Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens, #5) (2024)

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422 reviews17.3k followers

February 17, 2017

“This is but a night. The sun will rise again, and I stand with the dawn.”

I don't want to write this review. Because when it's done, when I press Save, a huge and important chapter of my life will be over. I am one of those readers who get emotional pretty frequently, but the feelings this series have evoked are more powerful than a storm. Not all of them were pleasant, but they were real, and devastating, and I wouldn't trade them with anything in this world.

Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens, #5) (2)

I won't talk about the plot that much, because Crystal Crowned hasn't been published yet and I don't want to spoil anything, but I can tell you one thing; this book is dark. It's ugly, bloody, messy and bleak, and you're constanlty drowning in despair and hopelessness. The Evil our heroes are trying to defeat is cunning, unhallowed and can corrupt anything, even the purest heart. But there are moments of beauty and wonder in this chaotic and desolate world, and they're enough. Enough to preserve the dream of peace and freedom.

“She would write their requiem in blood.”

I experienced every horror Vhalla faced like I was standing next to her, soaked in blood and trembling with terror. I was always afraid, always holding my breath and trying to steady my nerves, trying to convince myself that everything would be ok in the end. That my suffering would be worth it. I spent a great amount of time being angry at Vhalla, even disappointed, because when I finally accepted her and loved her in Water's Wrath, in Crystal Crowned I witnessed a more savage and greedy side of hers that made me edgy. But at the same time I admired her, because she came a long, long way and her mistakes and flaws made her the only person that could defy and defeat the Evil she unleashed.
“I messed up so badly. I didn't love some friends enough. Sometimes I focused on myself more than others. But if I hadn't made those mistakes, I wouldn't be strong enough to look to the future now and not be afraid.”

I cared for secondary characters like they were my own friends, Elecia has become an all-time favorite and Jax is so flawed and tarnished and mad with grief that my heart ached for him.
The heart that belongs to Aldrik C. Solaris. The beautiful, stubborn, damaged Fire Lord whose development was astonishing. From now on, every time I'll read YA fantasy I will compare the male characters to him, and no one will live up to his imperfect perfection.
Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens, #5) (3)
“They had done it. In spite of it all, they had found each other.”

I love these people, they're scored on my soul and I owe everything to you, Elise Kova. Every heartbreak, every tear, every smile, they belong to you. Thank you for making a lonely girl from a small greek island dream and hope, for making her believe in magic and miracles and keeping her company when she needed it the most.
Long live Solaris!

Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens, #5) (4)

*ARC generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review*

**You can order Crystal Crowned here:

Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens, #5) (5) Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens, #5) (6) Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens, #5) (7) Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens, #5) (8)

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2,576 reviews43.5k followers

July 23, 2021

well, this series ended exactly how i thought it would. i mean, as the story got to the end of the fourth book, im not sure what else could have happened. its the most logical conclusion, as well as i think the most satisfying for the reader.

now that ive finished the last book, i feel like this review is for the entire series as a whole. its enjoyable, super easy to binge read, and has a lot of great fantasy elements to keep the reader entertained. i will say that, for this particular installment, vhalla annoyed the crap out of me. im not sure what it was about her this time around, but wow, she got on my nerves literally every page. i understand that shes going through it, but her constant lashing out at everyone got old super quick.

but like i said, this is a very fitting ending to a really fun series. i honestly dont think i would change much about it. i know there are a couple of spin-off series set in the same world, so i know i will definitely be picking those up.

3.5 stars

Ben Alderson

Author28 books13.8k followers

February 7, 2017

You know I said I was going to take my time with this book?
Well, I lied. I couldn't get enough of it. I am so glad I have finished this series. I have been craving a series to read and falling into this one was more then I could of asked for... if you are reading this.... READ AIR AWAKENS BOOK ONE!

Lucie V.

1,076 reviews2,909 followers

March 3, 2024

✅ Gorgeous cover
✅ Darker atmosphere
✅ Characters
✅ Magic
✅ Romance
✅ World-building
✅ Plot and pace
✅ Action
❗️❗️Trigger warning: miscarriage, amputation, death and gore

4.5 stars

Crystal Crowned is darker and bloodier than all the previous books. Victor is so much more villain than the Emperor and the atrocities committed in Crystal Crowned are bloody and gory. The main characters are trying to survive, to hide, and to rally the North, the West, and the East to their cause. They are trying to save the world even though it feels hopeless in the face of Victor's new powers and his army of sorcerers.

“Love, war, life was a series of battlefields strung together with the courage to march forward.”

This series was an emotional one to read. The author has a way to write the characters' emotions in such a vivid way. I felt joy, love, hope, sorrow, and despair along with them in these five books. I felt them change and mature through their emotions and their reasonings and that for sure is a strength of the author. Many characters had a great arc throughout the series, and this final book pushed them further than ever before. It tested them to their very limit, but it also showed us how strong and tightly knit they were after 4 books.

She was drowning, and they all still thought she was breathing.

Vhalla is also showing us a new side of her. A more dark and ruthless side that had me a little uneasy at times. We are far far far from the little library apprentice, but at the same time she endured so much and she also has the weight of her guilt because she knows that Victor is in this position of power now because of her, that this more dramatic change makes sense. She knows that she is the one who needs to stop him and kill him even if she risks losing herself to a darker part of her in the process. It is what she needs to do to atone for her mistake. She was at times full of hope, and at others full of deep, unending despair and anguish because of what she had to go through in this book, and it was heartbreaking to see her feel so isolated, and slowly break under Victor’s power… But as I said in my reviews of the previous books, I like that she is layered and flawed.

The secondary characters in this series are also amazing, and I loved that they actually had an impact on the main characters and the plot, they were not just there as accessories to support the main characters. They had a role to play, and they were also layered, complex, and full of raw emotions. I especially love Jax and his craziness, and finally knowing his backstory shed a new light on him. Fritz was also amazing in this book, and I feel that he finally grew into the sorcerer he was meant to be. He felt more confident and independent in this book.

My only complaint regarding the secondary characters is how the author “got rid” of Daniel. I loved his pure and beautiful friendship with Vhalla so much in the previous books, and I feel that to prevent the risk of a weird love triangle, the author just decided to find a way to remove him from Vhalla’s life. It makes me sad to think that he will not be there anymore to offer her unconditional support, and also find solace in his time with her. They both shared a beautiful bond.

“Every chance worth taking will make you a little scared. That means you're taking a risk. And where there is risk, there is reward.”

The romance between Vhalla and Aldrik is back on track in this final book! They endured so much since Air Awakens, and they finally figured out a way to be together, if they survive Victor. I love how their relationship is full of love and tenderness, but also shines with respect and empowerment of the other. They communicate and find solutions when they disagree, and they always support each other in front of others, showing a united and powerful front.

I hoped that everything would be okay in the end, that they would defeat Victor and live happily ever after because that's how it's supposed to end right? Vhalla and Aldrik needed to end up together, they haven't been through years of plotting, war, and surviving for them to end up dead or not together... But still, I was at the edge of my seat until the very end. There is action in this book, more than in the previous one, and the pace is great. I only have a small issue with the timeline of the series as a whole. It is mentioned near the end of this book that Vhalla met Aldrik 2 years ago, but it feels more like a little over a year, or a year and a half maybe? I am trying to think back about the time they spent at the palace, on the road, and the months after the war, but it doesn’t add up to two years from what I remember…

This series really was amazing to read, and I definitely recommend it to any fantasy lover out there looking for a quick read with great characters, wonderful friendships, and an adventure full of magic.

Air Awakens ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Fire Falling ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Tales from the Front ⭐⭐⭐
Earth's End ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5
Water's Wrath ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5

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Rizza Aurelian ✧˖°

177 reviews55 followers

May 2, 2019

Long live Solaris!

I cannot believe that it's finished! I lived with my beloved characters for a week and a day, and now it's time to say goodbye to them. But even if I've finished reading this series, it doesn't mean that I will forget it. No. I won't. This series will forever have a place on my heart. A place reserved for the best books that I had the pleasure to read. A little nook that I will seek from time to time. That is how much I have fallen in love with this series.

Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens, #5) (13)

But what is a great series without its great characters? Vhalla, a library apprentice; Aldrik, a dark, broken prince; Elecia, a strong-willed healer; Jax, a ruined soldier; Fritz, a best friend one will be lucky to have. And so much more! Oh, how I love them so; all of them so perfectly imperfect!

Vhalla and Aldrik had gone through so much. I watched them fall, rise, break, and heal and repeat the cycle over and over again, and that made me connect with them as much as I did. I watched them grow into their characters from being an innocent librarian and a broken prince to an impregnable Emperor and Empress. Watching them together gave me a chance to know how love, trust, and respect can wholly change a person for the better and the world by extension. Their love for each other knows no bound.

This final book of the series is darker compared to the earlier books. It is gory, devastating, heartbreaking, but even so I immersed myself with reading it because, even so, there is still beauty and all its splendor in it, and that made me seek it while going through some gory details. It reminded me that there's still beauty to be found on a seemingly hopeless world as long as you are firm and brave enough to find it.

I tried to prolong my reading but it was an agony not knowing what will happen next. So I read it like how I read my most favorite book, I devoured it. I love this series so much and I am saddened to see it end. But even so, I am thankful that I was able to delve in the wonders of the Air Awaken series and can proudly say that I have read one of the most beautiful YA literature of the decade.

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Ann (annreads)

247 reviews249 followers

October 10, 2018

*Reread February 2017*

“We all believe in you two. We are all fighting for you. Do you know why?” She shook her head. She didn’t have the faintest idea.
“Because you two represent something, something more than you do individually. You are the impossible dreamers. The two who took on fate to be together. No one believed you could be anything. More than once, you both strove for more, for dreams that you should’ve never dreamed.”

After spending almost a month rereading this books, I can officially admit to myself that this is, 100% without doubt, my absolute favorite series in the entire world.
Nothing compares to the feeling of joy I feel whenever I come back to this books. They greet me with welcoming pages and warm words, like they were waiting just for me, and I'm SO grateful for that feeling. Like a piece of my heart belongs there, between the folded pages of this books❤️


*First read July 2016*

*I received an early copy in exchange for an honest review*

“Every chance worth taking will make you a little scared. That means you're taking a risk. And where there is risk, there is reward.”

Reasons to read this series:
•JUST READ THESE BOOKS, I SWEAR YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT (well, except for those parts in which EVERYTHING HURTS, other than that everything else is just wonderful lol)
•Seriously, just read them.


Crystal Crowned is the last book in the Air Awakens series and, in my opinion, it's also the most epic conclusion to a series ever! From the beggining to the end, this finale was everything I never knew I needed and I couldn't be more happy about it.
I feel like I say this all the time, but my favorite thing about this books are the CHARACTERS. Not only Elise writes the most wonderful, yet complex and flawed characters, but she also manages to create beautiful, healthy relationships and I really appreciate it, since when don't get to see that very often in YA. For me that set my expectations for this book really high and I'm pleased to say that I wasn't disappointed, not even in the slightest. While Vhalla and Aldrik share this epic crazy love, they also respect, love and support each other not matter the circ*mstances, and that really shows in this book. It's so inspiring to read about the beautiful bond these two share. They know when is right to push each other in order to bring the best in them, and that just warms my heart!❤️
Since I can't really talk about the plot without spoiling, all I will say is that there are a lot of CRAZY things that will happen in this book and you'll be very surprised with many of them!
Beware, it's not a perfect ending, because there were many things lost in the way, but it's definitely a beautifully bittersweet one, and I wouldn't have it any other way❤️
I don't think I even need to say how much I ADORED this book and how sad I am that their story is over! I can only hope that someday there will be more books about this two, because I can't get enough of them! Now the only question that I have is, WHAT I AM SUPPOSED TO DO WITH MY LIFE NOW THAT THIS SERIES ITS OVER?

I will cherish these books forever in my heart❤️


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Brittney ~ Reverieandink

224 reviews5,118 followers

July 19, 2016

Okay I'm going to keep this short and sweet. I've had some time to think about it now.

First, I adore Elise Kova and her work on this series. I've had an absolute blast going through it- and she definitely put me through some emotional trauma in the process.

While this book was a great resolution for all our characters, I felt like a little bit of the magic was lost since *certain things* between *certain people* were resolved in the last installment. I kinda wish that had bled over into this book.

In general, this story felt a bit slow... all the traveling was long and dragging. But of course, this book was not without its moments. Needless to say I'm happy with how things ended up aside from

In any case.. Elise is writing a new series and I'm stoked!

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Pamela J. (Fantasy Book Nook)

20 reviews25 followers

December 8, 2016

Only a few hours lef to win a paperback copy! Runs until midnight (EST) July 8th, 2016.
Enter at:


414 reviews477 followers

July 13, 2016

I can't believe that . Yeah, I'm still Bitter and Pressed and Not-Getting-Over-It.

5 of 10.
I guess this review will not be a proper review, but me just being mad at some things that made me too uncomfortable. Take it with a grain of salt, because at some points it just might be reaching.

So, about this book. I didn't like it at all. This book is the book I liked the least in the series. After an excellent start (Air Awakens and Fire Falling were the best) these series just flopped. Tbh, I think it should've been a trilogy. There are not so many authors who can pull more than 3 books in the series and Kova failed to do this too. After the 2nd book we just had to suffer through hormone explosions, insane amount of drama, stupid decisions made by main characters, e.t.c. It's a shame, because I loved the series so much and then I just stopped caring.
I don't even know where to start with this book, it was so UNCOMFORTABLE. My biggest problem were Vhaldrik (aka Aldrik&Vhalla being raging, irresponsible and stupid teenagers (when they're freaking adults)). First of all, all their interactions made me cringe so much. I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY. Sometimes they were too sugary (seriously, this amount of sugar is very bad for your health), sometimes they were very annoying, sometimes they acted like actual teenagers which made me mad. Seriously, I remember that I used to ship them in the first two books, but here I was just trying to ignore them for the whole book (which was very hard to do, because more than half of the plot was focused on their 1) wedding 2) sexual life 3) DRAMA). Blergh. I mean the actual action started at 70% or something.
As for drama - In fact, it only made my opinion on Vhaldrik worse because IF THEY'RE SO f*ckING IRRESPONSIBLE ABOUT HAVING SEX HOW ARE THEY GOING TO RULE A f*ckING EMPIRE. Oh, and as for sex, I don't want to sound like a prude, I mean I get they're a couple and all that jazz, BUT STOP THROWING IT IN MY FACE. Seriously, like every 15 pages, we were getting some awkward innuendos. At some point I was waiting for it to be mentioned like 'WooHoo' in Sims2. BLERGH.
I also didn't like Vhalla and Aldrik personally, because Vhalla was back at her Special Snowflake Self and Aldrik was just reduced to a stupid love interest (it's like my 38347384738 favorite character in the very beginning who becomes a mess in the end).

For an actuall conclusion, it was okay. Not epic or unexpected, but okay. I also loved secondary characters (Elecia, Jax and Fritz), because they were awesome. But I didn't enjoy the book at all, and I think it's a total fail. I wish it was as good as Air Awakens or Fire Falling, or at least Water's Wrath, but no, for me it was on par with Earth End, if not worse.

So far, Air Awakens series is the disappointment of the year for me.

    2016 disappointment-of-the-year eng

495 reviews3,645 followers

July 13, 2016

4.5 Stars

Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens, #5) (19)

"What are we fighting for?" Vhalla closed her eyes for a moment but all she saw was blood. Blood of her allies. Blood of her enemies. Enough blood to drown in ten times over.
"What will be left when the wars are done?"

Out of the five books in this series this one is probably the one with the most bittersweet mood and in more ways than one. Crystal Crowned is the last book in the Air Awakened series, this series has put me through the emotional ringer from the very beginning but the last book surpassed all 4 of the previous books put together. This is the book where everything all fans of this series have been waiting for happens, Aldrik and Vhalla finally cement their relationship with marriage. No more threats to them being together, no more questioning whether or not they really are meant to be together. Although I never questioned their relationship is was tough at times, and the amount of angst I have experienced while reading this series was deliciously excruciating.

Although Vhalla and Aldrik are finally together, there's a lot that threatens their relationship. Victor who showed himself as their greatest enemy in the previous book grows stronger and more tainted with the power he wields with the crystals. One thing that probably killed me the most in the previous book was Vhalla losing her powers, I mean in the beginning she didn’t even want them. She even thought to eradicate her powers, but as the books came and the story progressed they became the very essence of her being. One other thing her’s and Aldrik bond being severed, that gutted me beyond repair. What more could the Mother throw in Vhalla’s way, was it some kind of test?

Her friends had become her keepers. Her husband was now overseer before being her lover. They were reduced to handlers, pushing her from one place to the next.

In Crystal Crowned as with the previous books, Vhalla’s character growth is astounding. She is the future empress, and as we all know Vhalla adapts and that’s what she did. I’ll confess that at times I did question the intensity of Aldrik’s love for Vhalla because he was one moment aloof and the next moment kneeling at her feet telling her how much he cherished her and I’m so glad that he maintained and even proved that his love for Vhalla will never fade.

This book was action packed, emotionally gripping and a worthy ending to this awesome series. When I think back to when I started this series I wish I could go back to my old self and tell myself to brace because this was one wild ride.

Long live the Emperor and Empress of Solaris.

ARC kindly provided by author in return for an honest review

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258 reviews667 followers

February 10, 2023

3.5 Empress Stars ⭐️

No one is sadder than me, that I am not rating this higher! Crystal Crowned is the final book in the series and as such is the

epic conclusion of the AMAZING journey I have been on with the Air Awakens Series but overall I am pretty disappointed. I am not sure if I was emotionally broken after the events of Water's Wrath, but I battled to finish this book and find the drive to push through to that final neat "bow" conclusion I knew was waiting for me at the end.

There are numerous things that I didn't like in this instalment - which LARGELY attributed to the great aversion I had to complete this book... I had contemplated to DNF this (or even soft DNF), but I like a sense of completion so I finally grit my teeth and accepted my agony.

I did not like that there was no clear villain in this book, whilst we did have Victor as the main antagonist, he isn't really physically present until the final battle and is more of a presence that felt while the heroes battle his lackeys. Victor is also just a pale comparison to the vile sad*stic villain of the previous Emperor.

Vhalla ANNOYED THE CRAP OUT OF ME!!! She quickly became too stupid to love/live and made annoying decisions. On top of this, her mood swings due to *certain events* felt repetitive and overall, even though she should have grown in the last "2 years", she felt more and more like a child.

There was hardly ANY romance in this book, it was miscommunication after miscommunication and then just an utter lack of communication on things. Aldrik and Vhalla felt like they were constantly fighting with each other, instead of for each other and after dealing with 4 books to get them to this point, I felt annoyed.

A lot of what happens in this book is not very clearly explained, I am still not sure how Crystal Magic works or how Crystal corruption worked. There was a vague prophecy in this book that isn't explained or elaborated on and many loose ends are just left dangling, and since this is the last book - we won't ever have this resolved.

There was a little too much just "talking politics and war" that I was bored, feeling like I was in school again in a history class. I love some political intrigue, but this felt draggy, unnecessary, and a little too much.

This leads me to the last thing I didn't like and it's more a comment on this series, I think towards the end it felt a little too dragged out for no reason. I was surprised initially that book 4 occurred when the "first war" was over in book 3, BUT the story continued and I am not sure if Elise Kova had a 5 book deal so HAD to write 5 Books, but halfway through this I just lost interest.

DISLIKES ASIDE... I am glad that I did finish this!!!! I have a special place in my heart for the side characters too... I love Jax and his story and understand him a little more; Fritz is too precious for this world! Elecia with her hard stone exterior but soft inside is the friend we all wish we had...and poor poor Daniel - he deserved better.

In the end and looking back at the series as a whole, the Air Awakens series will always be memorable and I did enjoy my adventures with Vhalla and her found family. It was easy to read with romance, action, epic fight scenes, and fantastic characters and had an interesting magic system muddled in with thrilling fantasy elements. The series was one of the few that made me ugly-cry in a bathtub for 30 minutes, so I will NEVER FORGET the great emotional connection I have to these characters and the ordeals they went through.

I do not think this series is for everyone, as it heavily revolves around the romance - but for me...for me it was just what I needed.

I will miss my time spent in the Solaris Empire.

Long Live Solaris


I’ve been avoiding picking this up for a week because I don’t want to be disappointed….
Do not ruin the build-up this series has had!!!!

Please please please please don’t let me down….


Erika (The Nocturnal Fey)

144 reviews131 followers

July 12, 2016

Read this review at The Nocturnal Fey

(I received an advanced copy from the author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book.Thank you, Elise)

Oh boy, it really ended. It's done. The curtains closed. I'm done. Where is life? What is life... if there's no Aldrik and Vhalla? And Jax? And Fritz? And Golden Guards? And... and... Solaris Empire?

Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens, #5) (22)

Well, yup! This will be my final Air Awakens review (I'mhere hoping for a novella real soon!). It's not like I can avoid this, it just makes me sad.

To be honest, Crystal Crowned was my least favorite in the series so far. Nope, don't get me wrong. It doesn't mean that I disliked it, in fact, I still LOVED it.

You know, that's the thing about this series --- if I'm going to be more critic, I personally think thatit fell a little short for a series-ender;but if you'd ask me this --- did I enjoyed it for the hell of it? Yes, A LOT. Did I like the ending? Yes, I am SOOO happy about the ending!

So you might be asking again, "then what made you think that it fell short and why is it your least favorite if you seem to LOVE it after all?"

If I'd go into details, I might accidentally spill some spoilers, but I think, the major drawback for me was Vhalla, or rather, what happened to Vhalla in Crystal Crowned. It was insane, and I don't mean it a bad way. But as much as I understood what was happening, the course of events was a little too forced to me at some point. I think I just totally didn't expect all the happenings in Crystal Crowned. Also, there were casualties and outcomes that I think I just couldn't absorb quite properly. I guess I was a little taken aback.

But the thing about Elise Kova's world and writing was, even if I wasn't sure what to feel about the happenings at some point, I just couldn't stop reading, andthe magic was still there.

There's this strong pull in Air Awakens series that I just couldn't quite ignore. So that only left me going with the flow and letting it pull me hard until the end.

Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens, #5) (23)

I know that this review might confuse you. It's not like I'm hiding it, but yes, I am biased for this series, but I also want to be honest with my personal ratings. So after pondering for quite some time, I've come up with my current rating.

Only in the middle of the progress fell kind of short, but overall, the ending kind of pull it all together. It was a satisfying closing. I wished there's more after this, but I also know that that's not how it works.

And if I'm going to rate the whole series, it will still go beyond 5-star. Even if Crystal Crowned is not my favorite among the books in the series, it didn't in any way deteriorate or drag the quality of the series as a whole. It will always remain amazing as it is.

Okay, I just love Air Awakens series beyond anything imaginable fangirling moments I've had my entire life. And right now, it's a mixed feelings of sadness and contentment I have for the ending of this series. Thank you, Elise, for this chance of wonderful journey. The story written in papers may have ended, but the real substance will forever remain in your readers' hearts.

Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens, #5) (24)

YOU! If you haven't read this series yet... IT'S THE DAMN TIME!

Final rating = 4.5 royal crowns out of 5



How can you guys calm down after seeing this???!!

Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens, #5) (25)


Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens, #5) (26)

    2016-reads arcs favorites

Maggie ☘

578 reviews746 followers

January 27, 2021

What an ending! Despite feeling, in general, like it could have easily been a trilogy instead of five book series, I honestly can't have enough of this. And I'm interested to see what the prequel series is about!
The world building gets more pronounced somewhere in the middle of this series, but is still not overly original. The writing style is, honestly, not that much to look at. The plot is always engaging, I love how amazingly imperfect the two main characters are. I'm in love with the romance. The side characters are fleshed out and make such a great group. What really makes this series for me are its characters. Also, of course we must apperciate how stunning the covers are.

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Umaiya ❄️Ramblings of a Scattered Mind❄️

1,128 reviews367 followers

March 23, 2019

Okay so before you read any further, the following review is going to contain SPOILERS from:

1)Air Awakens
2)Fire Falling
3)Earth's End
4)Water's Wrath

If you have a problem with that STOP here.

Bye bye!

Well what do you know, you're still here.
Okay, I have no idea, where to begin with this...

I was so pleasantly surprised when I finished this book. I mean the first book was amazing, I was so HOOKED and then I read the following books and yeah they too were going great but not as much as the first?

I described the series to my friend as something unoriginal yet you still found yourself compelled to go forward.

When Vhal found herself not guilty for the bigger crimes and guilty for the relatively minor ones that just so happens to make her a slave to the crown rather than with a one-way pass to the afterlife?

Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens, #5) (29)

Not Surprised
I mean how else is the story supposed to progress.
(I don't think anybody was surprised)

About 80% in in Fire Falling.



Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens, #5) (30)
Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens, #5) (31)

Now, How she dies.
Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens, #5) (32)
Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens, #5) (33)

Talk about anti-climactic!
And probably even completely unnecessary.
But whateve.

End of Fire "F.A.L.L.I.N.G"

Adrik falls off the cliff...

Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens, #5) (34)

Was I shocked?
Was I expecting it?
Again, No. I mean it's only the second book...

Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens, #5) (35)

But of course they weren't gonna kill him off. This isn't an Indian Soap Opera, where you kill off the male lead and then through *mysterious* *mystical* circ*mstances, Voila!
They're back to life.

SO obviously, one way or the other, he had to live.
(Brilliantly done, by the way.)

Flash forward to Earth's End
Now keeping in mind the last book was called Fire Falling and Aldrik, a firebearer, just happens to fall off a cliff. I thought for sure we'd probably end up losing Elecia in this one.

Yeah...That doesn't happen.
I have yet to figure out the connection between the title and the plot and so far
Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens, #5) (36)

What does happen is,
Aldrik gives up his freedom for Vhalla.

Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens, #5) (37)

Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens, #5) (38)

For real, we have two more books to go, it can't be all sunshine and rainbows.

So the "break-up"

Highly expected!

Didn't even blink.

But Man! the way they just leapt at each other, claw out. *shakes head*
You'd never think, they ever actually were, in love.
They made a total game out of it, "Let's see who can hurt the other more?"

This was too unrealistic for me.

Zoom on to Book 4, Water's Wrath.

Again, I was so sure Fritz was the title reference here.
It was f@ck!ng Victor.

Now finally!
Here I was surprised.

And devastated.

And broken.

Cause guess what?

Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens, #5) (39)

Baldair passes on to a better life.

Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens, #5) (40)

Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens, #5) (41)

First Fred Weasley and now Baldair Solaris. (Granted not even on the same scale BUT!)

Authors and their bloody horcruxes!
Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens, #5) (42)

Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens, #5) (43)

On to the real review, Crystal Crowned.
With how 70% of this book was progressing I just knew it was gonna be another 3 star read but like I said, Boy was I surprised.

That last 30%, since that final march wall scene?
Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens, #5) (44)

Especially that conversation between Vhal and Jax.

Oh. My. God.

I honestly didn't think Elise Kova was capable of writing such a brutal, bitter, gritty, real scene.
This part got its own freaking star.
Blowing this book into the stratosphere.

Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens, #5) (45)

Other than that I don't have much more to say about this book. The only thing I can think to mention is that during Earth's End, while talking to Baldair, Vhalla said,

“What am I?” She shook her head. “Am I Vhalla? Am I owned? Am I free? Am I Serien? Am I strong or weak or ... I don’t know.” She stared at her hands, as if confused as to where they had come from. “I can kill and love with the same heart. I don’t find fear in the things I should and yet can be terrified of the fact. Baldair, I don’t know what I am—who I am—anymore.”

Not at any point in the series did I think this about Vhalla.
I did think this about Aldrik.
To me, Aldrik felt all over the place.
Even when he lashed out, it was so unnatural.
When Vhalla did it in here, I was justifiably pissed off but I understood.
But with Aldrik...never.
So Aldrik is not getting on my list of book boyfriends.

Jax is.

I wish he'd gotten his happy ending though.
Preferably with Elicia.
But, what can we do?
Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens, #5) (46)

Hope you give the series a shot and Enjoy!

    bibbidi-bobbidi-boo bitter-hard-gritty-reality i-have-to-save-the-world-or-just-us

Bianca {Until The Last Page}

55 reviews38 followers

February 6, 2017

5 stars for the very striking, impressive, dramatic, and lovely cover. This is definitely my favourite artwork from the series!

But 3 stars for the story. I had high expectations on this one since it's the last book of the series, but it just fell short. Most of the scenes were really slow and dragging, but certain events and resolutions felt too rushed for me. Things were just happening way too conveniently for Vhalla. Also, some of the characters that we've known from the beginning were just on the sidelines on this one . I thought this would've been the perfect time to build the other characters more and their relationship with each other but unfortunately, it focused way too much on Vhalla - there wasn't any balance. In the end, there are still a lot of questions left unanswered and I don't know when I'll be able to get them.


3 reviews

November 7, 2018

[This review is for Crystal Crowned AND the entire Air Awakens series.]

I am usually not one to review but I felt compelled to because the end of this series gave me a rare feeling: disappointment. I'm a "love it or hate it" person yet this series left me so disinterested and dissatisfied and unimmersed at the end that I'm more sad than anything. The thing is--I loved Book 1. So much potential! Mostly 3d characters, unique political and occupation structures not often seen in fantasy, and no shying away from aspects like sexual attraction and violence respectively, without feeling crude or over-the-top. And the guts to start the romantic couple off on the destructive note they did while still managing to pull it back in a believable way towards the end? Really compelling!

But then the second, and the third, and the fourth, and with each one I lost immersion. I have so many questions here at the end of the books. Like, how did we get from a year or a year and a half passing, to three years as repeatedly described in Crystal Crowned? Reading these immediately one after another, I must have mistaken the time jumps I guess--though there was a travel length description in Book 4 that was completely contradictory of descriptions in Book 2, so who knows. Was it the seasons? But how was traveling by or through a mountainous region faster than on flat ground?

Did Vhalla never go back to thank the woman at the Crossroads for helping her? See, I can't even remember her name it was so brief.

And why, exactly, are Windwalkers so hated? Yes, yes, the Knights of Jadar, but WHY when everyone else's affinities are accepted? Is it just the projection? Because the others' dual affinities can be just as bad--Firebearers getting a leg up by seeing the future in the flames, Waterrunners able to pass secret vessel messages and deceptive illusions, and Groundbreakers with their stone skin and bone healing and crazy toxic poisons no one else could craft an antidote for.

Is it because they can touch the crystals? Alright, they may not get the taint everyone else does, but Book 5 leaves a lot of questions in the air about whether Vhalla's growing insanity and bloodlust is from the Bond with Victor or the crystals' corrupting power. My impression was the crystals because it creates these bloodthirsty beasts, and because she one-on-one always rejected Victor and his madness. So, am I missing some giant takeover Windwalkers once tried to do with the crystals or something that left everyone scarred? Because at no point was that world history mentioned in the books. Unless I missed it. Ultimately I have dozens of many other smaller questions but the hatred towards the Windwalkers across all the regions despite the others possessing their makes no sense. And as the series progressed and that kept popping up with increasing fervor as backlash against Vhalla, that became annoying.

The other big problem was the pacing. Books 2-5 suffered from the syndrome of an interesting establishing beginning, increasingly dragging middle, and a final +/- 50 pages of action with game-changing revelations. This led to a tonal issue for the whole series IMO. The characters are teasing and then they're haunted, they're frisky and then they're hopeless, they're thinking of everyone they've lost and doing all they can to right those wrongs and then their sole motivation is to take back a stolen crown and reclaim their rightful seat on the throne. So what is it? Are they irreversibly changed from all they've endured over 3 years and seen their friends endure, or does some time of resettling peace fix mostly everything except some scars?

And to keep this whiplash going, WAY too many break ups and make ups happened between The Couple without them ending any better than they started. They NEVER end up righting past mistakes and moving forward as a unit. The same mistakes they did in the past with communication, trust, emotional volatility--it's going to happen again. The last book--despite having their WEDDING--did nothing to indicate otherwise. Aldrik still yells at Vhalla after keeping things from her, and she still pushes him away after her own secrets and immediately gets doubts regarding their relationship at a moment's notice. Do they ever talk about the full truth of the miscarriage again? Doesn't seem so.

And can someone explain to me how they have the energy--let alone the mental mindset--to be so sexually active to get pregnant in the first place while traveling, half-eating, and facing the doom and gloom threat of Victor? AND to consciously do so while knowing they can't get the universe's birth control potion? That and so many other things these two have done was reckless, reckless, reckless. That made sense in Books 1 and 2--less for Aldrik but nonetheless--because they were still somewhat innocent, learning each other, at the mercy of others, et cetera. But for Books 3-5!

Plus, I am incredibly disappointed at how the miscarriage ultimately meant NOTHING to Vhalla. As soon as it was done and over, she only once IIRC reflected on the sacrifice of the baby to regain her powers. And then it only occurred because she and Aldrik were talking of the future and the future means heirs, more babies. She at least recalled Daniel as a loss at the end but the fact that she admits to herself that she wants to push the grief of the baby out of her head and focus on her powers and reclaiming the throne should have come up as a recurring fear and theme in the epilogue.

It made No Sense for Vhalla to be so lackadaisical about this pregnancy--not even a full two years after their last battle--and for only Aldrik to showcase concern over the health of the babies. Vhalla was just content to wait months for her preferred cleric friend to arrive? I get that she was responsible for the miscarriage so she feels it's Different, but for so long they were fighting for their lives and unhealthy. Countless times, Vhalla almost died and had to go through intense healing and rehab and retraining. And she had NO concerns? She did not even make a comment reflecting on them being TWINS representing, I don't know, a second chance or something sentimental?

Also, for all that the crystals delivered in some truly horrifying aspects, the volatile tonal shifts ended up completely undermining the danger. This Book was It, The End, The Highest Stakes Moment. Everyone could die, be hurt, lose something or someone or more. All the characters DID endure some of that. And yet...we have time to bang a lot? We have time to tease and flirt and laugh and snuggle on the couch and get sassy over cultural differences and have the same conversations three times? There were WAY too many moments of carefreeness to make the danger and horrors believable--especially at one point where Vhalla mentioned putting off reading and responding to some letters from the military/nobles for at least a day. The Apocalypse is at your doorstep, and you can afford to waste time like that?

I feel there was a wasted opportunity with the Emperor as well. The reveal of Victor's insane power grab didn't feel like a "psyche! you were watching the wrong villain" moment, it felt like a cheat. And for Aldrik's recollections of his father should have had more conflict. Instead he glossed right over their contentious relationship because Victor was More Bad so suddenly the Emperor was Alright and he lacked the self-awareness to realize what he was saying in front of Vhalla, to which she only held her tongue. Which again, is their relationship in a nut-shell. Never a complete unit, one always subservient to the other--but at least the pendulum shifts and it wasn't always Vhalla, right?

Anyway. This series started off so great. But having finished it, it feels like every book I read was actually 2--one with the characters and storylines of the characters in an Easy Universe, and the others with the characters in a Dangerous Universe. They never fully meshed or connected to one another. What I thought after Book 1 and then Book 2 was that from the increasing darkness of this series, it was going to end with a bigger punch of bittersweet reflections and recovering hope. Instead it was just...dull.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

✩ Yaz ✩

561 reviews2,776 followers

November 13, 2020

4 - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

"Golden wings and suns were emblazoned upon nearly every breast. They looked to her for strength; they believed her wings would never be still, that she really had risen from the dead. It was a mantle she never wanted but had no choice in wearing. There was precious little hope, and, as the giant crystal wall closing the border of South and West came into view, Vhalla knew they needed all the hope they could get."

Crystal Crowned is the epic conclusion to the Air Awakens series. It's events lead up to the Final War. The anticipated climax that will alter the fate of all. The clash of steel, magic and monsters.

Throughout the book, I could not hold myself from mentally chanting in my head Long Live Solaris!, I was dreading every chapter as I flicked through the pages because this concluding book is definitely darker than its predecessors. Blood is spilled, death hovers nearby constantly and hope is shattered to broken pieces.

The characters were amazing, all of them, although the characters already went through excellent character arcs but this book pushes them all to the limit and tests their perseverance. There are personal struggles to overcome and difficult choices to make.

Vhalla's characterization takes a darker turn as we witness her ruthlessness. From a mere library apprentice to a mighty force, Vhalla truly had one of the best character development. She is layered in great traits, reasonable flaws and insecurities and all of this creates a deeper connection between her and me.

In all honesty, I felt a strong connection to all of the characters because of how raw and powerful their emotions were displayed throughout the book. I cared about them all and I was rooting for them. It's such a relief to find that the secondary characters play a role instead of being background characters that offer nothing to the story.

The romance definitely sweeped me off my feet. It had a great balance and the fondness and respect between Vhalla and Aldrik is truly admirable. Both went through so much and overcome so much together and although disagreements happen but it makes their relationships more realistic. They're not a perfect couple, but they are a powerful couple.

There were some many emotional moments that tugged at and shredded my heartstrings. The tension and anticipation kept me on edge and I was very pleased with how this book concluded.

This series will definitely be memorable for me and although I struggled with the first two books, my heart still aches knowing now that I have to part with those wonderful characters.

    fantasy romance young-adult


61 reviews

July 17, 2016

Rating: 4.5

Well....Elise Kova has done it again and delivered a magnificent finale to an amazing series! After spending the past 9 months, waiting for another Air Awakens book to come out or reeling from the book hangover the previous one left me in, I'm not at all ready to say goodbye to these characters.

Crystal Crowned has a vastly darker tone in comparison to the previous books, as the Solaris Empire grapples with the destruction caused by the Crystal Caverns and, Vhalla and Aldrik struggle once again to bring peace to a continent at war.
Vhalla shows a marked change from the library girl in Air Awakens, to the enforced soldier in Earth's End and becomes a ruthless leader in Crystal Crowned. At times, I felt that this book shows a role reversal from the previous books, where Vhalla becomes rougher with the increasing pressures and harshness of her position, which leads Aldrik to be the consolatory one in their relationship.
I loved seeing the nature of their relationship change now that they weren’t under the scorn of the Emperor. I loved seeing their relationship falter and strengthen with every loss and decisions they have to make as future leaders of Solaris; Particularly in this one heartbreaking scene in the Crossroad where you just seeing these two support each other despite their mantle of leadership, was so beautiful.
Aldrik was my favourite character from the entire series and I loved how Kova made him so raw and humanly flawed. There are moments in the book where you can see that after everything that they have gone through, Aldrik doesn’t want to deny Vhalla a single experience in her life *tears*

The secondary characters were as always amazing. I loved every interaction between Vhalla and Jax, who becomes the much needed best friend and confidant that Vhalla previously found in Baldair. I loved everything from the banter between Elecia, Jax and Fritz, or even the quiet rationality of Sehra, the northern princess. But I didn’t particularly like the path Daniel’s storyline took; since he was one of my favorites in the series, but I can see the point Kova was trying to make with his story arc.
Similarly, another weakness for me, was the development of Victor, the overarching villain of the book. Although you get to see the torture and wanton destruction that Victor creates throughout the Empire and the amount of soul-punching heartbreak that he makes Vhalla and Aldrik go through, I love a villain that has a reason meaningful enough to relate to. Not that Victor didn't have a reason for what he did, but I really would have liked to see more perspective into this character and the people who chose to follow him.

I loved the insight into the West and the East that was built, while Vhalla and Aldrik traveled the continent to recruit allies. This takes up most of the beginning of the book and although at times it was more tedious than the rest of the novel, I loved seeing glimpses into Vhalla's past and meeting Aldrik's extended family.
I enjoy reading Elise Kova’s writing style and I think she has an impeccable way of writing characters that you just can’t help fall in love with; but I think she also has a flair for dramatic dialogue (particularly since Earth’ End) that can sometimes detract from the characters. Specifically, when Vhalla makes an overtly dramatic speech it can take away from her relatability as a character who is still growing into her role as a future empress, and make her seem more like a seasoned and altogether ‘perfect’ character.

The epilogue was perfect and after having so much emotional investment in these characters, I was really satisfied with the way it ended. That being said, I feel like there’s still a great deal of questions that Kova left unanswered like about the Crescent Contient that I hope she re-visit in a short story or something (or maybe I just wishfully want more books).

Nonetheless, Crystal Crowned was a wonderful ending for this epic fantasy/romance and honestly Elise Kova thank you so much for taking me on a such a phenomenal adventure with some undoubtedly unforgettable characters.

I received an ARC copy from the author in exchange for an honest review

Cassandra (Thebookishcrypt)

582 reviews54 followers

July 12, 2016

*ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review*
"I am the wind, Aldrik, but you are the compass point to which my passions gust."
Welp, the time has come to wave goodbye to this spectacular series and most important of all, my babies Aldrik and Vhalla. Jesus. I am devastated. I don't know how to start this review. I'm being overwhelmed with feelings that I felt when I finished this book last month. I feel as if I just finished the book a second ago and I'm completely desperate to crawl back into this marvelous world. And more importantly, revisit the love of my life, Aldrik. UGH!!!!! Why can't I reach into the pages and pull him out so he can be with me?????
Anyway, back to the review. I have no idea what else to say that I haven't said before but I will try.
Right off the bat, I felt as I was being pulled into my doom. Every read page was a page closer to the end and I experienced the most intense battle of wills while reading this. I wanted to slow it down as much as I could but clearly that didn't work out since I finished it in a day.
I loved how even though this is book 5, we are still learning new things about this world and its characters. We are still getting deeper looks into their backgrounds and I couldn't help obsessing over them. I was proud of everybody that made it to the end, not just Vhalla and Aldrik. Every single one of them carved their place into their world and I couldn't have asked for a better way to leave them.
Speaking about deeper backgrounds, WE GOT TO SEE MORE OF JAX'S!!!!!! That was one of my absolute favorite things about this book. We got to see why he became what he is and how. If Aldrik wasn't in the picture, Jax would be the love of my life so the fact that we got to see more of his background was a big deal for me. His character, just like the others, was deliciously complex and I loved having the honor to witness what made him tick. His character development was enough to make me swoon and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Ugh, if I can't bring Aldrik to life can I bring Jax instead???
Moving on. Vhalla kept making me feel immensely proud of the person she has become since book one. Her fierceness and her loyalty were two of her never-ending amazing qualities that I kept rooting for. The road from a librarian to royalty was fascinating to witness and immensely rewarding for the characters as well as the readers. She's nothing less that an inspiration and I will forever hold her dear to my heart.
And then there's Aldrik. My sweet, realistic, fierce, sexy specimen of a man. What can I say about my love that I haven't said before? Well, as proud as Vhalla has made me, it doesn't come nearly as close as to how proud Aldrik has made me. He started off as an aloof, broken, broody prince but he manged to become a fearless but kind ruler. His character development was the most satisfying out of every other one, for me. He overcame the things that would have made him a not-so-great ruler and everything that made his relationship with Vhalla a toxic one. I will forever admire him for being the most amazing male fictional character that has ever crossed my path.
"What did one say to a man who had lost everything but gained the world?"
The only criticism I have is that I felt like this book was slower than the others. I didn't mind it so much since there was more of my ultimate favorite power couple and I will never complain about that. Also THE confrontation came too far into the book and ended too quickly for me. I don't know how to explain it but I would've liked... more out of the battle.
All in all, that ending more than makes up for it all. It was perfect, a bit predictable, but perfect nonetheless. Vhalla and Aldrik are characters that definitely deserve each other more than anything in the world. (I'm a little-a lot- jealous of that fact.) All of their struggles and sacrifices weren't for nothing and they paved the way for the best outcome. I couldn't stop smiling while watching them interact with each other. Yes, I'm jealous of Vhalla and forever will be, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't tremendously happy for the two of them. They witnessed some of the worst things imaginable and have lost more than a person should ever lose but they still managed to keep each other afloat.
Even though we got 5 books out of this incredible series... I will always, ALWAYS, be internally demanding more. I will never have enough time with these characters that have made me fall in love over and over again with their complexity and realism. No other books will ever live up to the pedestal that I hold this series on and that is the harsh truth. Elise has ruined me for everybody else but I don't regret a single moment of it.
Like I said a while back, I gave up rating this series. Just keep in mind that I am more than obsessed with it and it deserves more than just 5 stars.

    arcs on-my-shelves review-copies


233 reviews78 followers

June 28, 2016

"We're all just carnal beings, hunting, clawing, seeking to consume each other to fill the holes we've carved into our hearts from trying to scrape out our own inadequacies."

When I started reading this series, frankly I was not impressed with how Elise Kova created this world because the powers are kinda similar to the Avatar TV series but then it took on a different direction to where I want it to be. I really like how Vhalla Yarl's character development as well as Prince Aldrik but as the series went on, the romance started to get heavy which irritated me. I love romance in my fantasy reads but when it gets overly dramatic it's just exhausting for me but I held on because I'm already invested to reading this series and I will see through the end of it.

I really have high hopes for this book, I was really hoping that this conclusion will wow me but I guess I expected too much. I love the second half of the book because it got the better pacing plus I got to know Jax. I really like him, it sad that I won't to read about him anymore. Another thing that made me sad about this book is how Daniel's character became miserable. I really like the guy and I really want a proper and honorable ending for him so I was a bit disappointed that he turned out to be the way he is.

I like how Elise Kova writes, she's very lyrical at times but she has yet to learn how to give that element of surprise in her writing, because she's just so predictable. I want excitement, I want some twists and turns, I want a book that will give me a hangover when I finish reading it. This is not it.

The ending and the epilogue was good, I kinda predicted them but I still enjoyed it. I will still recommend this book to Fantasy/romance fans because I know they'll enjoy more it plus the book covers are so just beautiful. I really want a poster.

Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens, #5) (53)

    fantasy romance


657 reviews302 followers

April 18, 2018

How can i even begin with the Air Awakens series?

Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens, #5) (55)

This was an emotional journey, that's for sure. I LOVED the first two books, but with books fourth and fifth the story become a little disappointing (for me). And I was so f*cking afraid to read this, the final book, and hate it, because this series had a goddamn-freaking good beginning.

I was completely wrong. This book was freaking awesome. I LOVED IT. I feel like the Air Awakens series is one of my favorites series of all time now. Yes, it has its up and downs, but over all, is 110% enjoyable. I think the story has the hole package : The action, the drama, the magic system, the character's development, the romance, the war, the heart-breaking moments

(I still can't recover of what happened in Water's Wrath, WHY), the son-of-a-bitch villain, the world-building...everything. And that's why i think that anybody would like this.
( Despite of my thoughts on books 3 and 4, I like this series as a whole. )

Vhalla and Aldrik are one of my FAV OTP of all times. And the secondary characters are astonishing as well. I have a doubt, tho. Because .

However, I just know that is more than probably that you see me reading more books series from Elise Kova in the future. Because she's brilliant.["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>

    4-stars books-i-own fantasy

Agresif Spoiler Kraliçesi

816 reviews79 followers

June 9, 2020

Üç kitap bile çıkmayacak konuyu beş kitap yaparsan böyle gereksiz bir seri ortaya çıkar işte...

Melissa (thereaderandthechef)

533 reviews196 followers

July 15, 2016

This review can also be found on The Reader and the Chef. Thanks to the author for the review copy in exchange of my honest opinion.

Actual Rating: 3.5 stars

It's over. I've finally reached the end of the Air Awakens series. I am sad, because this series has taken me into a wild, fast-paced, magical journey in the last year and it has set some high standards when it comes to action-packed fantasy series. Elise Kova is an extraordinary writer, EXTREMELY FAST writer, and one of the nicest authors out there who cares about her fanbase.

With that said, it does pain me to say that I was left a bit disappointed in this last installment. I enjoyed the ride and the characters were as amazing as always, but I encountered with several things that didn't sit well with me. I often went into rage mode and I had to calm myself before I did something silly, like throwing my kindle across the room, for example.

First, I will say what I DID love & enjoyed in Crystal Crowned:

Exploring the continent. I loved how we finally get to see more of the continent, from South to North and in-between. It was a nice change of scenery and, despite being a dangerous time, I liked the time spent in each place, even the smallest of time-frames. Fine, I may be stretching a bit the whole exploring thing since Vhalla, Aldrik and the rest of the gang are just traveling to get to the West and then back to Aldrik's throne to defeat Victor, but so many things happen in their journey, that made their treacherous time all the more exciting.

That thing that happens in Norin. It's a bit spoilery if I say it, but it was one of the happiest moments in this book. Also one of the places where my mind was going all "oh boy oh boy, something terrible is about to happen to shatter this blissful moment, I just know it." Did something terrible happen? I can't say, but hey, it's Elise Kova, you know how she writes. ;)

Finally learning about Jax's past. YES. JUST YES. I can now sleep at night. This has been bugging me ever since we meet him in the third book. To be honest, it should have been revealed in the fourth book, but okay, better late than never. It's quite shocking. Widened my eyes, and yet I still can't stop thinking "my poor Jax".

Aaaaand the epilogue. It was good. Brought a smile to my face.

What left me wanting more:

(Forgive me if I go all ragey here but my feels need to be let out.)

First of all, I did not enjoy how the fate of one important character, who was crucial to Vhalla's sanity throughout the whole series, was handled. This character deserved to be sent off in a better manner instead of being disregarded as if unimportant. Why? WHY? I'm not okay with this.

Secondly, I feel that Crystal Crowned told more rather than showed. Too many thoughts, too many words, and not enough action. I don't mean battle scenes, those were done spectacularly as always, but we spend too much time in Vhalla's mind, and it gets annoying. She gets annoying. And that really upset me. Vhalla is an amazing character, but she let's her guard down in this book. Maybe it's because she lost a part of herself when Victor stole her magic, or maybe is the stress about wearing a crown, but I feel that she had more to give and that she didn't even try.

Also, the lack of an enemy face. I will leave it at that.

The plot twist that felt a bit forced and not enough to be the enemy's ultimate evil plan. However, thanks to a friend's opinion, I now see it as a different & interesting perspective to something that us readers had come to love and cherish in the series. Still, I feel it was unnecessary to drive the plot forward.

Lastly, well, Crystal Crowned as a series-ender. It was not the epic finale I was expecting. It was epic in its action-packed battle scenes, but not the ending that I thought would leave me gasping for air, shoving ice cream and cookies into my mouth, and plain old crying my eyes out. It was an okay finale, with a good long epilogue, but the feels were nowhere in sight. And, it surprises me because I'm so used to Elise finishing off her books with a big bang, but this time it didn't come. That may be it though, maybe I let my expectations get too high.


HOWEVER, this doesn't in any way diminish my love for the series as a whole. The last book might not have been the strongest book in the series, but the first four books rocked my world (specially Fire Falling!). The Air Awakens series remains as one of my favorite fantasy series and I won't tire of recommending it to everyone who seeks out a fantastical journey.

Overall series rating:
4/5 stars

Vanessa Gayle ⚔️ Fangirl Faction

1,015 reviews825 followers

December 8, 2022

12/02/2022: Reread on audiobook!

Be warned that this review may contain spoilers.

I just can't believe that it's over. This series has captured my heart, and now that it is finished I just feel like I don't know what to do with myself. I don't want this to end. But all great things, no matter how great they are, have to come to an end.

Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens, #5) (59)

This final book in the Air Awakens series is very dark. It holds a different feel entirely from any of the other books in the series. There is true horror happening to all

The execution of this story has been outstanding. Each book carries such a significance, and they are woven to create such an intense story that solidifies with your very soul. The story is written in such a way that it gets down deep into every part of you. I applaud Elise Kova for her storytelling prowess. I only expect things to get better from here. I am so excited for her new upcoming series that I can hardly contain it!

One of the most amazing things in Crystal Crowned is Vhalla's transformation. She grows exponentially within the short time frame of the story. It is so very inspiring. The closeness of the main characters is so moving.

Vhalla's struggle and downward spiral at the end of the book was painful to experience with her. It was written is such a way that I really felt for her. She overcomes things beautifully by not letting the villain gouge her completely. I especially liked that she had so have some help along the way. And I think that the person that supplied the help was very fitting.

I thought that the critical and suspenseful fight scene at the end of the book was a little anticlimactic, but not entirely disappointing. I anticipated what Vhalla was going to do before the scene occurred, and I really thought that her actions were fitting of the circ*mstances. The villain's death just didn't seem monumental enough to me.

Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens, #5) (60)

The ending of the book was quite satisfying. I loved what became of the Emperor and Empress in the Epilogue. My heart just swelled for them. I have to admit my sadness at the subtle realization of Daniel's fate. It isn't said in so many words, but it is apparent. I loved Daniel's character and his final moments in this series was heartbreaking for me. I am still struggling with it.

What I loved most about this series was how all of the books came together as one story. So much planning and so many details made this series shine.

If you haven't experienced this series then you are missing out on something truly incredible. This story is captivating. It won't release its hold on you, even after the last page.

Long live Solaris!["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>

    cover-love fantasy favorites

˗ˏˋ lia ˎˊ˗

361 reviews446 followers

February 26, 2021

“so when you say you fight for peace, people believe it. because you have cheated death and fate.”

what an absolute ride this series has been! as much as some things or characters might have frustrated me throughout, i am still so very happy to have pushed through and to have come to this point where the epilogue of the last book in this series has crushed me.

elise kova has a way with words that just absolutely sucks me in and it’s basically that once i pick up the book, i cannot stop for a good while. but i have to pick up the book first LMAO i started crystal crowned in like june of 2020 i believe and here i am like 9 months later and can say that i finally finished it. granted, i had a massive reading slump to go through. BUT STILL!! if i had maybe gotten my life together and tried to pick it up i’m sure i could’ve gone through it quickly because i do love her writing so much.

something i could honestly rave about for hours in these books is the political intrigue!!! as a a poli sci major i honestly live for any sort of complicated political relationships in novels and complicated geography like YES please throw all the maps and wars and strategy at me!!! YES!!! and the female characters ─ main as well as side characters ─ are all the loves of my life to be honest like i would die for cia, right on the spot.

a point i have to criticize, however, is how some things are just left unexplained and leave you like ??? you did this for what? honestly it was so frustrating how secondary characters have an important role and do something but you don’t even really know who they are, where they came from and why exactly they did what they did. it was pretty much just thrown at you and doesn’t give you a chance at all to understand ─ or at least that’s how i felt I DON’T KNOW!!

after having felt like this series was dragged on for a bit too long, i’m still happy about how it was concluded! the epilogue especially was just so UGH heart eyes <3

→ 4 stars



658 reviews1,597 followers

May 22, 2017


Okay, this book wasn't bad but it was a bit tedious to get through. There was so much filler information that let me bored out of my mind. Not only that, but the story was incredibly repetitive throughout the middle - so, a strong beginning and end.

I just found myself growing annoyed at the characters as character development came and quickly disappeared because of dumb situations would could have had this book so much shorter.

I still love Aldrik and Vhalla but boy are they dumb this book. I just kept wondering why they kept making stupid decisions, usually by a lack of communication.

As always, I adored the side characters and I did enjoy finding more about Jax.

I'm ultimately happy with this ending, the fight scenes and writing were amazing. I just wish the centre was a bit more original. I just think I wanted more? I'm not sure. I think I'll re-read these in December so I can have a fresh outlook since it could also be Lord of Shadows releasing tomorrow that resulted in me not enjoying this as much as I was expecting to.

    fantasy high-fantasy magic


141 reviews11 followers

April 15, 2021

Çok severek başladığım seriyi bıkkın bir halde bitirmek beni gerçekten üzdü. Genel olarak konuşacağım çok şey var ama bu kitap ile ilgili şunu söylemek istiyorum. Serinin en önemli olayını içeren bir kitabın yarısını gezelim görelim havasında geçiştirip en önemli savaşı oldu bittiye getirmek nasıl içine sindi be kadın? Hiç mi ben ne yazıyorum demedin?
Çok zeki, çok güçlü denilen Vhalla ise beş kitap boyunca hiç düşünmeden bencilce hareket etti ve tamamen şans eseri hayatta kaldı. Yatsın kalksın etrafında pervane olan herkese dua etsin.

Marianne Moresco

Author1 book162 followers

February 4, 2017

I need a sequel, a collection of novellas, anything please! Something was lacking in this one, I don't know exactly what to think of it.. but it was a good conclusion nonetheless! I'll miss these characters.
Ps. Jax is bae


240 reviews58 followers

November 13, 2020

This series was so good, I don't really know why people don't talk about it.

Lia Carstairs

450 reviews2,695 followers

March 14, 2020

"Vhalla stood, not as a common-born library girl, a soldier, a sorcerer, or a lady, but as an Empress.”

I can't believe it...............
I've finished the last book of the Air Awakens Series.
What will I do with my life now??!!😭😭💔
Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens, #5) (67)

If I could have any power, it would be the ability to experience each book I've read as if it's my first time.
Ahhhhh, now that would be a dream come true.🥰🤩
[image error]

It feels like it was just yesterday when I first went into this series. I was so naive to think this would be just like any other fantasy novel. Air Awakens is truly one of the best series I've read in a reallyyyyy lonng time. This will forever hold a special place in my heart for as long as I live.😍💖💖

The best part about this book was that there weren't as many heartbreaking scenes as I expected (compared to Water's Wrath). Though, there were still so many ice gripping scenes where I felt like my heart was going to explode.
Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens, #5) (68)

Vhalla and Aldrik have went through so much together, it brings tears to my eyes just thinking about them. I think I've gone all sappy reading Elise Kova's books. XD
Oh! And I heard there was a spin-off series based on their daughter!!! Back to the world of Air Awakens??? COUNT ME IN!!!🥳

Also, I was SO happy when Victor got the death he deserved. Messing with everyone like that was just asking for his brutal death. And at the hands of Aldrik!! WOOOHOOOO!!!!!😈🎉😂

Fritz and Elecia were such loyal friends!!! And back in Fire Falling you never would've even dared to hear me say that about Elecia. Fritz was always a sweetheart, but ohhhh I HATED Elecia. The very presence of her annoyed me. But then, throughout the rest of the series, I saw more sides to her and then grew to love her. Fritz was always lovable, like what's NOT to love about him?😍

I still stand when I say that the character development and world-building ROCKS! I can't remember the last time I read a series so addicting. I know I'm just going to devour the spin-off starring the daughter of 🔥Fire🔥 and 🌪Wind🌪. That's something I'm looking forward to especially since

"You did well, but things are only beginning now. The vortex still spins."

Oooooo, mysterious...........😲

I can't stop saying how much I love this series. If you're reading this at the moment, go to the first book, Air Awakens, and click the "Want To Read button

right now. I can 99% guarantee you won't be disappointed.

From the words of a wise man in this book, remember........

“Every chance worth taking will make you a little scared. That means you're taking a risk. And where there is risk, there is reward.”

Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens, #5) (69)
🥰💖They couldn't be more perfect for each other.💖🥰["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>

    all-time-fav fantasy he-who-has-my-heart

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Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens, #5) (2024)


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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.