The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN RIDAY JULY 6 1860 Joficp 0godg riday Hurtling July 6 I860 THE LATEST MARKETS hotels onb Semiring 0 II Send in your orders to BRIDGMAN CO instruction financial PERSONAL Balloons Open Triangles Silver lags Diamond Stars olca Dances WORCESTER COUNTY The wooden building next to the Waldo House in Worcester owned by the heire of the late Hon A oster and occupied by Witt Pratt as a livery stable and A Palmer carpenter waa destroyed by fire Wednesday night Loss $1800 Triangles lower Tots Mines Bengola Lights Last Sunday night while some of the sailors on the Great Eastern were jollifying one picked up an iron bar and cracking another over the head fractured his skull He will not recover The Great Eastern is a little kingdom in itself and it is no wonder accidents murders etc are of fre quent occurrence on board It is entitled to the casualties of a dozen sea craft Two hundred thousand oysters were planted lately at Thau on the Mediterranean coast by order of the rench government They were brought from Bordeaux and put down in a new apparatus designed for such purpose William Holman (democrat) has been nomi nated for re election in the 4th district of Indiana His republican opponent is James Yeater an ex democrat and a very strong man Dr Brodbeck of Dayton Ohio one of the dele gates at large to the Chicago national republican convention died last week At Geo complimentary banquet at the Astor House New York lust Tuesday night there was a flow of the very best kind of spirits and to crown the whole an elegant gold watch and chain were presented It is intimated that Gov itzpatrick declined the Douglas nomination for vice president under the persuasions of a lady William Smith a former master machinist of the Western railroad in this city and not occu pying the like position on the Columbus railroad at Cleveland Ohio on which latter read he opened the first throttle was presented last week with a pair of brilliants worth $200 by his forty engineers at the Weddell House Cleveland What lots of mouey the singers do make! Kate Hayes foreclosing a $35000 Califor nia mortgage Jenny Lind supports husband in luxury Alboni is building a palace Grisi can agitate a stock market Piccolomini accumulates £40000 and all of any account in the business earn from $500 to $1500 a month Brignoli for instance has steady employment at ttie hitter rates saves gossip says nearly two thirds of his income and manages to maintain the vital spark aud indulge iu an occasional frugal meal on $500 a month Poor indeed is newspaper when com pared with music! During a shower in New York the other day ant young man umbrellarless down town scraped acquaintance with another elegant young man who had a large canopy and found alter his very agreeable walk home that his companion was a famous pickjioeket who had token posses sion of his own valuable gold watch Garibaldi is held in 'great dread by the Nea politan soldiers who were defeated at Palermo is nothing more Strange than the recital of the events aud the portraits drawn of Garibaldi by the soldiers St Januarius is henceforth noth ing but a little buffoon in comparison with him Garibaldi performs miracles the balls do not reach him his touch cures When he has been shot at the ball rebounding has struck the man who fired the gun Those who fire at him will die within the year The wounded make a God of him It is Garibaldi they say and the Ital ians who have hindered the Sicilians from utterly destroying them They owe to him and them life liberty and the bread which they have eaten for five days in the royal palace 'if these men should find themselves once more fa to face with Garibaldi they would fall on their knees and ask bis benediction as if he were the The Okie Democratic Party The democratic state convention met at Colum bus Ohio on Wednesday Geo McCook pres ident The following persons were nominated by for supreme judge 8 Smith for attorney general Stanbaghpfor rise board of public works Abner Backus Reso lutions endorsing Douglas and Johnson were adopted when fifty Breckinridge and Lane men from the convention and met at the Ned House They there iqqtoiuted a state central cofflynittcc and to prepare an address to the Ohio democracy they also issued a call for a Breckinridge state convention in August to nominate state officers and an electoral ticket Tbe democrats of 12h (Columbus) district Mary Macho! of New Haven the wife of a Ger man died suddenly Wednesday morning and was buried within a few hours The neighbors su pcct foul play and Machol has been arrested and his body exhumed While a Mrs Kelsey of North Branford was driving over the railroad in New Haven on Tues daya train struck the carriage anti demolished it and also killed the horse while she escaped un banned A Mrs Swan formerly of Hartford was lately outraged and robbed by a man in disguise while on a visit in Huntsville Texas He made an at tempt to stab her but the dagger struck the steel bask of her corsets and her life was saved SABBATH SCHOOL BOOKS BORN At Lee 20th ult a son to Thomas Rae At Great Barrington 2u a son to A Decker At North Adams 28th ult a daughter to Georoe Knapp MARRIED At Weftfield 3d bv Rev Mr Chapin Sebastian Mitchell and Jennie 11 uller At North Adams 3d William A Herman and Mary A Rickard At 28th ult ranklin Clark and Mary Ann Davis REVISED STATUTES ME AT LAST BANK STOCKS or sale 10 Shares Aga wam Bunk and 6 do John Hattcoc Also 1 Shares each ire and Marine Nareaaoit aud Hamp den Ini stocks Wanted Springfield Byuchonaud Western Bank by ALRED ROWE QVAL RAMES AND MOULDINGS All sizes of Oval rames plain or Ornamented Photographs Pictures or Mirrors at the lowest ices One hundred different styles of Mouldings orna mented gilt or plain Rosewood Imitation Rosewood waved plain or ornamented for sale by the foot or in larger quantities wholesale or retail Picture rames made to order at short notice and warranted to give satisfaction TASSELS A CORD A very fine assortment all colors and sizes Orders from people residing in other towns prompt attended to Picture rames packed securely to avoid breaking BESSEY CO 31 Massasoit House JAMES WVOSES grand PIANOS Are for sale cheap at RODERICK His long experience in Music enables him to give purchasers a good instrument hew and second hand Pianos for rent Call and see tlie tn my 17 A BOLEN ot Jeweler and Die Sinker Stamps for Tools and Cutlery Dies for paper man ufacturers cut as cheaply as in New oik bteucits letters and figures cut Jewelry neatly repaired Main street two doors north of State street over store je26 3md NEWS BY TELEGRAPH SIX DA YS LA TER ROM UROPE DIED At Monson 13th ult Mrs Willard Moore 21 At Great Barrington 2d Esther 75 wife of Gil bert Munson At South Egremont 29th utt Mrs Good ale Bell 5'5 At Carmel Me 18th ult Abel Ruggles 84 a na tive of Ila wick Mass member of the convention to foim the Maine state convention aud afterwards a member of the legislature CLARENDON HOTEL SARATOGA SPRINGS NY Tbe undersigned has opened a New and Elegant Establishment capable of accommodating four hun dred Guests inished and furnished equal to any of the best Hotels in the country The situation is one of the best in Saratoga being near the Congress Spring and the new Saratoga Spring is on the Clar endon Grounds It will be kept equal to any of the city Hotels in every respect je30 eodlm PUTNAM Proprietor THE SPRINGIELD IVE CENTS SAVINGS BANK Banking Room No 1 Court street Hampden House Block north side of Court Square Business Hours frsm 9 to 1 aud 2 to 4 President Joseph Pyncbon Vice Beach Wm Calhoun Wm Rice Gad 0 Bliss Marvin Chapin Chamberlin Bond A Cha pin Daniel Thor Warner Jr Henry A Chapin Bliss Charles Chapin Mose ley George Ide David Smith Rockwood uller Jr Charles Marsh Springfield Aaron BagM West Springfield Merrick Palmer Gil bert A Smith South Hadley Parsous Hol yoke Raymond Wilbraham il'fiOlydaw Treasurer Daniel Marsh Secretary Bond A large and complete assortment of the various Societies latest publications just received to which we call the attention of Pastors Sabbnth School Superintendents and others jelG eod BRI DGMAN CO HOLYOKE HOUSE at Holyoke Mass by LEAVITT has been recently put in the most complete order and no pains or expense will be spared to satisfy its patrons Parties from abroad by sending in their orders a little in advance by mail or telegraph can always be accommodated with warm suppers on their arrival er at any hour desired CALL AT A first rate assort ment of and Gold Neekt bains Sleeve Buttons Studs a new invoice of Ladies fine Gold Hunting Watches Gold and Silver Hum bles ine bold Rings ot every description bold Jet and Coral Braes lets Silver Napkin Rings Caps Butter Knives Pickle Knives and orks Silver Spoons in great variety warranted pure coin also a new lot of those fine Periscopic Spectacles in gold silver and steel frames lorget that we still continue to manufacture to order ail kinds of Hair Jeweliv in a style uusuipassed bj any other joncern in the country SKIh 8 je23 Sign of the Gold Watch opp Court Square CITY New Menan Turfle having disposed of their meat market at the Upper Water Shops have concentrated their business at their Dew stand under tlie old Town Hall state street where they are keep ing fiesh and salt meats of all kinds sue vegetables iu great variety The rooms have been fitted up in the most improved style for the preservation and sate keeping of meats and 'it will be theii aim to keep nothing but the choicest aud best ofevery thing in thd line Tlie books and accounts of their business fos merly done at the Water Shops will be found at their new stand for settlement PERKINS A PURPLE SUPERIOR PIANO ERNEST kJ GABLER Manufacturer or Piano orth with or without patent action) 129 East 22d street between 1st and 2d avenues New ork Dealers and others are rvspectthlly Invited to call and examine my very superior instruments made with full irou frame ana warranted equal to any la the matkrt for strength and beauty of finish sweetue and power nf tone: My instruments are guaranteed for 8 years and deal ers will save 30 per cent ERNEST GABLER IM East 22d street New York f281yd QPRINGIELD INSTITUTION OR 0 Incorporated A 1827 Banking Room No i Block corner of Main and State streets Receives deposits and pays inter est on all sums from One to One Thousand Dollars JOSIAH HOOKER President WILCOX Vice de Henry 8 Lee Tress Shurtleff Beuj Day Josiah Hooker Wil eox Thompson Stebbins William Gunn Henry 8 Lee daw Hampden savings bank spring field Office at the Agawam Bank Deposits received every business day from 9 a to 3 President 8 BEMIS Vice Chapin Harris Trask Morg 8 8 Day Caleb Rice Chapin WN lyut 11 Gray Wasn Southworth Baker Stebbins Gad Bliss Wm Melcher Secretary A Soule Treasurer 8 Bailey Deposits made at any time between the quarters ending the third Mondays of ebruary May August aud November will be put on interest on the quarter day succeeding the deposit at tbe rate of five per cent per annum jlWlvdsw RUSSELL STILL LIVES and has re moved for the last time while on earth lhe subscriber has rented the watch repairing window of Wm Patton 102 Main street for twenty five yearn where be will be in attendance bodily at all times to put in order Watche Clocks Jewelry and finally everything in my line of profession with neatness and durability What lew enemies I have being of the lowest grade of society are respectfuUy invited to stav away qQ iiVbotLL AMERICAN WATCHES Can be found at No 84 Main street the Howard Watches tbe best watch in the market lor the price also English and Swiss Watches Gold and Silver Cases at the lowest prices Jewelry Lava sets Mosaic sets Cameo and Cotai sets rot) Vest anil Neck Chains of all patterns inger Kings Studs Sleeve Buttons Gents Pins Coin Silver Spoons Plated orks and epoons Cake and Cara Baskets Cups Castors Salts Napkin Bings Silver and Silver isted ancy Goods ft Watches and Jewelry Repaired in the best possible manner at short notice m12 A WILLIAMS LINCOLN HOUSE Worcester I he subscriber having leased this popular and well known hotel tor a term of years has put the same in a state of complete and thorough repair and fitted it up and refurnished it iu first class style in every respect Thi is the largest and ino pleasant hotel in the city and oie of the most spacious and commodious ni New England It is most centrally located ou the corner of Main Elm and Maple streets directly opposite the depot of the Boston Norwich Nashua itchburg and New York rail roads and is the nearest hotel to the other depots connecting with the South and West It contains more rooms largerandmore pleasantly situated than any other house in the city a large proportion of them leingonMain and Eim streets the two pleas antest streets iu the city ornamented with large shade tiees The house is furnished in tlie best style light ed with gas and ventilated in the most approved manner and is acknowledged by all to be one of the most desirable hotels for summer residence in the country Having had many years experience in the business the subscriber was induced to take a lease of this establishment confident that the traveling public would extend to him a liberal share ot patron age jy3 lmod BALCOM Proprietor ISLAND HOUSE BELLOWS ALLS VT This favorite resort i now open and in readineM for the accommodation ef summervisitors It is one of tbe finest and must thorough! arranged Hotels in New England surrounded by grounds beautilully laid out in Barks and Gardens decorated by summer houses fountains 6 The House is situated near the alls at one of the most romantic (though quiet) points in the valles of the Connecticut Treut fishing aud other amusem*nts may be foun in abundance in tbe immediate vicinity a mile are the celebrated Abenaqui Springs In con nection with the fion are Billiard Rooms Bowling Alleys a Livery Stable Although the property has recently chanced own ers the house is be managed as formerly but at UNREDUCED PRICES Boarders for the Season taken at Lower Rates than heretofore Bellows alls is situated 111 miles from Boston and 220 from New York on the most direct Railroad route to tbe White Mountains and Saratoga Springs Bellows alla May 15th I860 iel 2md Monet and Now that the 1st of July is passed and with it has come and gone the payment of the semi annual dividends and tbe settlement of debts there is less activity iu the money market Rates have not however undergone any quotable re duction A new vigor is imparted to the stock mar ket from the easier condition of money as well as from the favorable traffic returns of the western rail rords We quote At New York Galena and Chicago 64Chicago and Rock Island 71 Cleveland and Toledo 31 Illinois central scrip 33 Michigan southern guaranteed 30 Michigan central 48) Erie 19 New Y'ork central 82) Pacific mail 90 Chicago Burlington end tfuincy 7b Panama 125) Hatlem first mortgage 99) Hudson river first mortgage 107 At Boston Western railroad 113 do bonds of i5 103) Boston and Worcester 109 Boston and Maine 110) itchburg 101 Eastern 83 Northern 52 Old Col ony anti all River 107 Vermont and Massachusetts 19 Boston and Lowell 111 Ogdensburg bonds 66 Revere bank 105 Hide aud Leather bank 107 Atlan tic bank 108 bank of Commerce 110 Lyman mills 91 At London the demand for money was active the supply scanty and no transactions were reported be low 4 per cent The English funds were dull but on the 22d there was a tendency towards improvement which was checked by the pressure for money Con sols closed at 93)ft93i for discount ex dividend The weekly bank statement shows an increase iu bullion of £3:3932 Breadstuff Provisions The advance in the breadstuifs market predicated on tbe prospect of short crops abroad does not hold out With news of more favorable weather in Europe comes a decline in prices at home not great indeed but enough to show a speculative feeling and a healthy state of trade We quote At New York flour superfine state 52055 25 extra 640 round hoop Ohio 571'580 superfine western 52c525 extra 640(55 60 southern 5655590 tor fane and 67 76 for extra Canada flour super ex ti a 546750 wheat Chicago spring 127 Milwaukee club 1 3txa)l31 amber 134 amber water Chicago 43 corn mixed western 63(J63 yellow western 65(567) round yellow 68 oats same as last week beef same as before pork mess prime lard in bbls 12j12j rice sugars Muscova do 6 j7 Porto Rico 7 cotlie Rio 13) mojasseaPorto Rico 38 Muscovado 35 At Boston flour common western S5 25(5550 fan cy brands 575 extras 58725 superior 65'9 southern 6(jiH525 for fancy 65ftu7 lor extras aid for superior Corn southern yellow 86SSe western mixed 735)73) white 7072 eats northern and Canada 4C42 uid Prince Euwards Island 32 41 rve 87(9O shorts fine feed $21(525 ton pork prime 1516 mess 19(0)1950 and 20521 for clear: beef 1X5 1250 tor ensten and western mess and extra mess laid 1213c in bbls and kegs smoked bams 11(512 At Albany the demand for flour has been good and the receipts diminished but yet there is no quotable advance in price quotations common to good state 6(0)625 fancy and extia state 525550 common to good western 5 25(0)575 extra Michigan 5757 extra Canadian 6725 iaicy Genesee 550650 extra Genesee 651X5750 extra Kentucky corn meal 125i)l37j The usual sumrn quietness per vades the mat kel for wheat and small trausac'ions only have been made at 139 lor red Michigan Corn estern mixed 6262l round yellow G67 Oats Canada state 311) pork prime 1450 old mess 1760 new do 186e19 clear 20 boneless 21 beef prime 450(5550 mess 550650 extra state 785O western mess 8io)9 extia do 9(a)ll beefhumslo but ter old state lXsJ2 new do 16ia17 lard 12(512j cheese 9'l eggs 14 At Liverpool the weather having taken a favorable turn the first effect was a strong desire on the part of holders of grain to realize with but little disposition to buy Quotations of hour from 27s 6d wheat very dull at a diclme of per cental led western 16s lOdto lls while Ils 6n(ajl2s lOd Indian com easier and scarcc lv inquired for mixed 32s yel low 32s 9d white 34535s 6d per quarter There waa also a pressure to realize iu the cotton maiket and a general decline of per pound The sales ot the week foot up 62200 bales including 2000 on spec ulation and 17000 tor export 1 he following are the nutliorized quoiaiions: air Orleans 7 Mobile 7 Uplands? middling Orleans 6 Mobile 5 Uplands 6) The Albany Journal says the great bulk of the new clip at the West has been transferred from first loads at prices fully up to those of last season At the Eat the market ia firm for both fleece and pulled wilh a good consumptive demand During the past week the market here has reviv'd aid sales of 19000 lbs super pulled were made at 40c an ad vance of one cent on previous prices In the street the new clip is selling at 32)47c an advance of full two cents on last season's prices The Cattle Markets have been dull this week on diminished receipts but not advanced prices YVe At Cambridge 250 cattle and 2350 sheep and lambs exn a market beet 87 first quality 675 second 525 Tlliru 420 ordinary co vvoixing uxeu pel pun from 89t(5175 cows and calves from 830 40 50 to 67 two ears old $li(irl8 three years old 2027 bliecp and lambs in lots 81 2)150 each extiu 23 spriig lambs 82 to 462 Hides 61(g7c lb tallow txojfijc lb pelts To each calf skius lkg)13e lb Veal calves 3a6 At New York receipts 3357 beeves 684 veals 12911 sheep aid lambs and 4811 swine Although both market dav (Tuesday and Wednesday) were done up in one there was little activity in the market and no advance in figures Some extra good beeves brought 9jc but the sales ranged tioinij to 8) and the geneial average wus at 8 The sheep maiket has sutlcred a relapse with an Estimated decline of 60c Hogs coru led 6)()ij distillery led 5j(aj6 At Albany although there waa a falling off of 600 in the receipts of cattle then was no material ad vance iu prices which still range from 5c for the choicest down to 2Jai3 for third quality Of sheep and lambs the supply is largely in excess of the de mand and price arc comparatively low while the sales are limited Therein some demand for hogs several sales have been effected at 66c Xttiscdloneons OR The owners of the Short Hom Bull Double Duke offer him for sale m2 Apply to WM YNCHON The ort Edward Insti tute a first class Boarding Seminary with De partments for Lauies and Gentlemen superb brick buildings on tbe Saratoga and Whitehall 18 Teachers The ablest Instruction in all tne branches of a classical ornamental or commercial education $36 pays for term of 14 weeks beginning Aug 23d A Teacher accompanies pupils treat Troy Adareas for catalogues or for rooms Rev JOSEPH KING ort Eaward Je272mdwat Anew article for making soap One pound of tlie Concentrated Ley with tour pounds grease with little or no trouble will make 16 gallons of excellent Soap It ia a cheap substitute for Potash in washing trees Put np iu scaled cane price 39 eta or sal by YNCHON LEE f28 6m Springfield Hue flATTLE PLAGUE A PREVENTIVE IS OERED Se sure aud so ruccevsful that administered to the Disinfected Cattle is a sure preventive YVe do not advertise this as a cure but we do claim for it the power of THE DISEASE rom sp'eading even ou the same farm Package of 20 Powders 109 Package of 50 Powders 250 Package of 190 Powders 490 Address CO jel6 Inidaw 64 Ureat Jones street New York rpHE TEETH I THE TEETH I How few people consider the importance of pre aerviug tbe Teeth and how many would give Hundreds op Dollars Could they regain them after the loss baa become reparable SAPONACEOUS DENTIRICE Is prepared with great care is very nicely flavored Purifies the Breath Preserves the Teeth and Guma in a fine healthy condition Gives them a Pearly White ness Prevents Decay and Toothache Removte Tar tar and Parasites and in cases where it hu berg tried baa received nuqnalifled commendation Every box that does not give satisfaction may be returned and the mouey refunded Persons after using Tobacco or taking Nauseous Medicine will find this an excellent article to cleanse the mouth and purity the jtreath In order to induce everybody to try I SAPONACEOUS DENTIRICE The proprietor has put up Trial Boxes for 12 cento Take gsod cere of the Te ih by using tbe Sapona ceoua Dentifrice or sale by Geo Reynolds Brewer A radon nd by Druggists and ancy Good Dealers generally' itl Price 12 and cents 1'7'7 it IREWORKS 1776 I 4 Just arrived a large lot of ire Works of superior quality which 1 will sell at Wholesale at tne lowest prices 101 (00 Torpedoes 100 Boxes irq Crackers Roman Candles Scroll Wheels I Uli Oils 1 cbi Jit! Jbl'L I Vertical Wheels with colored Pots KL Pin Wheels Blue Lights Grasshoppers Illuminated Stars Wood Iron and Lead Cracker Pistols Also Oranges Lemons Nuts igs Dates Prunes ig Paste Chocolate Ac Sc Also 20 Baby Wagons at cost to close them out No 76 Main st old stand je7 A STODDARD Mr Burleigh is well known to the public and bis name is a sufficient guaranty that bis work is well done No Republican Club can afford to do without it Sent by Mail Postage Paid on receiptf 10 cents Republican Clubs supplied on liberal terms 19000 Agents wanted to sell the Songster Address DAYTON Publisher 86 Howard St JJEPj BLIC A ND UM NT THE AUTHENTIC EDITIOI of the Life and of ABRAHAM LINCOLN By Bartleit Washington Correspondent of the New Even ing Posi and Independent and the well known Au thor of Life of Lady Jane Agi Sc One large 12mo vol with ine Steel Plate Old Price $100 Pamphlet Edition without Speeches Price25 Cents Agents please to Read this You can make more money iu selling Bartlett's Life than any other edition published became I it is Authentic anu Reliable and will be considered as Standard Authority during tlie Campaign 2d it is a Large and Beaut i fill Book for the price and will be furniihed to Agents as low if not lower than any other edition published Take a hampie Copy of Bartlett Lire of Lincoln will be seut by mail portage paid on receipt of $1 ora sample of he Panq met Edition for 26 cents bend for a sam ple and then if you wish to engage in the sale of fire work will send i ou our terms to Agents which canuot fail to give satisfaction Address DAYTON Publisher 86 Howard St A (T OR THE PEOPLE! THE REPUBLICAN POCKET PISTOL A COLLECTION OK ACTS OPINIONS AND ARGUMENTS OR REEDOM Edited by Wm Burleigh Esq Published monthly during the Campaign commenc ing June 5th 83 Pages 18mo Price 6 Cfs 1 The object of this work will be to present in tbe most concise form practicable the principles and aims of the Republican Party tue issues involved in its contest with the Slave Power and its Democratic Allies tbe sentiments of the leading Statesmen of the countrv past and present in reference to those issues aud such other matters of interest as may be evolved in the progress of the political struggle upon which we have entered what every working Repub lican trill desire in tlie wav of fact argument and opinion for himself aud for his neighbors to inform the ignorant convince the prejudiced and stimulate the luke warm will be given in this Pocket Pistol series iu a form at ouce compact neat and conven ient and at a price which will enable onr Republican Clubs put a copy of it into tbe bauds of every voter who can read a Tbe Republican Pocket Pistol will be pub lished on the 6th of every mouth during the Cam Pgn ii Single copies of any number will be sent by mail postage paid on receipt of 6 cents or 26 cents it will be mailed to subscribers anting the campaign 5 copies to oue address SI We trust our Republican friends in al) parts of the country will exert themselves to make up clubs for the Pocket Pistol It will give you a complete outfit of facts aud arguments with wUcb to combat the bham Democracy Address DAYTON Publisher JeMeod9t2w 86 Howard St MAINE Abner steam saw rikill in Hollowell caught fire on Monday atid was totally destroyed together with a large quantity of lumber Loss $10000 no insurance The Aroostook Herald a republican sheet lately Starred at Piesque Isle by Hall Co edited by Mr Hall makes the fourth paper now published in Aroostook county EASTERN MASSACHUSETTS A couple of Taunton physicians had a fight in the post office tbe other day about the treatment of fortunate patient beyond tlie reach of both" They were separated by their friends and the belt is held in reserve Some of the business men in New Bedford in terested in the shoe trade have taken steps to es tablish an extensive manufactory more especially for coarse work and to meet the demands of the whalers sailing from that port VERMONT Within a year 36 head of cattle have died of a disease supposed to be the murrain but now doubted at Windham Barnes has lost l'J heal from his herd White 2 Elnah White 2 Mr Gray 5 John arnsworth 7 and Mr Walker 1 Among those lost by Mr arnsworth were a valu able ox and a bull which have died within a re cent period RHODE ISLAND Connterfeirt twenties on the and bank of Providence good imita tions of the genuine are in circulation iu different parts of the country A new rifle company with the name of the Westcnnaiig Guards has been organized at (Rapp ville CONNECTICUT The improved rifle cannon of Gen James of Rhode Island was lately tested at New London and was fired half a dozen times and the target a board fence 20 feet long 10 feet high and six miles distant was hit every time and the worst shot came within six feet of the center The can Boa was invented by Gen James of Rhode Island and uses but twelve pounds of powder each shot Dennis laherty Andrew lynn and John Co hen of Hartford entered the bouse of a man nam ed Murphy ou Charles street Wednesday even ing' and upon his refusal to go with them they beat him with clubs and him with knives and he is now in a critical condition The ruffians Tiave not been arrested Charles aged 20 son of Eli Goodrich of Bran foed was drowned while bathing on Saturday last The steamship Persia from Liverpool the morn ing of Saturday the 23d via Queenstown the 24th arrived at New Thursday morning The steamship Parana from Galway the 27th ar rived at St Johns on Thursday and the Etna from Liverpool 26th via Queenstown the 27th also passed Cape Race on the same day By their combined dispatches our dates are six days later THE REVOLUTION IN SICILY There is little news of special importance rela tive to the revolution in Sicily though the ten dencies of the liberal movement in the south of Italy are significant Garibaldi is still the hero and gains daily in strength on the island All the communes in Sicily had presented addresses re questing annexation to Piedmont The clergy and aristocracy were at the head of the movement Colonel Nino Bixio had been promoted by Gari baldi to the rank of brigadier general The twenty regiments in formation are openly an nounced as meant for extensive operations on the main land It was reported that the march on Messina would commence on the 28th Smiths and carpenters were forming into organized sap per corps Catania was fully armed and barri caded On the 19th the Neapolitans had fully evacuated Palermo and their frigates had quitted the roads The damage occasioned by the bombardment of Palermo was estimated by the journals of that place at £10000000 sterling One hundred more dead bodies had been discovered in the ruins ot the houses which were destroyed by the bombard ment The military plans of the Neapolitans seem to be to take up a strong position at Messina at the eastern point of the island near the main land keeping it as an advanced position and at the same time as a new base of operation of defense in Sicily They had concentrated in the castle and town about 7000 or 8000 men and a great quan tity of ammunition but the chief force was be ing concentrated in Calabria They expect large contingents from Austria (Bavarians as they say) There were nine battalions of these and ten more were said to be preparing The London Times correspondent writes that the Neapolitan government seemed to trust more to the knife than the bayonet Information had arrived con firming departure of a batch of brigands to assassinate Garibaldi The confirmation comes from such sources that it is impossible to doubt the truth of it THE STATE NAPLES The consternation in Naples and the flight there from of wealthy people with their valuables con tinues The Neapolitan Rothschild (youngest member of the house) is among those who have departed taking all his cash along with him Sight seeing travel has almost entirely ceased The government seems to be preparing lor a stub born but almost hopeless resistance As a last hope the council of state have proposed to the king the grant of a constitution a general amnes ty a free press and to enter into all the affairs and interests of tombined Italy The as sent was only wanted to this last popular bid Amid all these troubles Bomba was ill The government had ordered the release of the two American vessels captured witli recruits for Gari baldi (under passports to Malta) on board bat the American minister demanded also indemnity for the insult to the national flag The opinion prevails at Naples that Garibaldi will not attack Menino but will sail with three divisions of his army to attack the main land in three different places one to land in Calabria one in the north and a central one commanded by himself at or near the city of Naples He is sup posed to be able to command in a very short time 40000 men independent of what shall be necessary to leave in Sicily and of these he will send as diversions 5000 men into Calabria and 5000 to the north reserving 30000 men under his own command to attack the ciiy of Naples He relies of course at Naples us at Palermo upon the aid of the population in neutralizing the effective ness of the defense an aid which is certain to be extended to him with as much zeal at one place as nt the other After all is said however Garibaldi is a man full of cunning and resources aud is not likely to allow either the enemy or the public to know in advance his plans and therefore the most plausible program may prove in the end to tally at fault GREAT BRITAIN The volunteer rifle movement was receiving ad" ditional attention in Englund On Saturday the 23d there was a parade of from 20000 to 30000 on Hyde Park and the day was honored in a general holiday in town It was announced that the queen would further encourage the rifle movement by personally inaugurating the great prize meet ing which was to commence at Wimbledon on the second of July The competition was to com mence by her majesty firing a rifle from a fixed mechanical rest The Prince of Wales attended by the Earl of St Germans and a large retinue will embark tor Can ada on the 11th July on board the new steam frigate St George In the House of Lords the slave trade had been debated and a resolution adopted continuing a consulate at Mozambique as a check to the trade i notwithstanding the opposition of the government It was reported that the chancellor of exchequer Mr Gladstone had determined to resign ou ac count of the report adopted by the committee of the Commons on the rejection of the bill re pealing the paper duty ROM THE EAST The news of the China mail telegraped to Lon don include the wreck of the steamer Malabar having on board Lord Elgin and Baron Gros (English and rench ministers) in the harbor of Galle No lives were lost but the ambassadors lost their credentials and all their papers and would tie deleyed at Galle until the sixth of June Advices from Canton are to May 6ih The reply from the Chinese to lhe last communication from the British minister is to the effect that the Chi nese are preparing to resist The allies had cu pied Chusan without resistance GENERAL NEWS At the final conference between the prince re gent of Prussia and the German sovereigns before their departure Awn Baden a decisive agreement was come to on those questions which refer to the relations of Germany with foreign countries The sovereigns tendered to the prince of Prussia their good offices to bring about an understanding te tween Prussia and Austria The population of Baden manifested anything but sympathy for the Emperor Napoleon during his visits An anonymous pamphlet of sixteen pages has appeared in Paris bearing the significant title Roi It advocates in revolutionary language that Catholic Ireland set up house for herself under rench protectorate with Marshal McMahon as king Gen Lanioriciere the Roman commander is said to have issued an order of the day announcing that the moment for marching against the enemy was approaching Troubles in Turkey continue Sanguinary dis turbances had taken place in Albania The drago man of the Austrian consulate had beeu assassi nated at Scutari The army was exasperated at not having received its arrears of pay and a mil itary revolt was apprehended The ambassadors had concerted and scut identical instructions to the different consuls in Syria in order to prevent fresh disasters One thousand five hundred houses had lieen burnt iu the Turkish quarter of Constan tinople Prince Jerome Bonaparte is dead Since the emjicror return from Ba den the rench troops on the German frontier have been withdrawn Tbe new Russian loan of £8000000 had been introduced at London and' is quoted at 92 A new rench loan of twenty or thirty mil lion sterling is talked of BOARD in a private family for a gentleman and wife with very plensaut rooms aud location Address Box 271 Springfield a21 IJEQUOT HOUSE NEW LONDON CONN Is now open for tbe reception ot company There is not so pleasant a place lor summer resort irom New York to Maine I he subscriber will be very happy to see his old patrons and as many new ones as possible Je282wd 8 CRoCK CITY ITEMS 1 The steam fire engine of Messrs Lilsey Myn 1 dose Co of the Island works at Seneca alls will be exhibited again on Tuesday and tested before the mayor and aldermen rancis Wood of this city has at his studio in ort block an original full sized painting of the late Baron Von Humboldt taken by a German ar tist Mr Ranslev Hal! has distinguished himself with raising the biggest and best head lettuce of the sea son The by which the fact was demonstrated to us was as big as your head and a good deal harder than some heads Mr Hall callsit Jackson there has been no name since in the history of his favorite democracy worthy of attaching to such lettuce Martin Killovoy of Indian Orchard was arrested a few nights since for disturbing the peace and locked up to be brought to this city for trial the next morning Daring the night he was released by some friends but they could not remove the handcuffs and after he had suffered with them for nearly three days he returned to the officer and begged for a trial The gymnastic Denier brothers arc astonishing the masses at Music Hall and our is amus ing them Wednesday evening four hundred were refused admission and last night they had a good house John Denier is ackuowlogod to be the champion gymnast of the country and he holds the To night (weather permitting) he will walk a tight rope from Pynchon street to the top of Music Hall and perform various feats on tbe way after which there will be a dramatic entertanment iinthe hall and also further exhi bitions by the Deniers The locomotive on the Con necticut river railroad was in gorgeous on the 4th and besides evergreens flowers and banners a splendid portrait of the ather of his Country was prominent on the head light This was the result of contributions from the nu merous lady friends of Mr Dalrymple the engi neer Abraham Smith of the also made his machine quite attractive by pretty combination of flowers ingeniously wrought into wreaths and arranged with a taste that was uni versally admired and praised The Connecticut river railroad in connection with the Vermont and Massachusetts and Ashue lot roads is maturing plans for a cheap excursion to New York to sec the Great Eastern Excur sion tickets will probably be sold as far north as Montreal good for several days and the faro down and back all along the route will be about half the usual price The arrangements will be com pleted soon and when the excitement is over with the city people the excursion will take plaec It is also reported that the Western and Canal roads are moving for a similar excursion but the price of fare and the time of its occurrence have not yet been decided The criminal harvest of tbe fourth of July was not very heavy in the police court yesterday There was but little fighting in the streets although many were spoiling for one and more were too drunk to fight The employed to pre serve order earned their money easy and so did the and of the departmetns The following is lhe record of the police court Michael Higgins Matthew Higgins estus Chil son Charles Willis and George Whitney for breach of tbe peace each sentenced to fines and costs of about $7 John Mann of Warren for lar cency of a gold ring from A store fine of $6 and costs and in defaalt of payment committed to jail John Austin of Wilbraham arraigned for larceney of a check trunk from the Western railroad depot and sentence postponed NEW ENGLAND Ni WS ITEMS HAMPDEN COUNTY tkp Mtalnouc of the Mount Holvoke emale Seminary for the closing year shows a total of 260 senior class 42 which graduates this month middle class 70 and junior class 148 There are 22 teachers ull Misses The anniver sary examinations are on July 24 25 and 26 clos in'' on the latter day (Thursday) with an address by Prof Roswell Hitchco*ck of New Visitors at the Prospect House Mount Holyoke (we do not mean the seminary) are entertaining the idea that the air is getting clearer ami of course healthier down this way because tbe West Spring field church can now be seen more distinctly than formerly (Very the church bus just been painted) BERKSHIRE COUNTY A Dutchman named Judd employed in woolen mill in Hinsdale committed suicide by hanging on Sunday last At the annual meeting of the Berkshire Medical society held in Lenox on Wednesday week the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President Clarkson Collins of Great Barrington vice president Timothy Childs of Pittsfield treasurer Abner Smith of Pittsfield secretary Whiting of Lee councillors cen sors Charles McAllister of Stockbridge Root of West Stockbridge Andrew Smith of Williamstown Oliver Brewster of Pittsfield councillors Chillis Collins Hol combe and Brewster Holcombe and A Cady were appointed delegates to attend the examination of the graduating class at the next commencement of the Berkshire Medical institute A rattlesnake carrying five rattles was killed in John door yard in Great Barrington by some ladies on The semi annual examination of the Pittsfield high school closed on Thursday and the scholars Will now have a six vacation Mr Sawyer the principal proposes to absent himself from the country for several months and his place is to be temporarily supplied by the committee The total valuation of Adams is $2541334 of which $1669328 is real and $872006 personal es tate STONE BEER BOTTLES of the very best quality for sale in any quantity at low prices at No 3 Burt's Block my9 cod2m OR To be Removed our Dwelling Houses on Ames bill east of Maple st Apply to A BU KT jeZi 190 Main st PIANO OR A very good second hand Piano nearly equal to a new one for sale at a bargain Enquire of Mis ELLEN ANDERSON j)3 6d Wilcox street TO PREVENT CATTLE ounce of prevention is worth a pound of Particulars seut to any address ou receipt of reu stamp to pay return postage KNIGHT Agent jy3 6d 26) Broadway hew York Watchcg onD Jewclrg SE DAILEY Dealer iu fine Watches Gold Jewelry snd Silver Ware Also Gold Silver and Steel Spectacles Watches of all kinds repaired my31 Oue door North ot Exchange Hotel MlngicaL Byron porterT Teacher of the Piano orte my26 8md Kauideuce 14 Pynehon et Dealer iu Pianos and Melodeons Sole Agent for Light Haiuea and Hazel ton Brothers celebrated Pianos Some very line scimena now on exhibition unsurpassed in excel lence They are ell folly warranted and will be sold low for cash or approved credit Old pianos taken in exchange Hampden Hall Springfield a2R have unanimously renominated Cox for Con ess adopting also resolutions in tavor of Doug as and denouncing the seceders New York Items i in firin' a salute at the depart UC vUUlivii ti' ureoftheNew York 7th regiment for their en mi atvirl campment burst on inurauay sc i uuoj haps fatally injuring rederick at the water works John Donelly leeder in the Tribune office and John Welsh boatman Corporation Council Biowuson of New York gives an opinion that apart of the unsafe build ing law is unconstitutional as it authorizes tbe destruction of private property without just com pensation to the owners The Hayes Arctic Expedition Interesting farewell exercises took place Thurs day on wharf Boston for Dr Arc tic cxpedition which is expected to leave on Sat urday Brief addresses were made by Edward Everett Gov Banks Mayor Lincoln President elton and Prof Agassiz to which Dr Hayes re sponded Eire at Hannibal TIo A fire at Hannibal Mo on Wednesday de stroyed property valued at $50000 insured for $19000 The principal losers are: Riley whole sale grocer $28000 insured for $10000 carriage repository $3000 insured for $2000 and Kay druggist $3000 fully insured The Clarendon Hotel Saratoga Springs A correspondent of the Troy Arena makes the following notice of this new hotel which is likely to be the favorite during the coming season at the Springs is the name of an elegant spacieus first class hotel which has sprung into existence at this place since the last fashionable season And it is but an act of simple justice to say that it would be an orna ment to any place and that its enterprising and lib eral proprietor Mrs A Jolies lady of wealth and position residing in the city of New York also Mr Darrow the superintendent of construction richly merit tlie encomiums bestowed upon this house by tlie residents of this city of hotels location is the most desirable of any which could have been selected situated upon what was forineriv known as on Broadway directlv north of the Catholic church in a beautiful grove which must contribute largely to the comfort of its guests and in addition thereto there is con nected witli the establishment a beautiful pond a mineral fountain promenades bowling and billiard saloons and in iact every requirement which can contribute to the wants of or enable its patrons while away The lazy hours of peaceful internal arrangements and appointments are all upon a plan equally magnificent Its commodious parlors and sleeping apartments are all that could be desired while its extensive dining saloon has few equals and still fewer superiors And we canuot doubt but that under the management of Mr Putnam late of the Clarendon in the city of New those who are so lortuuate as to make this House their home while sojourning here will gladly hail each returning season as the earnest of a pleas urable stav in our beautiful town should its architecture or architect be over looked in this hasty sketch Its architectureis to us at least entirely unique and pleasing and we hear but one opinion expressed iu relation to it by those who are considered competent judges aud that is oue of unqualified commendation aichitect Mr James McCormick is a young gentleman of sterling talents a practical mccliat ic and one who by this effort has won for himself a niche of no secondary grade among the architects of tlie country Springs June 18 Nero publications Books at Revised Statutes Rutleuge Signet Ring Hours in Patmos ir of Grace or Historv of the Irish Revival Eightli vol Hist new supply Salmagundi by Wm Irving Jas Kirke Pauld ing and Washington Irving 199 Main street jy3 3d gOSTON BOOK TRADE SALE WILL COMMENCE Os Wednesday A gust 1st 1860 At the Trade Sales Rooms CHAPMAN HALL BOSTON Imd LEONARD CO Aue'ioneers Lithographic portrait HUN ABRAHAM LINCOLN Published by CHILD BRADLEY Snrinofipld This portrait is draw from a very superior photo graph from life by one of tbe best artists iu the coun try and is pronounced by good judges to be the best likeness of Mr Lincoln that has been offered to the public It is printed on a fine qualitv of paper and when framed forma a beautiful ornament for the walls of any room This portrait is in every way equal to those usually sold for one dollar but in cote idera ion ot the large number tltat will be sold tlie publishers have decided to issue it at the extremely low price of 50c and there by place it within the rech of every person BSSEY CO under the Massasoit House Spring field Mass are general agents to whom all orders should be addressed DALLY BOYS RALLY thr REPUBLICAN CAMPAIGN SONGSTER batten ov william bubleigh bsq 72 Pages I2mo Price 10 Cts Mr Burleigh is well known to the public and done Stye.

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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

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Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.