left Sunday with of Warren street for Eustace la for a stay in the South Miss Royce will visit with her parents Air and Mrs Arthur Royce A large class of candidates will be initiated this evening at 8 in the American' Legion rooms by the auxiliary All members are asked to Le There will be a social following the initiation to which Legionnaires are invited Blandford eb 25 Miss Daisy Burr ol the Westfield road entertain ed 13 of iter friends Thursday night when music and dancing was enjoyed Refreshments were served friends presented her witn several useful gifts Eight tables of players enjoyed whist at Grange hall riday nierht wreath standing wreath Chicopee permanent fire association and a cross from the Willimansctt fire station Rev John Broderick read the committal service at the grave Burial was in St Pat cemetery Enfield eb Parsons sold for Mrs Amanda Ewing Oscar Winslow house to Afrs Sarah TIickox of Springfield Mrs Hickox possession April 1 Airs Bertha Martindale of Spring field snont the holiday with her sis ter Airs Susan Bartlett at Alaple Ter race farm Alias Arline Barlow of Springfield is spending the school recess with her parents Air and Airs Barlow Aliss Agnes Lisk has returned to New Haven Ct after spending the week end nt her home alls entertained members of Alpha Beta Did society Saturday ning The following otliccrs elected: President Miss Anne vice president Aliss Evelyn Ka recording secretary Miss Gertrude Patronsky and financial secretary Miss Dorothy Patronsky Luncheon was served and a social hour enjoyed Aliss Ev lyn Kantor will be hostess at the next meeting of the society AlichacbS Oja of 33 School street filed a voluntary petition in bank ruptcy yesterday in the federal court at Boston lie declared liabilities of $1743 and $335 as assets Only One Contest for Office But Several Important Ar ticles in Warrant Orange ell 25 The annual town ng will be held tn tne town nan Alarch 3 Practically tne contest for public otiice this is that for the otiice of select Thoinas Haley whose 135 Elm street Aliss Hazel ox The grandstand playgrounds is to have its roof The stands have Icon in use little done on them BUSINESS OR TOWN MEETING number of years and Mew Library Books New books at the pub'lic library are: "The Tomb of Tut ankh by Howard Carter and A Alace "The of a Lie" by Johan Bojer Cost of by Con ingsbv Dawson Amateur by Albert Payson Terhune Damas cus by Ernest Raymond: ners in by Olice Arden: Dare" by Archibald Mar shall ter Dyer and two books for of the Team" by hour: "The Spirit William Heyliger Unity council Knights of Colum bus will conduct the second social and dance of the season this evening at the town hall enjoyed from to music lurmsheu Whitney fixed for a Bev Dalev Preaches arewell Sermon Haydenville eb 25 Rev Daley for 16 years pastor of St Alary's Catholic church here preached his farewell sermon yesterday the service being very largely attended ather Daley has been transferred to the Church of the Ascensni in Worcester and will leave this' week His successor will be Rev JzT Rob erts of Worcester ather Dalev has been greatly beloved in the parish and tinder his leadership it has made i marked progress A ing for Sunday school and other church affairs The two churches 1 unite alternately during certain pe I riods for tlie morning and evening services Rev rederick Smith serves both churches by the commercial and academic course senior cla es to write the class will 'This will be imhuled in the Gammadion Year Book The seniors odium 25f(27c four pounders 2itS'2Sc hve unders roosters 194'200 westerni packed (barrels) turkeys choice ni dium 2225c bulls Dressed Beef fancy sides IVrii 17c per lb hinds 21c fores ItJrlJe: medium sides 134i 14c hinds t74rl9c foies 10W i 1c: cow sides lab ile hinds lc rows veal eastern grassers 11 12c 50 to llfl lbs 14WlCc 70 to 80 lbs 1S'l(20c fancy 23W27c western 910c lamb spring 23 26c winters 204123c yearlings 12y ruits Apples No Baldwin bbl Nn 2 Baldwin $2112 75 Greenings $2ffi4 Northern Spy $250W 1 Baldwin apples in st rect group church will meet t' afternoon at th" home of Airs Oscar of lmont street The summer closing nssociat ion members upon at this lime The lull of gregational church ing tomorrow night Jhtpgood sei tat Conunorco of Sprit topic being "Th Connecticut A conference for Aliner a High school being "The ORANGE PEKOE BLIND never varies in Quality AsK for a trial package Ancients protected the hoofs their horses with some CHICOPEE IREMAN WILL BE PROMOTED TO CAPTAIN ire Chief Arthur Alontmeny will take steps this week to arrange for the promotion of one of the eligible firemen to the post of captain at the I st street fire skition left vacant by th recent death of Capt Jchn Lyons The three firemen who held highest ranks in the last examination for the captaincy are rank Cava naugh rancis O'Connor and John Shea This examination was given after the death of Capt Denis Hag gerty but appointment of a successor was never made because of discon tinuance of the post by the board of aldermen Chief Alontmeny said yesterday he would write to the civil service au thorities at Boston at once to learn whether one of the three firemen who took the previous examination can appointed i th wick 25 Miss Alinnie of Springfield is visiting her Mrs Albert Webb is Dorothy Hollister is visiting rrandmoHier Mrs Alary Hol Last found to be rotted and th'1 grandstand was closed to the juiiTc until it could be i replaced The elevator at the Parks block has been found to be unsafe tor use 'ind ts not now being used l'y the public The machinery which runs the eleva tor has been found to be impirteet Il is now being repaired anil is ex pected to be in running older soon The Hampden County dub Will meet at JI Dititii The Checker Girls opened a three nights' engagement at the town hall tonight The entertainment was ex cellent and was enjoyed by a good sized audience many who saw this company here a year ago attending because of the high class program giv en during the previous visit The fourth lecture in the Univer sity Extension course given by Dr Jo seph Reilly superintendent of schools has been postponed from to morrow night until Alarch 4 With but one more week of play in the Alasonic club bridge whist tourna ment the Reds have a lead of 12278 added 838 points during of AIcNish u351 Lin Davis 4457 ise Barber daughter of Ernest Barber of East Miss Theresa Ryan 17 of Hayden ville Annexes Second Leg on Type writing Trophy al Meriden Northampton eb 25 The North ampton Commercial college was vic tor for the second successive time in the annual New England school type writing contest held at ATeriden Sat urday If the school should win a time it will become permanent holder of the trophy The represen tative of the school who won at Aleri den was Aliss inetesi daughter of Air and Airs of Haydenville She had a typewriter before she onhml Inst September wrote 81 words gross and 74 net a minute She received a gold medal and the school the championship cup for the second year There were two other writers on the team from the Northampton school none of whom had used a typewriter before last September They were Aliss Dorothy Hatch of Easthampton who wrote 65 words net with only seven errors thus mak ing the best record for accuracy and Miss Stella Borwoski of Holyoke street this city who wrote 66 words net by defective wiring ment house at 561 yesterday morning damage estimated Adele Archambeault the first Snow und Jlelts Superintendent of Streets Edward Bourbeau said yesterday that with this week's payroll he believed the an nual appropriation of $10000 for snow removal would be about expended A whist party will be held in Grace church parish house Thursday even ing at 8 o'clock Refreshments will be served and prizes given to the high score winners 'Tlie club will meet to morrow with Airs Charles Leonard of Grant street Airs Ruby Burdick wil! read a paper on Chinese Exclusion Act and the Japanese lein on the Coast Brindle will read a Panama canal A prize costume ball the Jolly club Grove street da evening play Alisscs Dorothy and Gertrude Pat ronsky of Cochrane street Chicopee the eve 'roxes western apples 1O4J3 box Bananas yellow 7t8c lb ber 6 cranberries 350 bo box grapes $512 bbl box lemons 450 box unges' lorida $2755 box California $3 504(550 king half box: tanae rines $35O5: pears $4'45t half box ana $5ig0 box pineapples lorida 64D7 crt Vegetables Beans $541x7 bskt beeta ola 5Cc4 $125 box new $1'041250 bskt cab bat es old $2504(350 bbh new 175210 bsktand $4414 2' crt: carroas 50f3 bx new $15046175 bskt cauliflower 2 crt: eggplant $24(4 crt greens RPlnon $1504 2 bskt onions bag and crt parsnips $1504)2 box peppers $34(4'5 crt potatoes white $2f215 bag swevt $3254 375 bskt: iceberg lettuce crate squash 373lc lb: tomatoes hothouse J04r 50c lb repacks $3tf4 cit: turnips pur pie 140 Aliss Alici Snyder of Lancaster a former teacher in the local schools is visiting with friends in town Postmaster Thomas Aleehan has been chosen to fill the vacancy on the town finance committee caused by the resignation of Ellis The pastors of the Baptist Congre gational Methodist and Universalist churches have formed a church union for the purpose of doing more ef ficient church work in town The month of Alarch will be observed as To month anil at each of the morning services during the month the pastors will preach on the same subjects which will bn March 2 "The Alarch 9 Alarch 16 Choice of Afarch 23 "The De Alarch 30 Transfigura Tho third of tho scries of vesper services was hold at the Congrega tional church yesterday 4 o'clock An excellent grom was furnished Ridley violoncellist of Jordan Trio of Boston Peterson tenor of Worcester assist ed the rcgii'ar church mnsjoians Local Notices Mount Moriah lodge A and A perial communication at Masonic Temple Tuesday 3 for purpose of attending the funeral of Merton A Johnson Milton Gardner Call AV play The leaders Wood 7621 Davis 5767 Person 4361 Tne Third Congregational church will meet Alarch 3 to look over and ratify articles of federation and the Central Alethodist church will meet March 6 for tlie same purpose The object of tlie proposed fed eration will lie to have both churches governed iy a council of six members ano two io so that all have three The chinch over to the decide ORESTERS WILL LAUNCH MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN ather Stone court of oresters will hold an open meeting and entertain ment this evening at Red hall Chicopee alls A concert program has been arranged consisting of sev eral selections by St Patrick's orches tra and piano select ais by Aliss Agnes Ast in Miss Mary Hoar and Alisi Kathleen Watson songs by Aliss i Speaks on Diphtheria Easthampton eb 25 Dr Aliner of Springfield district health officer gave a talk' at the high school hall tonight under the auspices of the Easthamp ton Women club vention A new slxiwn Otto 't ha3 Dickirn hospital nroved in health A Phillips supervisor or unils II Burr One of the stolen cars in of Easthamp was driving it guilty outlined of an epi Husband Gets Suspended Sentence ined $20 for Assault on Her Parents Northampton eb 25 Adolf Dziei zanowski charged with beating up his wife his mother in law and his father in law was given a suspend ed sentence of two months in the house of correction for beating his wife and fined $10 on each of the other counts in the district court to day It appeared that the defendant was provoked because his wife stay ed late at a party and that he went to the party an 1 committed the as saults with which he was charged Angelo Basile laid a fine of $5 for loitering around the Union station A business meeting Pt Elmolodge Knights of Pythias will be held Castl" ha! tomorrow night £Jet behind a (b man And then be grouchy if you can I The course which is called play writing aims to pheasants and small birds during the period while the snow is on the ground can foJd for them free from Deputy Game Warden Alonahan He has stated that he will feed the birds if the information as to where the birds congregate is sent to him Because of tlie snow covered ground many of the smaller birds' are starving The Exchange club will hold their weekly noonday luncheon and meet ing tomorrow George former teacher in tho will speak his topic World Only a few building issued by Building Inspector Horace A Goodwin the past week All of the permits were of a minor nature The Aid society of tlie Cen tral Baptist church will hold their regular business meeting riday after noon In the evening they will pre sent "Jerusha amily and all members of the parish are in vited to witness this production The legislative department of the club will hold a meeting Wednesday The matter of organiz ing a nonpartisan league of women voters will be ing Air and Mrs observed their sary at their home A party of friends were entertained Airs Logie was presented with a purse of gold Emil Alaschin formerly employed in tlie Carrier grocery store has been appointed manager of the new Atlantic Pacific store on Aleadow street The funeral of Airs Hilmuth was held yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home on Alien avenue Rev Robert Keating Smith officiated Burial was In Pine Hill cemetery The Kiwanis club will hold their meeting this week on Thursday nigh instead of afternoon Hillman of Springfield will be the speaker Defecve Wiring Believed Cause of Blaze in Three Tenerrent House ire believed to have been started in a three tene Springficld street about 11 caused at about $3500 who occu tloor of the building Apparatus Bears loral Tributes Veteran ireman Many Officials Present The funeral of Capt John Lyons was helA at his home 538 Broadway yesterday morning followed by re quiem high mass in St Patrick's church Rev John Alurphy officiated The funeral procession was led by the automobile of ire Chief Arthur Alontmeny and the chemical wagon filled with floral tributes followed During the mass Aliss Theresa Duane sang "ace to The active bearers were rank Leary William Scats James Hop kins Henry McNally and Alfred AIc Qtteen all firemen at the East street engine house where Capt Lyons was stationed The honorary bearers members of Elder council Knights of (Columbus were former Postmaster Driscoll Leon itzPatrick Ali chael Sullivan Maurice Hanilin and Arthur Rouillard Tho delegation from Chicopee fire station included George Lynch Albert Alinnie Capt Al II Glancy Robert Gibson and Wil liam Ramsey Among the officials at the funeral were ire Chief Arthur Alontmeny ormer Chief John Pomphret Deputy Chiefs James AIcNeish and rank Thetreault and Capt Timothy lynn and Jeremiah alvey The beautiful floral tributes in cluded nn anchor from' the Alassa chusetts state permanent firemen's association a ladder from the East street engine house standing from Lacey inn from tlie SHOES 'Stylish Shoes Made Comfortable 28 Vernon Street New Coe Bids' New Boulevard from the Bridge to Alain St' Original Work of Students in Stage Wi Will Appear in Chapin Au ditorium Saturday South Hadley eb 25 The play shop of students in the course in play writing at Mount Holyoke college will present three original co'medies writ ten by its members in Chapin audito rium Student Alumnae hall Satur day night The productions are under the direction of Prof Jeannette Alarks head of the department of English literature and on diphtheria pre health film was Easthampton Man irst Vic tim of Criminal Sitting Juvenile Also Sentenced Northampton eb 25 A good star on the disposition of criminal cases was made by Burns today in being the first section of the work of criminal cases was taken up a sealed verdict in the cross suits cl Evroul Beruue and Arthur Alon gcon was opened and was found to contain an award of $75 tor Alongeon This caw resulted from a collision be tween two automobiles for which each driver claimed the other was responsible The Inst criminal charge consider ed was that of Paul Cabana of East hampton held for the larceny ot au tomobiles fromjjeorge Wells' of East Lampton and Eugene A Rice of jured Airs Iladwig Ln ion av lien Banana After Cabana hail pleaded Dist Atty Hammond )iw circ*mstances sneaking demic of automobile thefts and thefts of the contents of automobiles which had broken out in Easthampton The district attorney said that a juvenile Joseph Gendreau had been involved in this work O'Brien appeared for Cabana The court imposed a sentence of 15 months and at a ju venile session sentenced Gendreau to the Shirley industrial school Alexander Reyor and rank Denna (barged with abuse of a female child were put on probation It appeared that they and two young girls each aged about 13 spent a night at a cottage near the Hadley bridge O'Brien appeared for the defendants John O'Leary was charged with criminal assault on one of these girls committed at another time He pleaded guilty to a charge of simple assault and was put on probation Peter AlcSwceney charged with cash ing worthless checks at stores in Easthampton was sentenced to three months in the house of correction The following additional cases were disposed of Zephyr Sedelow asst tilt and battery district fine of $50 affirmed Adolf Truskowski violations of liquor laws aggregate fines of '00 imposed by the lower court reduced to $250 Stanley Pytel reckless driv ing sentence of two months given by lower court changed to fine of $100 Aristide Vanasse sentence of one month in the house of correction given by lower court changed to pro bation rank fined $100 for driving when ttn ler the influence of liquor and $15 for drunkenness and riven a sentence of one month in the house of correction in the lower court was relieved of prison sentence The following pleas were given by those wlm were out on bail whe 1 the erand jury reported Paul Lacourse violation of automob laws notz gviltv John Luis robbery not ftuilfy: Horace Boynton illegal prac tice of medicine not guilty rank Welsh and Katherine Costello statu oTenso not guilty Trial of the case of Herbert Pierce of Belchertown charged vyith rape was started late in Ute afternoon The open statement was made by Dist Atty Hammond Keedv of auncared for the defend ant and challenged 11 jurors ecfnre a panel satisfactory to both sides I was made up 'ii will de aml the club iunrt' vill sine Mrs Guldbirg will give iolin numbers The AL bants' association will meet at the New I'atk Square hotel tomorrow night I A Latimer the $46'5 Corn In liansft No 2 yellow No 3 yellow 9798n No 4 yellow 94950 Oats In "transit fancy 4l lbs fancy 38 lbs 61W2e: regular 38 lbs 5n7G')c Tegular 3G lbs vS)59c regular 31 lbs 37 Cornmeal and oatmeal Cornmeal granu lated $2 35: bolted $230: ferdinp mna! nni) cracked corn Oatmeal rolled $2 8): cut and ground $313 Millfend In transit spring bran $32 32 r0 winter bran $33 50g 34 middlings' $3237 niixod feed $33:8 red dog $39: glu ten feed $4355 gluten mcnl $5380 hominy feed $3G stock feed $3775 oat hulls re ground $19: cottonseed meal $445052 lin seed men I Hav No 1 timothy $3031 No 2 timothy $2Gff28 Nn 3 timothy $20'22: eastern $18)0 shipping $1G'18 clover mixed $22 27 rx nd do bl') rran 4'14) I Rye $254127 oat $1341 14 mnflixo lots White The AiH r' sugar Refln int company quoted refined sugar t)c with the usual 2 per cent discount In seven days Rpan York and Mtchiaan pea 5l (7(175 per 1(MI lbs: yellow eyes $7 5(1777 75 red kidney $82547850: white California $7 green peas Canadian peas $7: split peas $7 50: dried llmas $1150: The Oliver Howland Co Heating and Plumbing NOONDAY iRE DOES DAMAGE $3509 man term expires this year is out for re election and rank Parsons who two years ago was defeated by Air me war fl mong the Article 12 1 were fouhd guilty on the charge of gambling Hie two were taken in to custody yesterday wnen AL Siattci surprised a gorup play ing craps All got away but the two delendants Paul Starzvik was fined S1C0 on the charge of keeping and exnosing for sale A charge of keep ing a disorderly house was dismissed Aliss Ella Sullivan of Wu wiing ton a former employe of thej Valley Echo Publishing company has mccesstully passed the bar which will entitle her to practice law in VVash ington is AValter Al Grocki of Chicopee snake to the local members of the Polish Citiezns' club yesterday It was voted to affiliate the local club witn the Hampden County Polish Citizen's club Delegates will be elected who (will attend a meeting in i Chiec pee Alarch 9 1 1 The funeral of Edward Kirby took i I place this morning at the home of All's Alichael Rowan of Parkside ave rvl I nr rl lv fit XTT1'' church Burial was cemetery Prof Paa ton School of Theology will speak at the community school of religion ng Alarch 11 His subject will be of Jesus Opera hall will again be utilized as hail for dancing according to row under way or some time road shows and motion pitures have been Hehown at the hall but it deemed a 1 tivlsawe to confine activities litre to the Strand theater iJC i I Ba pt is regular 2(l52 l37j' baenn bologna 15O17c frankturt I sb usage 19 30 sage pats3Hic trimmings UP fce Alnrrles at 81 Dr Portus Smith chiropodist of tliis city who is 81 years of age was married at St Petersburg la Sat urday night tn Airs Alary A Beeler of St Petersburg Dr and Airs Smith wil be at home at 622 irst street St Petersburg after Alarch 1 Do Vito's Orchestra to Play De Vito's orchestra of Waterbury Ct which has been making a tour on the Keith vaudevi'le circuit has been engaged for the of charity ball to be given at the armory ri day night Tlie orchestra will give a concert from 8 to 9 and dancing will follow until 2 a A buffet lunch will be served rt midnight Bourne Decorating company Springfield will deeofate the armory the council colors Hill airbanks Wedding and Airs Alexander Hill Northern ci wmrry in tubs a pound in boxes 5G4 57c in prints'4r''7c western creamery In tubs fancy 53c good to choice 5152c fair to good ")04r51c Cheese Late fall cheese Sf25c a pound fancy twins 2Cf72IUc erage fancy 2546 26c Young Amerles held fancy tv ins 274728c Eggs nennery brown a dozen wJA mixed fresh gathered easti i oq iTc western hennery 414745c extras 4341c extra firsts 40741c' firsts 38 39c 1 bussed linns Overweight 104711c 150 to 250 lbs 1145112c 100 to 150 lbs 124H3c 71) to 100 lbs 1314c pigs 184J22c boars 6477c Provisions Backs a rt short cuts heavy J28 bbl medium 27 long cuts $27: lean ends $27: oean pork loose salt pork 14c lb fresh ribs 17(0) 17ic: shoulders smoked 10'4 corned HL''(1214e Il sb l24i' Hr hains sliiuii cooKea 1115 2 rirtsKets 1 14 4 1) 22c le bag sausage 22c cooked meats 1847'230 raw leaf lard 16c: num laril 131tc Live poultry Chickens 26c a pound i rs 2uc winters 2025c yearlingsDressed Native fresh killed fowl large lb medium 234127c: broilers24 36c roasting chickens 30fu35c: west ern dry packed eboxesl turkeys choice medium corn led fowl large medium small 234124c milk fed fowl large 30c medium 27'a29c snail broilers 304 "fie chickens 630 A the Uhamlxr Rev John Coplin pastor of Holy Name church announced terdny morning that members of the palish have pledged themselves to raise $8000 for the construction of the Holy Name High School Science building An anonymous benefactor declared some time ago that he would give $1000 toward the building fund if the parish raised $8000 At that time it was intimated that perhaps a I larger sum might be donated if a ready response to his offer was given in tlie parish Plans for the new building are nearly completed and will be given out to bidders in a short time is 0 1 1 the Zl K3 fS'inolw i 1 1 1OOL I I' 1 iMifflWrT 7 sth 4 1.

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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.