The Curator (Washington Poe, #3) (2024)


1,559 reviews7,017 followers

May 10, 2020

⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Complex but clever - so very clever!

Washington Poe and Tilly Bradshaw of the National Crime Agency, are called in to support a very strange investigation - three pairs of fingers have been discovered on three consecutive days in three locations over the Christmas holidays in Cumbria. At the scene of each crime, a piece of paper was found with #BSC6 written on them. Internet searches bring them no nearer to understanding exactly what this message means.

There are no bodies initially to assist the inquiry, but Poe and Bradshaw, in conjunction with Cumbria police, put in all the man hours possible to discover who the victims are, and where their bodies might be. As the investigation gathers pace, including contact and information from a disgraced FBI agent, it becomes clear that they are being forced to play some very weird psychological game with someone very scary and extremely dangerous - who’s nicknamed the Curator.

Wow! This was, without question, an absolute page turner, the storyline, though complex, was breathtaking, The relationship between Washington and Tilly was brilliant. Washington, a deep thinker who’s able to make sense of what others can’t see, isn’t afraid to go out on a limb, defying the rules, if it gets him a result, while sidekick Tilly, a slightly quirky character, is exceptionally gifted in the field of data analysis. The dialogue between them ( indeed the dialogue between Tilly and ANY of the characters) makes an interesting and amusing addition to the narrative.

M.W.Craven plots with skill, and keeps you turning the pages, and you can throw whatever adjectives you can think of at this book - exciting, gripping, surprising, suspenseful etc - they’ll all fit, and one thing you can be certain of - you’ll be holding your breath right through until the end. Brilliant!

* Thank you to Netgalley and Little, Brown Book Group UK for my ARC in exchange for an honest unbiased review *



2,938 reviews25.4k followers

May 16, 2020

MW Craven is one of the hottest and most thrilling crime fiction authors around, his latest addition is stupendous, outrageously twisted, and such an exciting outing for our intrepid crime fighters, Washington Poe and the extraordinarily gifted data analyst, Tilly Bradshaw, of the National Crime Agency. It all begins with a baby shower being given for the none too happy and irritable pregnant DI Stephanie Flynn, a baby shower Poe had not wanted to attend, but intense pressure from Tilly meant he had no choice. The party comes to an end as Flynn gets a call that sends them racing to Cumbria. There has been the macabre discovery of three pairs of fingers in three different locations, two female and one male, with the strange #BSC6 left by the serial killer at each of the crime scenes.

DI Flynn, despite being heavily pregnant, refuses to not be involved as the NCA are tasked to operate as a separate independent team investigation by Detective Superintendent Jo Nightingale who needs Poe and his reputation for following the evidence no matter what and his special talent for upsetting the police hierarchy. The three victims, Howard Teasdale, a sex offender, Rebecca Pridmore, a MOD contracts manager, and Amanda Simpson, a retail assistant, have nothing in common as the police flounder in their search for the perpetrator and motive. When they do find evidence and suspects, all is not as it seems, with light beginning to be shed on the case when Poe receives a phone call from a disgraced FBI special agent, Melody Lee, from whom he learns of the terrifying existence of The Curator. And whenever you think you have got a handle on the case, you know The Curator has you right where he wants you.

Craven has a winning combination in the creation of his protagonists Washington Poe and Tilly Bradshaw, an outstanding partnership, both of whom I have come to adore, particularly the loyal and courageous Tilly. Tilly still comes out with some hilarious unfiltered comments, although she has improved in much of her social interactions, and her confidence has grown considerably since we first met her, she now runs her own team of nerds, aka the 'Mole People'. Poe is continuing his search for his rapist of a father, the only information he has is that he was present at a Washington DC diplomatic party. Just when you think Craven couldn't possibly get better, he confounds by giving us another ingeniously plotted and witty crime story. If you have yet to acquaint yourself with Poe and Tilly, I strongly urge you to do so, you have such a treat awaiting you. Highly recommended. Many thanks to Little, Brown for an ARC.

    crime-fiction mystery netgalley


481 reviews2,578 followers

June 23, 2020

When I started reading this third novel in Mike Craven’s police crime series I realised just how much I had missed Washington Poe and Tilly Bradshaw from the National Crime Agency (NCA). Mike has struck gold with this partnership and I find myself more captivated during scenes with them in it. Poe has an astute probing investigative mind that utilises an instinct when the evidence doesn’t always line up, or even when it does for everyone else but his gut tells him something isn’t quite right. Tilly is the socially awkward but gifted data analyst who sees crucial information in data. She is adorable and her dialogue is funny in its candid innocence, with Poe often jumping in to distract the recipient.

DSI Jo Nightingale calls in the NCA team, under the leadership of DI Stephanie Flynn, after three pairs of fingers are found in public places, all with a reference to a code #BSC6. Nothing seems to connect the victims, no obvious personal, social or work links, and even the amputation of the fingers is inconsistent. The story is brilliantly plotted with intricate complexity that is layered and layered to keep you guessing. Even after elements of the investigation are solved there are other details gradually revealed and the chase continues. Who is the real mastermind and what was the real motive? I often wonder how you could genuinely play chess with yourself but Mike has figured it out.

A call from a discredited FBI agent suggests the crimes fit the profile of someone she claims is the Curator. Someone who has a fascinating strategy for manipulating people into escalating crimes until murder is an option. A devious psychopath that remains invisible, even digitally, and seemingly doesn’t make mistakes.

“When you think you’ve figured out what the Curator’s up to, you’re normally exactly where he wants you to be.”
There is a great range of personalities on display, from supportive and empathetic to psychotic and evil. The friendship between Poe and Tilly continues to deepen with an unbridled loyalty and commitment to each other. Stephanie Flynn is becoming a close proponent of them, but since she is heavily pregnant this is one case she should sit out.

The Curator is a truly outstanding police thriller, with a perplexing plot, layers of mystery and investigation, ruthless and gruesome murder, enthralling suspense and of course my favourite pair of crime fighters. I highly recommend this book and I would like to thank Little Brown Book Group UK and NetGalley for providing me with a free ARC copy in return for an honest review.

    crime favorites netgalley


873 reviews227 followers

June 6, 2020

Before long there will be about a kabillion reviews for this so I’ll keep it short. There’s something about the way this author crafts a story. You can fight it all you want but once you begin, the only thing you’ll need is a place to hide so you can read uninterrupted.

I won’t get into the story lines. Just know Poe & Tilly #3 delivers what faithful fans have come to expect….great characters, smart dialogue, a tightly knit plot & humour that’s strategically placed for maximum giggles. It’s all mixed together in a way that produces a compelling & effortless read.

A couple of points stood out for me. First, you’ll probably figure out who the Curator is well before the hair raising finale. With some books, this would be a deal breaker that diminishes the rest of the story. Not so here. All it does is fuel your need to know the W’s: why, when, where & what(TF). The second thing is a question for the GR gang. Is anyone else starting to picture Poe as Reacher’s little brother (who was kidnapped as a toddler & raised in England)? And I mean that as a compliment.

So go on then, pick it up. It’s fast paced entertainment that gives you a few hours respite from our current reality. BTW don’t skip the acknowledgements at the end, especially in regard to “the whinging b*****s”. The author has saved some of his best lines for last.


399 reviews345 followers

March 20, 2022

Thriller policiaco adictivo. Caso complejo y retorcido.

Tercera entrega de la serie protagonizada por Poe y Tilly, un tándem que, a mi juicio, funciona muy bien: intuición frente a inteligencia y tecnología, rotulador rojo frente a filtros y desarrollos informáticos y por encima de todo, amistad y lealtad incondicional. Tilly vuelve a tener más presencia, aunque no alcanza el nivel de "frescura", sin filtros que me despertaba sonrisas en el primer libro, El show de las marionetas. Ambos mantienen su personalidad, pero en Tilly se potencia menos esa faceta.

Un nuevo caso llama a las puertas de la Agencia Nacional contra el Crimen, tres personas han sido asesinadas y los agentes locales piden refuerzos. Nada es lo que parece en este caso complejo y complicado de resolver y cuando digo nada, es nada.

El procurador, la persona que puede procurarte venganza y salir indemnes. ¡Hasta ahora! ;-). No voy a comentar más sobre el caso, ya sabéis: pocas pistas hasta que se encuentra una relación entre las víctimas, un hilo del cual tirar, algún chivatazo, saltarse algunos controles oficiales, puntos de ruptura que te hacen titubear y un final que te deja €@€€@€ cuando descubres al culpable en un caso que afecta directamente a un miembro del equipo. Nunca me lo hubiera esperado.

"Cuando crees que sabes lo que se trae entre manos el Procurador, sueles estar exactamente donde quiere que estés"

Nervios y tensión. Capítulos muy cortos y una trama adictiva que exige tu atención, hace que te quedes pegada al libro. A veces andas un poco perdida, no sabes lo que te vas a encontrar al pasar la página, los razonamientos de Poe no sueles adelantarlos, simplemente tienes que esperar a que te los cuente. No sé si es bueno o malo, a veces tengo la sensación de que son un poco forzados, me pillan a contrapié. Será que no tengo su intuición o que el autor juega conmigo. En cualquier caso, son sorprendentes esos quiebros que te zarandean de un lado al otro y suelo disfrutarlos.

No hay muchos personajes y es fácil seguirles la pista. Cosa que se agradece. Y aquí no sirve jugar a adivinar quien es el malo por descarte. El autor siempre guarda un as en la manga que te arroja cuando menos te lo esperas.

La ambientación es buena, seguimos en el condado de Cumbria con sus tormentas de nieve y esta vez nos escapamos a las islas de Furness. Idílicas las vistas desde la isla de Montague, aunque esta en concreto sea una licencia del autor, no existe.

Leer la serie de Whashington Poe es jugar en otra liga, la de los grandes psicópatas y asesinos en serie. Casos complejos, donde no adivinas el final. Y un tándem de investigadores que funciona.

Ya podéis sacar el rotulador rojo y ✍️, pero empezad por el primero: El show de las marionetas.

Valoración: 9,5/10
Lectura: marzo 2022

Carolyn Walsh

1,650 reviews583 followers

June 22, 2020

MW Craven writes superbly riveting crime thrillers with complex, well-crafted plots and intriguing characters. The stories contain smart dialogue, some humour, grisly crimes, and unforeseen twists. I find this series exciting and clever. When you think you have solved the next stage of the investigation and know the guilty culprits, you will probably be wrong.

The partnership of Detective Washington Poe and data analyst, Tilly Bradshaw is a joy to read. This book works well as a stand-alone, but I urge new readers to also read the Puppet Show to learn how this compelling and delightful working partnership came to be, and how they became best friends.

Poe is dismissive of proper police procedures, and his disregard for rules has gotten him in trouble with his superior officers. They realize he is too valuable a detective to dismiss permanently and is a much-needed asset for seemingly unsolvable crimes. Poe is dauntless, intuitive, brave, easy to anger, a loner, and clever at using deductive thinking and connecting clues that others miss. In the past, he was not a popular member of the police force.

Tilly Bradshaw has extraordinary skills in computer programming, statistics and pattern analysis. She is highly functioning intellectually, ( 2 PHDs from Oxford) and has been previously described as having Asperger Syndrome. She is a literal thinker, has trouble reading emotions and interpreting social cues. She lacks a filter, and her saying what exactly she is thinking has been a source of humour or dismay. These two partners have grown a lot in their interactions with their colleagues over the course of the three books.

The story is mostly set in Cumbria and later a nearly uninhabited offshore island. During the Christmas season, three sets of human fingers are found. One from each pair was removed before death and the other following the persons’ murder. Two pairs of fingers were those of women, and a pair removed from a man. One pair was discovered in a gift cup during a Secret Santa party, another in a font after Midnight Mass, and the third pair in a butcher shop. With each pair of fingers was a note #BSC6.

The fingers removed from the male indicated that he had been brutally tortured prior to death. The forensic analysis of the fingers of the women showed they had been anesthetized before being killed. The victims are identified although the women's bodies are missing. They seem to have nothing in common. The man was a sex offender, one woman had a highly confidential job connected with nuclear subs, and the other woman worked as an assistant clerk in clothing stores.

Detective Stephanie Flynn is heavily pregnant but insists on taking part in the case. Poe finds a clue which leads him to a brother and sister who seem to be part of a deadly internet game, but who deny participating in any murder. After following a number of clues with little progress, Poe receives a phone call from a disgraced FBI agent in America.

She says she investigated an internet-based game that led to pranks and misdeeds, and later to suicides and murders. She felt a very dangerous mastermind was controlling the games at this stage and called him the Curator, but she was not believed. Her theory was that he was a paid fixer, who arranged deadly revenge for aggrieved people who wanted their enemies punished. She warns Poe that if he gets near to finding the Curator, this very deadly villain will be aware and waiting for him.

A connection between the three victims is finally discovered, and this sends the team on a new path to prevent a further killing. This leads Poe, Tilly, Flynn, and another detective into a twisted, dangerous situation that will place their lives in jeopardy. The grim, disturbing climax is frightening, suspenseful and delivers on thrills and excitement. I see there will be a 4th book in this series, but not due for publication until June, 2021.


4,045 reviews12.9k followers

June 16, 2020

After a decent wait, M.W. Craven is back with his sensational Washington Poe series and a mystery that will leave chills up the reader’s spine. It’s Christmas and everyone seems to be in a giving mood, though some are doing more than others. At three separate gatherings over the holidays, severed fingers are found with no trace of their owners. Enter DS Washington Poe of the National Crime Agency and his expertise in serial crimes. Alongside his civilian partner, Matilda ‘Tilly’ Bradshaw, they liaise with the Cumbrian authorities to determine what’s been going on. After a slow process, the fingers are identified, though the people to whom they belong are found murdered. Poe and Bradshaw work to find ties between the victims, but come up short. However, one of the clues leads to a man who breaks down soon after being taken in for questioning. He has been participating in a Black Swan Challenge, an activity run on the dark web by a secret administrator, where challengers are given daily tasks with increased risk to themselves and others. These victims could be tools of a larger and more ominous game, with an administrator who remains highly elusive. When Poe receives a call from an ostracised federal agent in the United States, he learns of The Curator, a mysterious entity who is able to convince victims to rise up and take back control by exacting murderous revenge on those who wronged them. Scoffed at even by those in Cumbria, Poe cannot take The Curator seriously. It is at this point that a similarity between the three victims falls into place and Poe must wonder if he should have accepted the aid given to him with open arms. Might The Curator be running a puppet show of sorts, using a scorned individual to exact a violent act to balance the scales? Poe and Bradshaw work with the locals to hone in on any other victims, as well as who could be a killer in waiting. It will take patience and perseverance, something that Poe usually has in spades. A wonderful instalment in the Washington Poe series that will keep readers devouring this book in short order. Recommended for those who enjoy a chilling thriller, as well as the reader who has come to love all things Washington Poe.

I arrived a little late for the Washington Poe game, but caught up quickly and found that M.W. Craven writes just the sort of book I love when I want some dark thriller writing. Mixing some psychological mind games with a dash of humour, Craven knows how to pen a sensational novel that will keep people talking. Washington Poe is back, fresh from two of his most exhilarating cases, and ready to tackle another. His work is paced and his attention to detail makes sure he rarely misses anything. Balancing his police work with the ever-looming news about his past, Poe is able to keep himself busy, even when he is not actively processing case details. Poe’s characteristics are balanced by Tilly Bradshaw, whose personality is textbook literal, which makes their interactions all the most interesting. Bradshaw is work and only work, though her inability to understand nuance and sarcasm makes for some wonderfully lighter moments in the middle of the case. Tech savvy and always ready with a theory, Bradshaw is the perfect yin to Poe’s yang. A handful of others keep the reader on their toes as they meander through the case, adding flavour to an already rich narrative. The story, like the previous two novels, is top notch and keeps the reader wanting to know more. Mixing great banter with a narrative that pushes along, Craven has created a story that readers will want to keep reading. This is aided by short chapters that lure the reader to ‘read just a few more’ until the experience is one that cannot be stopped until all is known. Craven’s passion for writing appears on every page and this is another one of those crime thrillers that many will be talking about well after they finish the novel, as they pine for the next book and what Poe will discover then!

Kudos, Mr. Craven, for a great addition to the series. You won me over and I hope others will find their way to your Washington Poe (and other) series in the months to come!

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A Book for All Seasons, a different sort of Book Challenge:



384 reviews240 followers

February 9, 2023

Si bien me ha gustado mucho, me ha gustado un poquito menos que el anterior.
Aunque, como ya es habitual en esta serie, el libro es adictivo, el caso es super interesante, los personajes son geniales, las localizaciones diferentes a otros libros de este estilo, y con un final que te deja con la boca abierta.

Por cierto, que Bradshaw siempre se salga con la suya ya no me hace tanta gracia, alguien tendría que decirle no alguna vez.

    2023 authors-male mystery-suspense-thriller


2,316 reviews1,928 followers

June 4, 2020

The dynamic trio rides again! DS Washington Poe, analyst Tilly Bradshaw and grumpily pregnant DI Stephanie Flynn of the NCA are back in Cumbria to help identify a probable serial killer who has deposited severed fingers in audacious places. There’s an intriguing hashtag of BSC6 to accompany the gruesome finds. The Cumbrian case is managed by the competent and likeable Detective Superintendent Jo Nightingale who asks Poe to lead a separate team in order to rattle some cages and then report back to her. This is a very difficult and challenging case which spans both sides of the Atlantic and involves an audacious, creative and very dangerous killer known as The Curator. The case takes all of their ingenuity, challenges them psychically and mentally, takes them all into danger and is very personal for one of them.

There are so many things I admire in this fantastic series. First of all, the characters are some of the best in current crime fiction. Poe is spiky, protective of his friends, intuitive, clever, tenacious and brave - he’s a real one off. What of Tilly??? Her brain is a thing of admirable beauty, she’s like a human equivalent of Google and I just love her!! Flynn is just so real, down to earth and very likeable. I like the element of true crime that is woven into the fabric of the storyline in a seamless way that gives the plot line an authentic feel. It is very well written, the plot is clever, it’s fast paced with revelations that keep the reader gripped. There are vivid, gritty descriptions and there’s smart, believable dialogue which often is darkly humorous. There are some beautiful descriptions of Cumbria in winter which adds an additional element of atmosphere and the natural elements are used to great effect too. The author always seems to find interesting locations too, in this case part of the story is set on islands off Barrow in Furness and that added to the interest in the storytelling. The plot is exciting, clever, intelligent with twist upon twist. You think you’ve got it all sorted in your head and then you realise you so haven’t, so it’s edge of your seat reading!!!

Overall, a brilliant read. This series is one of the best in crime fiction at the moment, with great characters and creative storylines.
Ps. Can we see more of Edgar (Poe’s dog) in the next one please??!!!!

Many thanks to NetGalley and Little, Brown Group for the Arc.

Natalia Luna

305 reviews151 followers

March 30, 2022

Tercera entrega de la serie y una notable mejora respecto a la segunda novela que me defraudó un poco.
Volvemos al tándem Poe/Tilly con sus particulares métodos de investigación. En este caso desentrañar la identidad de un peligroso asesino que siembra la ciudad de dedos mutilados.
Me ha gustado mucho como avanza el libro: capítulos cortos, momentos de humor, máxima tensión en algunas partes.
La pareja protagonista es sin duda la mejor baza de este libro, su personalidad y sentido del humor se agradecen.
Por supuesto no todo es perfecto. Hay cosas en la trama cogidas con pinzas... pero este libro es entretenimiento puro y se le perdona.
Recomendado sin duda. Eso sí, leer en orden porque es imprescindible.



1,324 reviews

May 30, 2020

Poe is back, Tilly is back
Whatever else unsettling is happening currently in the world it all seemed to fade for a bit with these 2 back on the scene and raring to go
It really is like having 2 friends arrive for their yearly visit and dysfunctional as both are it’s great to see them again
They are 2 of my favourite people in books and would happily meet up with them 🤗
The story is scary, dark, nasty and gruesome and involves the dark web and what, if you are evil and twisted, you can find on there to plan a hideous and grotesque crime
The characters, aside from the Poe/Tilly magic are all instantly imaginable in your head, some are return charcaters, some are new, ALL are unforgettable and all play their part superbly
The plot is twisted, in more ways than one and the Whodunit really clever and even when you think you may, just may have solved it....WHAM another shock appears in front of you
I love the writing and the smooth way it goes from chapter to chapter and it’s one of those ‘just 1 more chapter’ that turns into ‘just 5 more’
Love the charcaters, love the story, love the wonderful descriptions of Cumbria, and the love the series, it really couldn’t be published at a more needed time
Oh and the acknowledgments and thanks pages are hilarious
5 Stars


1,094 reviews247 followers

June 15, 2020

Macabre and twisted

It is Christmas time and a serial killer is in town, leaving body parts in three different places in Cumbria along with the message #BSC6. As it is an unusual case, Washington Poe and Tilly Bradshaw from the National Crime Agency are called to help investigate the crimes.

Poe is good at his job and always finds what doesn’t want to be found. And when he gets a call from an FBI agent informing him about a case in the USA with uncanny similarities to their current case, he realizes there may be quite another motive behind the crimes.

    british crime-mystery

Raquel Estebaran

299 reviews240 followers

October 6, 2022

Tercera novela de la serie Washington Poe, muy adictiva y con un ritmo muy ágil.

Una trama bien hilada, con unos personajes muy carismáticos y bien trabajados.

Muy entretenida, me ha gustado más que "Verano negro".


2,310 reviews467 followers

December 30, 2021

Man I love this series! After catching up a bit with my arcs I really wanted to read something for myself - catch up with some series I’d been following and this was my first pick. I don’t know how he does it but Craven comes up with the most devious, complex plots and I absolutely love them.

In this story, three pairs of fingers are found at various scenes along with the cryptic clue #BSC6. With each pair of fingers the pathologist determined that one finger was removed ante mortem and the other post mortem - indicating there are three murder victims to be found. Sergeant Washington Poe of the Serious Crime Analysis Section (SCAS) of the National Crime Agency is called in along with civilian analyst extraordinaire Tilly Bradshaw. I am so comfortable with this pair, it’s like seeing old friends again. Poe has taken the brilliant but socially awkward Tilly under his wing and he protects her fiercely. Their boss, DI Stephanie Flynn is heavily pregnant but even that doesn’t stop her from getting involved in the case.

The first body, a man, is found quickly but provides no new clues. The other victims are identified but no bodies are found. Tilly interrogates every data base know to man but can find nothing that links these victims. It is not until Poe takes a call from a slightly disgraced FBI agent, Melody Lee and she tells him of her wild theory about a contract killer she calls the curator that they start to see some logic.

But typically, Poe has joined the dots too early and, in trying to save one victim, he unwittingly puts another person in grave danger. It’s like you’re on an out of control downhill express the further along you are the more the twists keep coming and they are brilliant! I love these characters and I love the tight and clever plotting of these books. I’m off to read the next one, Dead Ground, right now.

The only possible rating is 5 shiny ⭐️!


280 reviews76 followers

March 15, 2022

Otro libro de Crawe que me ha enganchado muchísimo.

Libro con muchos giros y acción que te hace no soltarlo.
El final es espectacular, con un giro inesperado. Deseando otra historia de Tilly y Poe


890 reviews131 followers

April 1, 2023

In brief - Best of the series so far - 4.5/5 rounded - nuff said :)

In full
It was good to be back with Poe and Tilly again for a third time. In this new case pairs of fingers are found at three different crime scenes. If that wasn’t strange enough there is also a note with a hashtag left with them too. The hashtag - #BSC6 - proves hard to get a handle on - even with Tilly’s help. Is this something fundamental to the case? Maybe halfway through you get to the point where you think you know what is going on - you don’t! After that the tale gets deeper and darker. Poe get a call from an FBI agent. Law enforcement in the USA do not believe her but she tells Poe a strange story. The sheer deviousness of this tale takes some beating.

Once again Poe himself is an investigator par excellence. He manages to look in places that others don’t. Tilly and her partnership with Poe are aspects of these books that I really enjoy too. We also have Estelle Doyle - Poe’s ”go to” pathologist from the last book - back. She is a very rich and colourful character in her very particular way. Estelle gives Poe some chilling advice that he should maybe pay attention to...

As with the previous books in this series there is a fairly slow pace for the early part of the book. However after that the book is very hard to put down. These stories about Poe and Tilly are deceptively simple. At first sight that is - then they hit you with a brick between the eyes. Indeed Poe says that "the difference between a thing and a weapon is intent". The author does seem to have a fairly twisted mind (!!) which means that the cases are very twisted too - it all adds an extra something for me.

I thought that the first book in this series was good. The second book was very good. This book is to me the best of the series so far. I was strongly suggest that anyone coming to this series fresh should consider reading them in order. The development of the characters is part of the enjoyment. It is a series that has steadily got under my skin and become one of my favourite UK based police reads. They are good tense stories and highly entertaining too. I certainly hope that this author can sustain and develop these for some time to come.

Note - I received an advance digital copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a fair review

    arc best-2020-books netgalley


2,734 reviews395 followers

May 1, 2021

This is the 3rd book in the Washington series by author M.W. Craven and is proving to be one of my favourite police procedural series. Having read all three books in a matter of a week it is fair to say I am hooked and eagerly waiting for book four to be released later this year.

Set in Cumbria the series has extremely strong characters that are reinforced by well written intriguing plots. DS Washington Poe is with the Serious Crime Squad (SCAS) and can be described as a stubborn, cynical detective who has seen it all and a typical no nonsense copper. Whereas his assistant Tilly Bradshaw is socially awkward having lived a very sheltered life and very much a loner having spent most of her life bullied and made fun of. Tilly is of very intelligence with an IQ of a genius so with her IT skills makes an excellent foil for the more old school detective Poe. Together Poe and Tilly get on famously and make a formidable team.

In this book a serial killer is on the loose at Christmas time and is leaving body parts all over Cumbria. Washington Poe and Tilly are on the hunt for the killer but none of the evidence appears to make any sense. Why were some victims anaesthetized, while others died in appalling agony? Why is their only suspect denying what they can irrefutably prove but admitting to things they weren’t even aware of? And why did the victims all take the same two weeks off work three years earlier?

This proved to be another compelling read that entertained me while keeping me on the edge of my seat. This series started brilliantly but somehow is managing to improve.


590 reviews241 followers

December 4, 2022


Tercera entrega de la saga y otra vez nos encontramos ante una novela muy sólida y que da gusto de leer, estoy deseando hincarle el diente al cuarto.

De nuevo los personajes vuelven a ser el punto fuerte de la historia. Con Poe es muy fácil empatizar y su relación con Tillie lleva a ambos personajes más allá de lo que ambos podrían lograr de forma individual. La trama de nuevo cumple de forma notable y te tiene enganchado desde el primer momento. El ritmo narrativo es excelente y lo cierto es que es difícil encontrarle alguna pega a la lectura, no se lleva una quinta estrella, que tampoco se ha quedado lejos, por manías mías con ciertos giros argumentales, pero como comento es cosa mía.

Resumiendo, si te gustaron los dos primeros libros de la saga este es un MUST, mismas virtudes y escasos defectos, sin poder decir que esta saga es un soplo fresco dentro del género, porque no lo es, si tiene un algo diferente que la hace adictiva. Si no has leído todavía a Washington Poe, no sé a que estás esperando.

PD: He de decir que siento cierta debilidad por estas historias que suceden en lugares más apartados que son desconocidos para mi.


1,442 reviews154 followers

September 25, 2021

My first read about Washington Poe who gets called into a series rather unique but gruesome "murders", this being the third instalment of the series did not hinder me in any way to able to follow the story and what was happening with Poe at all. M.W. Craven did do an excellent job in making this book readable as a stand alone, even if the ending had some bit of will be continued written in.

Anyhow a pretty decent book that at time reminded me of Chris Carter (not the one from the X-files but the writer who does some pretty intense serial killer stuff too), and at other times of Jeffrey Deaver who loves to alter the narrative when you least expect it. Both pretty awesome writers I would say.

But if I have one critique on the book that would be the last unexpected twist which was for me one too much, even if this was a pretty good and easy to read book that was perhaps rather difficult to put down. The many short chapters did help of course.

Now I will have to find the other titles of this series and see if they are as good as this one.

    2021 serial-killers


Author2 books635 followers

July 29, 2022

Amazing... to say the least!

The Curator (Washington Poe, #3) (22)

    2022 ebook the-killer-book-club

Lucia Nieto Navarro

964 reviews237 followers

March 23, 2022


El Procurador, es la tercera parte de la serie protagonizada por Poe y por Tilly, una de las parejas mejor formadas, que destaca por esa amistad y esa lealtad entre ambos.
Esta parte comienza con una "reunión" para la no tan feliz Stephanie Flynn, la jefa embarazada que por supuesto estará presente en el caso. La fiesta llega a su fin cuando esta recibe una llamada, ya que se han encontrado tres pares de dedos con un mensaje en ellos BSC6, dejado en cada una de las escenas del crimen.
Las tres victimas encontradas, no tienen nada que ver entre ellas, o al menos es lo que suponemos en un principio, porque no todo es lo que parece. Porque en este caso, nada de nada es lo que parece.
Los capítulos son muy cortos lo que hace que aun sea todo mas adictivo, en cada pagina hay un giro o un pensamiento de Poe que hace que te quedes pensando... algo bueno de este thriller es que no hay demasiados personajes y es facil ir siguiendo la pista.
Puntazo para la gran ambientación, condado de Cumbria, con tormentas de nieve y en también en las islas Furness. Y otro puntazo es la nota del autor, es un thriller que esta basado en hechos reales, fue un tema que tuvo mucho bombo en su día, y que yo creo que aun sigue dando que hablar.
Me ha encantado el final, evidentemente no te esperas lo que va a pasar hasta el ultimo momento ni quien esta realmente implicado, y cuando eso ocurre y se descubres realmente quien esta detrás de todo y el por qué alucinas... El caso queda totalmente cerrado, pero tengo mil ganas de seguir con mas casos de estos dos grandes protagonistas.

Whispering Stories

2,928 reviews2,609 followers

June 14, 2020

Book Reviewed on

The third book in M.W. Craven’s Washington Poe series opens with brutal scenes of a woman tied down, barely conscious. She then has two of her fingers chopped off, one ante-mortem and one post-mortem. If this scene is too much for you then you might want to give the rest of the book a miss. If like me you love a good brutal thriller, keep reading.

It’s Christmas in Cumbria and Washington Poe and the team are called into the police station, there is a murderer on the loose. Three sets of pairs of fingers have been found in different locations all with a note stating #BSC6. Their identities are discovered but with only one body found and different methods of amputation used on each pair of fingers, National Crime Agency’s Washington Poe and Analyst Tilly Bradshaw have their work cut out, especially as the facts don’t seem to follow the usual serial killer script.

The pair are just starting to put small pieces together when Poe receives a phone call from a disgraced FBI agent Melody Lee who informs him he is dealing with someone like never before. The person they are looking for is The Curator. Poe needs to understand that no matter how many steps forward he takes The Curator will always be two steps ahead and he needs to tread carefully.

The Curator is one of the best thrillers I have ever read and in my opinion the best yet in the Washington Poe series. It is gripping, suspenseful, and certainly plays with your mind. It makes you think and there is most certainly a psychological element running the whole way through.

I love the way Poe and Tilly work together. Their banter is pure genius and realistic too. It is with this banter that you can find some light relief from this wicked case that takes Poe to new depths. Put it this way you should know you are up against something sinister when a senior pathologist is warning you to be careful and not be a hero.

Once I started reading this book I didn’t want to put it down. The pace was spot on, the chapters short and snappy and the mind games just perfect. I also love the location, as it is easy to visualise having been to Cumbria many times.

The book works as a standalone, so if you haven’t read the first two, no worries, though I will always suggest reading the first two first as it is best to begin a series at the start and The Puppet Show and Black Summer are both amazing books, so it would be foolish not to.

Overall, this is a tremendous book with a flawless plot that had me analysing every page. It is scary to believe that people like The Curator exist in the real world too. I’m off to lock all the doors and windows!!

Paloma orejuda (Pevima)

562 reviews58 followers

March 24, 2023

Pueees... ha sido el que menos me ha gustado hasta el momento, pero no porque sea malo (que no lo es) más bien, porque no me ha parecido tan fluido como los dos anteriores.

**Alerta Spoiler!!

Amo a Poe y a Tilly, no es un secreto. Y aquí he amado muchísimo a Poe, sobre todo con el final, donde se ha visto a un Poe gris y turbulento. Me encanta!!

La historia está bien, como siempre, pero me costó engancharme, aunque el último tercio lo devoré. Además los giros no me parecieron tan sorprendentes, como que había pistas muy sutiles y me pareció muy raro que yo "lo viera" y los protagonistas no. Lo de que todo se termine resolviendo por las huellas en la alcachofa de la ducha, me mató jajajaja

Eché en falta a Edgar.

En fin 3,5 estrellas sobre 5 (la media va por el Poe final), que se quedan en 3 porque no es el mejor de la saga.

**Popsugar 2023 categoría 1. Un libro que querías leer en 2022.

    grupales leídos-2023 popsugar-2023

Mohamed Dawood

93 reviews13 followers

January 8, 2021

It was like a Roller coaster but few new things were learnt.
Basically i like Chris carter Novels, because of the short crispy chapters and Hunter strong character. Happy to see that resemblence with Poe as well, this admires me to hit on other Novels as well.
There was a period when it was getting bored with the islands, but then kicked off the pace again.

3 pair of fingers, a curator running a Puppet show BSC similar to BWC. Felt like, Have watched a really Bril Thriller movie.
I will add it to my Favourite list, even if the Island's part was on slow-mo .. :-)

    favourite suspense thriller

Mis Lecturas

285 reviews1 follower

March 10, 2022




349 reviews132 followers

March 21, 2021

I think there's a little too much telling and not enough showing in this book, a weakness which was discernable in the two previous books too, but which has started grating on me so that now I'm only giving 3 stars. I also found it a bit repetitive, the author keeps describing the characters' most significant traits within each book, sometimes several times within the same book and it becomes tiresome. Sometimes he also explains what is going to happen in a much too pedagogical way, so that the reader ends up having got the same information several times. Maybe it is an editorial problem? Perhaps the author has been let down by his publishing firm? I know I should give examples of this way of writing, but it is a difficult with an audiobook.
The plot is excellent, the ending a bit......meh. I found a bit implausible, sorry to say.


1,000 reviews171 followers

June 7, 2020

M W Craven's third novel featuring Washington Poe & Tilly Bradshaw is another great adventure. This time around the National Crime Agency try to connect a series of murders in their most baffling case so far.
The dialogue between Poe & Bradshaw is superbly written& incredibly funny & acts as a nice antidote to many of the darker events in the story.
The later part of the novel is wonderfully tense & the isolated location Craven describes is very well thought out. Then, when you think it's all over, Craven hits you with one more devastating surprise. Masterful.


437 reviews458 followers

June 11, 2020

Unforgettable, with sublime twists, and an explosive final act. My favourite installment so far. Review to come.

    2020 action crime


140 reviews17 followers

April 10, 2021

Excellent from start to finish.
If you haven't read M.W. Craven before I strongly recommend that you do. In Washington poe, and tilly Bradshaw, we have got an unlikely but remarkable duo.
Superb writing, and intelligent and totally enjoyable.
Highly recommend best in the series, June can't come fast enough that's when dead ground comes out.

The Curator (Washington Poe, #3) (2024)


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