Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together - Page 2 (2024)

Time for Act 3!

The war has stalemated, and nobody knows what to do. Riveting.

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Naturally, we cut to the Lodisians, who seem to hold the most cards.

Balzepho: Barbas, is it true that you acted without permission?!
Balzepho: I don't care what your intentions were, it is strictly forbidden to act without our leader's order!

Huh, that's a surprise. The Lodisians didn't actually intend to betray their treaty, it's just that some of them got overtly eager and disobeyed orders.

Balzepho: Moreover, you had ignored the order to retreat several times, and you never showed up until now!
Martym: Balzepho is right. How could you be so stupid! Why don't you try using your brain for a change?

Martym, you don't have a leg to stand on. You fought Guildus directly in Rime!

Balzepho: Silence! I didn't give you permission to speak!
Barbas:...I had no choice. It was the Cardinal's wish.

Right, so Branta is to blame for the attack on Rime. Are we perhaps seeing a split forming in the order? It's strange that they would be so willing to listen to a foreign ruler of a considerably weaker country, though. I hope he gave them some handsome pay.

Balzepho: Oh, what a load of sh*t!
Balzepho: That is a lie! You know full well that the Cardinal is not our lord!
Balzepho: You heard that the Knights from Zenobia were in Rime. You just wanted to fight them, right?!

That's...a really bizarre motive to pin on someone. Is the idea here that Barbas is a glory obsessed brute?


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Enter Lans Tartare and two new knights.

Lans: Okay, that's enough Balzepho!
Lans: What's done is done.
Balzepho: Welcome back...Ah, Ozma and Oz, you're here, too.

Lans takes his seat, then continues the conversation.

Lans: What is the status of Walsta?
Balzepho: They are gathered on Gruborza Plain, but they haven't made any significant movements...
Lans: That is because Duke Ronway has not defeated Gargastan yet.
Lans: Send a messenger. Tell him we will maintain our agreement.

Alright, glad to see the Lodisians nip that issue in the bud.

Balzepho: How about Bacrum? I don't think the Cardinal will remain quiet under these circ*mstances.
Lans: He will have to...
Lans: Our mission is not to rule Valeria. And we can't give away our intentions to Zenobia.
Lans: We can't allow this island to become any more chaotic than it already is...We don't want Zenobia involved.
Lans: As long as we stay neutral, Zenobia won't have any reason to. Now do you understand?

Of course, they aren't exactly doing this out of pure goodwill. It's rather telling how secretive Lans is being about their true aims, even in a meeting amongst his own order.

Lans: Besides, I want you to go to Heigm.
Barbas: You want me to leave the front?
Barbas: You can't send me to Heigm!
Lans Calm down...I'm not telling you to baby-sit the Cardinal.
Lans: The Valeria Liberation Front rescued Plancy from Heigm Castle.
Balzepho: What?!
Lans: Our true mission may be known by those guerillas...
Lans:...we can't even find Manafloa. The priest who knew of her whereabouts is also missing.
Lans: Barbas, your mission is important.
Lans: You have to bring back Plancy nomatter what!

I don't buy that he assigned such an important mission to Barbas, a man who was already seen bungling important orders. It still reads like Lans intentionally distancing him from the action to avoid further mishap. Which, he's honestly in his right to do.

Barbas:...I see.
Lans: Ozma and Oz, you take care of the Valeria Liberation Front. This can't continue.
Ozma: Yes sir, I will complete my mission for the honor of the Gracious family!
Oz: They are mere insects to us!
Oz: Leave it up to my sister and I!
Oz: We will not fail you my Lord!
Lans: Andoras, you will continue searching for Manafloa.
Lans: Balzepho, take Martym and negotiate with Duke Ronway.
Balzepho: As you wish...

And with all those orders out of the way, we transition to...

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The Walstanian meeting hall, where our protagonists are seated.

Ronway: Exactly how many Gargastan soldiers will be joining my army?
Leonard: I would say about 30%...
Leonard: The other soldiers that remain have already quit.
Ronway: Hmmm...That means that the remaining two thirds are still with Barbatos.
Leonard: He may not have the number of soldiers that he had before, but most of them are very distinguished.

Wait. How come Barbatos is still alive? Didn't Ronway's forces just storm his capital and execute him? And even if they didn't, Ronway's massacre and subsequent propaganda was explicitly stated to have turned most of Gargastani's forces against him. How does he still have any army of significance?

Leonard: A lot of villagers still support them.
Leonard: It may not be as easy as you think...
Ronway: I see. I will let you handle Barbatos' remaining troops then.
Ronway: Just clean up as soon as possible.
Leonard: Yes, my lord.
Ronway: Fortunately, Bacrum has no intention of going further south.
Ronway: I guess the treaty is still in effect.

On one hand, Ronway is being presumptous. On the other, this is a fair presumption to make - the Dark Knights are powerful enough to beat his army, even with the Zenobians backing it. If they were still aiding Bacrum, they would've progressed a lot further.

Ronway: I should send another messenger...
Ronway:...and you, my hero of Griate. I want you to hunt down Vice...
Reives: Do I have to kill him?
Ronway: He is not like you, my young hero.
Ronway:...Our methods may be different, but we are aiming toward the same goal.
Ronway: That is why you came back to me, right?
Ronway: But Vice is different.
Ronway: He lives just to satisfy his bloodlust.
Ronway: He has no ideals or purpose.
Ronway: And he knows that. He hates himself because of that.
Ronway: He eases his anger by attacking you, the man that is beloved by all. He is but a jealous child.
Ronway: Yet, I waited...I waited for Vice to come back.
Ronway: Now it is too late...
Ronway: He may cause us problems in the future...
Ronway: He is very dangerous...

This is a really pretentious and roundabout way to condemn someone for the crime of...desertion. Which is a serious crime, to be fair, but still. Ronway is still the same deceptive wretch he was, and I'm glad for it.

Kachua: You didn't have to put a price on his head.
Ronway: Believe me, I really didn't want to resort to this, Kachua.
Kachua: Reives, say something.
Reives: As long as I'm here, Vice will not come back.
Kachua: You are not listening to me!
Kachua: Fine! I'm leaving.

And so she does.

Reives: Kachua!
Leonard: Let her go, Reives.
Ronway:...are you leaving too?

Reives looks downward, remaining silent.

Ronway: Oh, I nearly forgot.
Ronway: The Zenobian Knight, Mildain is back.
Reives: Really!
Ronway: Yes...Mildain and Warren.
Ronway: Warren is hurt. You might want to visit him later.

Just then, a soldier rushes in.

Soldier: The Gargastans are attacking!!
Ronway:...Again. Don't they ever learn...
Leonard: Reives, let's go.

End scene.

I like what they try to set up here, exploring the whole nasty process of gaining and maintaining control over a recently subjugated populace, but it's not handled particularly well. Act 2 established that Ronway had a sizeable portion of Gargastan join his effort, and that the Cardinal had become immensely unpopular. Hell, he even got executed to a cheering public! What basis is there for the Gargastani to mount significant resistance? This would make more sense if Ronway had, in his hubris, done something horrible and thus shaken the trust of his people. But so far, all we've seen is him leading a massively successful military campaign and freeing the Walstanians from their oppressors, albeit with some distasteful actions he's been careful to sweep under the rug. If anything, the sudden attack on Rime should work in his favor, with his people becoming more united and determined than ever in the face of a new threat.

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The next map is fought in the now-very-familiar gates of Amorika Castle. It's not much of a fight - the enemy's center is durable, but not particularly threatening, and while it is flanked by two other groups on both sides, they are fairly weak and can be tied down easily. Of course, this is not an invitation to get complacent - the berserkers in the flanking groups are still berserkers, and still hit mightily, though their accuracy is rather shaky. Also, the witch in the center can knock important units out of commission for a fair few turns, and the leading knight does a decent amount of damage himself. Still, this is a pretty easy battle, especially since Leonard helps you out.

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After that fight, we cut to Mildain and Warren, who are resting in a dilapidated house. Reives walks in.

Mildain: Reives!
Reives: Sir Mildain. I am so glad to see you again...
Reives: How's Warren?
Mildain: He's unconscious now, but his wounds are not fatal.
Reives: I'm glad to hear that.
Reives: Sir Lans and Guildus are not back yet?
Mildain: I don't know...We haven't seen each other since the night of Bacrum's first attack.
Reives:...Guildus he helped me when Martym attacked us.
Reives: Had only I been stronger...
Mildain: You shouldn't blame yourself.
Mildain: You don't know for sure that he's dead...
Mildain: Don't worry, he'll be back.
Mildain: I heard that you are going to try and track down Vice. Do you have any idea where he could be?
Reives: No. But...
Reives: Since the Duke put a price on his head, there can only be a few places where he could be.
Mildain: Hmmm...I see...
Reives: The only place Vice can hide from the Liberation Army and the Gargastans is with the guerillas.

And also the two forts formerly controlled by the pirates. Though he would have a bit of trouble surviving there without some fishing, or even getting there without a boat of some sort.

Actually, what's stopping him from just eloping to Bacrum? Sure their border is currently quite hot, but it's not like he has many better places to go. Come to think of it, how does he know where the Valeria Liberation Front lives? And why would they be willing to admit him?

Mildain: That reminds me. When I left Rime, I saw a new group of Dark Knights.
Mildain: I heard that they were ordered to wipe out the guerillas...
Reives: The only reason the Dark Knights would be in Rime is if they were planning to attack Fort Bodo.

Or, I dunno, defend their most recent acquisition. But Mildain made their deal pretty clear.

Reives: That's where the Valeria Liberation Front is based!
Reives: If Vice joined the Valeria Liberation Front...
Mildain:...He'll be in danger!
Reives: I have to go now!

Reives almost hurries out, but is stopped by Mildain.

Mildain: Wait. I will join you.
Mildain: Reives! I won't kill Vice even if it means going against the Duke's orders.

Reives mulls it over, then nods.

Mildain: I am glad to hear that. Let's move!!

Well, I guess that's one way to setup new stakes?

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Warren doesn't join, unfortunately. Thankfully, we have a pretty powerful fighter join regardless. Mildain's stats are pretty sizeable, and while he's locked to a class with no magic, he's still a pretty formidable fighter in his own right. Unfortunately he's a bit overleveled for Reives' group right now, but that's fine, his gear can be used in the meantime instead.

Speaking of which...

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The stores are full of new gear! It's all considerably better than Reives' team's current loadout, which, admittedly, isn't much, being mostly stuck with Leather Armors, Spears and other two act old gear. I of course upgrade all of them with what I can. Of particular note is the Balder gauntlet: it grants almost as much defense as the shield, as well as its intelligence bonus(all the Balder gear has an intelligence bonus), but is lighter, making it a perfect fit for the attack wizards.

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The new gear includes new spells, which I buy a few of. I'll get to them when I use them, but most of them are buffs and debuffs, though there's also an advanced healing spell and a status curing spell.

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Since Kachua isn't joining Reives in battles anymore, and since the advanced light magic spells can't be used by Presance, I turn one of Reives' Valkyries into a Cleric. She's not the right alignment for it, but it can't really be helped, and with Neutral alignment she should still heal a decent amount. Besides, having access to reliable status recovery at all is a big deal in and of itself.

I train up Reives' team a bit to equalize their levels in what ends up being a fairly uneventful session. Then it's time for Fort Bodo.

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Unsurprisingly, the Dark Knights have beat Reives to the spot.

Ozma: You're such a pain in the ass!
Ozma: Now, I'm taking you back to Rime, Plancy.
Plancy: Did you kill everybody!?
Plancy: You are such an evil woman!

Oz walks in from Ozma's right.

Ozma: I guess our business here is done. Oz, let's go back home...
Oz: Wait a sec...I captured the leader of the guerillas.
Oz: Bring her here!
Oz: She's one tough bi***! She killed most of the Bacrum soldiers from Rime.

Wait. Are you saying you brought a contingent of Bacrumese soldiers along with your Dark Knights? Because if so, holy sh*t she's badass.

Anyway, two soldiers drag her onscreen, right behind Oz.

Selye: Go ahead, kill me!
Plancy: Selye, are you okay!?
Selye: I am sorry about this mess, uncle...
Plancy: Don't blame yourself.
Plancy: I was the one who caused all of this...

You know, I have to wonder why the Valeria Liberation Front bothered rescuing Plancy. I thought they were trying to assassinate several head figures to provoke anarchy, and I don't see how Plancy actually plays into that? As it stands, they basically just painted a big fat target on themselves.

Selye: If you ever get the chance to see my father, tell him that his daughter died honorably.
Ozma: Enough of this.
Ozma: Take them away!
Plancy: Selye! You have to find your sisters! Promise me!

He is swiftly dragged away.

Ozma: Oz, what are you going to do with that girl?
Oz: I'm taking her back as a trophy for our lord...
Ozma: Hmmm? Our lord didn't say anything about bringing back prisoners.
Ozma: This bi***! She'd rather die a thousand deaths than become our prisoner.
Oz: I guess you're right, I see the look in her eyes.
Oz: What should I do with her?
Ozma: It's up to you. You're the one who captured her.
Oz: I will place a spell on her so that she won't kill herself.
Oz: Here I go...By the power of Blue Skull!!

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That's just a regular Charm spell! What a ripoff!

Ozma: Hmm...I wonder where you got that one from? Oz, was that really necessary?
Ozma: Oh well, she's your problem now. I'm heading back to the castle. Don't be late, Oz.

She walks off.

Oz: Come this way...I will take real "good" care of you.

"You know, I don't think he's evil enough yet. Let's make him act creepily towards his captive."
"Good idea!"

Selye slowly walks towards him, but is interrupted by Sisteena calling for her.

Sisteena: Selye! Selye!

Everyone turns to the direction of Sisteena's voice, and by extension, Reives' team.

Reives: Damn it! I'm too late!
Oz: Now what!? The Liberation Army?
Oz: I want overtime for this!

The fight begins!

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This map is a sharp spike in difficulty. Oz himself is fierce, and has not only a unique, deadly axe, but also the Charm spell and a special move that does heavy damage and stuns its target.

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But that's not all! He's accompanied by Dark Knights, who, on top of being relatively well geared, and occupying a largely advantageous position, can also cast spells. This group carries a bunch of obnoxious debuffs, which, combined with Oz's Charm, can easily debilitate a good chunk of Reives' team.

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Selye dies before anyone on Reives' team can even move. It is theoretically possible to save her here, and you do get some additional scenes and an opportunity to recruit her afterwards if you do so, but it's extremely impractical. I don't bother.

Selye: Reives, your father is...alive!
Selye: You have to rescue him...He knows the truth...

And that's that twist conveyed to Reives. Which is honestly not much of one - we saw Plancy get abducted in the intro, not killed. Of course, it's reasonable for him and Kachua to assume he died, the Dark Knights aren't exactly smooth about things.

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Reives' team starts at the very bottom of the fort, of course. This pretty much sets them up for a (literally) uphill task - there's no good place to hide from Oz's team, and literally every single one of them has a ranged attack of sorts.

I do what I can, and try to send my frontliners out first. I also try to setup two flanks, to prevent too many people from bundling up and getting targeted by aoe debuffs.

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I also use Reives' team's spells to "equalize" the battlefield a bit. Offensive spells don't care one bit about height, which makes them incredible for situations like these. While each cast doesn't do much damage on its own, they add up quite quickly, and allow me to attrition Oz's team down, even with a HealRain caster attempting to keep them healthy.

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Reives' center gets hit by a nasty bout of statuses, with two stuns and then three charms landing in quick succession. And yes, statuses can stack, though stun does negate charm's most dangerous effect by keeping the affected target immobile.

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Vitalize, the cleric's status clearing spell, does clear all statuses at once, thankfully. Unfortunately, this doesn't extend to clearing debuffs, and it only affects one unit at once. Still, it's good to have around.

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Forcas does an admirable job tanking and punishing the Dark Knights.

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Unfortunately, he's punished by Oz in turn. Ouch!

Forcas: It is the time...to go into an eternal sleep...

What a weird death quote. I hope he doesn't become a ghost or skeleton or something.

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Byan, currently a Warlock, tries to debuff Oz with Melt. Melt reduces the target's physical attack, and seems to work with perfect accuracy on any target, even bosses.

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Of course, none of that matters when he's targeting a half wounded ninja. Ouch again!

Byan also packs Heat, which is the exact inverse of Melt - it buffs the target's physical attack. Applying it may sound like a no brainer, but both it and Melt only last for a limited duration, and often disabling multiple targets works better than messing with a single unit's stats.

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But Oz's tankiness makes her attack look unimpressive regardless, though it was the strongest single hit he took throughout this fight.

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Despite the unfortunate deaths and setbacks, the battle goes quite well. Oz is left stranded, at precarious HP, and with his last two men up on the ramparts.

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One of them does rush to his aid, but by then it's too little, too late.

Oz: I can't die in a place like this!
Oz: It...hurts...

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And that's the fight!

It was certainly more expensive than I would've liked, but it should be manageable still. And hey, at least Reives got a spiffy new axe out of the deal.

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Unfortunately, that visit didn't yield anything worthwhile in narrative terms, and so Reives is left clueless again. We shall continue his adventures next time, where he will hopefully get a better clue of things. Until then!

Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together - Page 2 (2024)


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Author: Trent Wehner

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

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Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.