20 Best Time Tracking Software Solutions & Apps in 2022 | Wrike (2024)

For many, working from home and remote locations has become the norm. An increasing number of organizations have distributed teams across countries and time zones, with some employees' work hours overlapping or contrasting entirely with their team members. Tracking employees' working time has become crucial to help teams, managers, and professional service agencies to plan, collaborate, and allocate their organization's resources better.

The right time tracking software makes a huge difference in organizing and synchronizing workers' schedules, abilities, and project contributions, increasing overall efficiency and profitability.

This article details the importance of time tracking, the types of companies that can benefit from employee time tracker software, and the essential features you need in time tracking software. We'll also share a curated list of the top 20 time tracking solutions on the market in 2022, including each one's best features, recent customer reviews, and pricing.

Why is time tracking important?

Time tracking makes it easy for employees, collaborators, and managers to report to employers and clients on projects they're working on. It produces timesheets with actual figures showing how employees spend the time allocated to projects, tasks, or entire workdays.

Tracking time helps managers to improve resource allocation, learn which team members are best at specific tasks, and streamline invoicing and billing when dealing with clients who pay by the hour. Project managers are better equipped to estimate and adjust team workloads, and accounting departments gather accurate customer invoicing and employee payroll data.

What type of companies use time tracking software?

Time tracking is essential for many companies, from professional service providers to sales teams, IT companies, and construction and law firms. It is most beneficial for companies that need to calculate billable work, those with remote workforces, and employees traveling or out on the field.

Here are a few examples of companies that may use time tracking software:

  • Enterprises using employee time tracker software to forecast, budget, and allocate resources
  • Agencies using time tracking software to assess employee productivity
  • Consultants tracking time to create accurate timesheets for invoicing and billing clients
  • Freelancers tracking their work hours to better estimate their ability and availability

Features to look for in employee time tracker software and apps

There are essential features you need in a time tracking tool. The features you need depend on how you plan to use the tool. What's most critical to a large company differs from what an individual needs.

Below are five features to look out for:

  1. Time tracking: This is a no-brainer. You need time tracking software that can automatically (and manually) monitor and log your working time without complicating your workflow.
  2. Timesheets: You need a time tracker that generates accurate, comprehensible, and useful timesheets you can download, export, save, and share as needed.
  3. Billing and invoicing: Your chosen time tracking app should convert your timesheets into figures the accounting department can use to invoice customers and pay employees with minimal human manipulation or errors.
  4. Reports and analytics: Another feature to look for is accuracy and relevance in the tool's reports. Specific metrics may be more important than others, depending on your business. Look for time tracking tools that report on the metrics that move your business.
  5. Alerts and notifications: Time tracking software notifications can help bring workers back to reality when they have been working too long or are close to an upcoming deadline. Look for software that prioritizes employee health and autonomy to maximize productivity without burnout.

Is free time tracking software worth the hassle?

You can only improve what you consistently measure. Free time tracking software makes it possible for those who cannot afford premium time tracking tools to put numbers on their work hours and productivity.

While most free time trackers lack advanced features, they typically enable the basic ones, including manual or automatic time tracking. If your business needs more advanced features, e.g., the ability to download and share timesheets to bill clients, it's worth investing in a time tracking solution that provides them.

Best 2022 time tracking software and tools reviewed

Now let's get to our list of the top 20 time tracking software and tools you can choose from.

1. Wrike

Wrike’s time tracking software is a part of our premium project management platform for planning, managing, executing, and collaborating on tasks and projects. The time tracker helps managers to forecast, execute, and review project progress in time to deliver projects successfully.

Whether you're an individual contributor, a part of a team, or a manager at a fast-paced organization, Wrike's time tracker provides the essential features that give you visibility and predictive data to achieve your goals.

Wrike time tracking software features

Wrike time tracking provides the following core features:

Automatic time tracking
Tracking time in Wrike is incredibly simple. Once an employee is assigned a task, they can navigate to it and start the timer when they begin work. There's also the option to add a manual time log entry if you forget to start the timer when you begin a task.

Customizable timesheets
Wrike makes it easy to edit, share, and export timesheets with team members and managers, facilitating transparency and visibility into employees' and team members' workdays. Knowing that sometimes, you may forget to track a task, Wrike makes it possible to add, edit, or delete time entries. To limit unethical manipulation, administrators can also lock timesheets.

Detailed reports and analytics
Wrike’s time tracker shines when generating detailed reports and analytics with up-to-date data on your tasks and projects. You can choose the metrics you want to track, e.g., a report on all active tasks from a particular department or project folder. Analytics are displayed in a spreadsheet or visual format, depending on your preference and needs.

Resource and workload perspective
Time tracking makes forecasting and allocating resources and workloads much more efficient and easy for project managers and employers. Wrike provides multiple views of ongoing projects and team members' workloads. The resources view focuses on projects, while the workload charts show team members' assignments.

Easy integrations with other work apps
Connecting your time tracker to other work-critical applications, e.g., Google Calendar, Microsoft Teams, or even Jira, is vital for pulling all the valuable data and insights you need to understand how employees are spending time. Wrike integrates with many popular work tools, empowering team members to work more efficiently.

iOS and Android mobile apps
Wrike’s time tracker is easily accessible on mobile applications and the web app. Working away from the office or on the field does not pose a problem. Employees can continue to track time and make use of work hours using the Wrike mobile applications.

Highlights of Wrike time tracking software

Wrike is more than a time tracker. It packs a rich set of time tracking functionalities integrated with Wrike's premium project management features. This empowers project managers and teams to set up projects, assign tasks and projects to team members, and create timelines for each. Anyone can easily track their work and assess the value of each hour.

Pricing plans

Wrike time tracking pricing plans include:

  • The Free plan with limited features
  • Paid plans from $9.80 per user per month

Find more information on Wrike's pricing plans and functionalities here.

Customer ratings and reviews

On average, customers give Wrike 4.3 out of 5 stars.

The final word

Users find it easy to track time for different tasks and projects using Wrike. The software provides advanced features and a straightforward process to integrate project management requirements into one platform.

2. TimeCamp

TimeCamp is a free time tracker for freelancers, agencies, and companies to track working hours and bill easily for projects. The software provides timesheets and reports that enable project managers to track project performance in real time and maximize the use of available resources.

TimeCamp time tracking software features

The TimeCamp time tracking software provides the following core features:

  • Employee attendance tracker
  • Productivity analysis and reports
  • Customer invoicing and employee payroll
  • Integration with popular work tools and apps
  • Web and mobile applications (Mac, Windows, Linux, iOS, Android)

Highlights of TimeCamp time tracking software

TimeCamp enables workers and organizations to streamline the way they track time manually and automatically. This is paired with straightforward billing and invoicing functionalities, which help to save time on non-billable tasks.

Pricing plans

TimeCamp pricing plans include:

  • The Free plan with limited features
  • The Basic plan at $7 per user per month
  • The Pro plan at $10 per user per month
  • Custom quotes for the Enterprise plan

Find more information on TimeCamp's pricing plans and functionalities here.

Customer ratings and reviews

On average, customers give TimeCamp 4.7 out of 5 stars.

The final word

Users love the easy-to-navigate user interface but find that integrations don’t always function properly. The software monitors employee productivity levels and tracks their daily project progress.

3. Harvest

Harvest is an employee time tracking app for managers and administrators to gain insights into their teams' work and productivity over time. The software provides invoicing and payments and gathers insights from past projects and tasks to generate reports that help managers plan better for future projects.

Harvest time tracking software features

Harvest time tracking software provides the following core features:

  • Visual reports
  • Customer invoicing and payments
  • Integrations with payment providers
  • Integrations with popular work tools and apps
  • Web and mobile applications (Mac, Windows, iOS, Android)

Highlights of Harvest time tracking software

With Stripe and PayPal integrations, Harvest allows users to send invoices to clients and customers straight from the app. The app sends automatic notifications and reminders to clients, which saves time.

Pricing plans

Harvest pricing plans include:

  • The Free plan with limited features
  • The Pro plan at $12 per user per month

You can find more information on Harvest's pricing plans and functionalities here.

Customer ratings and reviews

Try Wrike for free

On average, customers give Harvest 4.6 out of 5 stars.

The final word

Harvest provides a simple way to track employee time. Project managers can create and assign projects and tasks to team members, keep track of each one, and compare it to the total number of hours allotted for the entire project. Some users find the interface difficult to use.

4. Toggl Track

Toggl Track is an employee time tracker software that helps project managers and human resource personnel manage time tracking, team and project planning, and hiring for digital teams and remote staff.

Toggl time tracking software features

The Toggl tracker app provides the following core features:

  • Detailed reports
  • Calendar integrations
  • Idle time detection notifications
  • Integrations with popular work tools and apps
  • Web and mobile applications (Mac, Windows, Linux, iOS, Android, Chrome)

Highlights of Toggl time tracking software

Toggl Track is easy to navigate and use. The project, timelines, and budget planning functionalities make it a reasonable solution for many types of businesses.

Pricing plans

Toggl Track pricing plans include:

  • The Team plan at $9 per user per month
  • The Business plan at $15 per user per month

Find more information on Toggl Track pricing plans and functionalities here.

Customer ratings and reviews

On average, customers give Toggl Track 4.7 out of 5 stars.

The final word

Toggl generates in-depth reports and helps to create projects you can keyword in and start tracking your time. Users like the ease of use and straightforward process, but find it difficult to switch to the app quickly.

5: DeskTime

DeskTime is an all-in-one time tracker software with features for managing projects and supporting human resources. The software prioritizes employee productivity and goes beyond monitoring web clicks and activity.

DeskTime software features

DeskTime time tracking software provides the following core features:

  • Pomodoro timer
  • Random screenshots
  • Idle time detection
  • Integrations with many popular work tools
  • Web and mobile applications (Mac, Windows, Linux, iOS, Android)

Highlights of DeskTime time tracking software

DeskTime allows each department to establish what constitutes productive work for their teams. Each department can categorize tools, websites, and apps into "Productive" and "Unproductive" groups.

Pricing plans

DeskTime pricing plans include:

  • The Lite (free) plan with limited features
  • The Pro plan at $7 per user per month
  • The Premium plan at $10 per user per month
  • The Enterprise plan at $20 per user per month

Find more information on DeskTime pricing plans and functionalities here.

Customer ratings and reviews

On average, customers give DeskTime 4.5 out of 5 stars.

The final word

DeskTime helps to estimate how much time a team member spends on each case so that they’re paid accordingly. DeskTime integrates well with other tools which increases productivity for many users —however, it can occasionally be glitchy.

6. My Hours

My Hours is a time tracking tool that focuses on empowering solo business owners and independent professional agencies rather than monitoring employee activity. The software allows users to manually and automatically track work hours and manage timesheets and expenses.

My Hours time tracking software features

My Hours provides the following core features:

  • Timesheet management
  • Project and timeline management
  • Invoicing and billing
  • Vacation and leave tracking
  • Web and mobile applications (Desktop, iOS, Android)

Highlights of My Hours time tracking software

My Hours streamlines how teams work together. It keeps the focus on improving project profitability and limiting non-billable administrative tasks. It also prioritizes employee autonomy and does not support monitoring via website clicks or GPS tracking.

Pricing plans

My Hours pricing plans include:

  • The Free plan with limited features
  • The Pro plan at $7 per user per month

You can find more information on My Hours pricing plans and functionalities here.

Customer ratings and reviews

On average, customers give My Hours 4.8 out of 5 stars.

The final word

My Hours has a clean, crisp interface, which allows users to enter hours by project and task with tags either manually or via automatic time tracking. It is great for sharing timesheets and links with clients and employers, but some users find it tricky to switch from one time tracking mode to another.

7. QuickBooks Time

QuickBooks Time by Intuit is a time tracking tool for mid to large-sized businesses. The software offers time tracking functionalities that monitor employee activity, including GPS tracking. As a sub-product of QuickBooks, a widely-used business accounting software, it’s an easy choice for tied-in businesses.

QuickBooks Time software features

QuickBooks Time provides the following core features:

  • GPS-based tracking for remote staff
  • Employee scheduling and attendance tracking
  • Easy payroll and invoicing integration with QuickBooks
  • Integrations with many popular work tools and apps
  • Web and mobile applications (Web, iOS, Android)

Highlights of QuickBooks Time tracking software

QuickBooks Time integrates seamlessly with QuickBooks, which is helpful for tied-in businesses.

Pricing plans

QuickBooks Time pricing plans include:

  • The Elite plan at $40 per month (+ $10 per user per month)
  • The Premium plan at $20 per month (+ $8 per user per month)

Find more information on QuickBooks Time pricing plans and functionalities here.

Customer ratings and reviews

On average, customers give QuickBooks Time 4.7 out of 5 stars.

The final word

QuickBooks Time makes tracking employees' work hours, activities, and locations easy. It also integrates with the QuickBooks accounting software program, so businesses that use both tools can manage both functions. However, it can become expensive as you add more collaborators and employees.

8. Time Doctor

Time Doctor is a time tracker for hybrid and remote teams that offers project management and team supervision. The software promotes transparency and provides visibility whether your employees are in the office, on the road, or working from remote locations.

Time Doctor time tracking software features

Time Doctor provides the following core features:

  • GPS tracking
  • Chat monitoring
  • Random screenshots of employees' work
  • Tracks employee's online activity and history
  • Idle detection and distraction notifications
  • Web and mobile applications (Mac, Windows, Linux, iOS, Android)

Highlights of Time Doctor time tracking software

Time Doctor enables managers to pay employees and collaborators directly from the software.

Pricing plans

Time Doctor pricing plans include:

  • The Basic plan at $7 per user per month
  • The Standard plan at $10 per user per month
  • The Premium plan at $20 per user per month

Find more information on Time Doctor pricing plans and functionalities here.

Customer ratings and reviews

On average, customers give Time Doctor 4.5 out of 5 stars.

The final word

Time Doctor helps control employee productivity and monitor web browsing activity and app usage. It automatically calculates the amount of money to be paid out depending on the number of hours worked, including overtime. However, employees can find the notifications to be invasive and annoying.

9. Timesheets.com

Timesheets.com is a straightforward employee time tracking software for teams of any size. It has a feature set that includes time tracking and logging, employee scheduling, and billing and invoicing.

Timesheets.com tracking software features

Timesheets.com provides the following core features:

  • GPS tracking
  • Calendar management
  • Employee web activity tracking
  • Billing and invoicing
  • Easy-to-generate reports

Highlights of Timesheets.com time tracking software

Timesheets.com keeps things simple and does just what it's supposed to do. It provides a simple and affordable option for freelancers and small businesses to share their work with clients and get paid easily.

Pricing plans

Timesheets.com pricing plans include:

  • The Freelancer plan at $0 per user
  • The Standard plan at $4.50 per user
  • The Non-profit plan at $3.60 per user

Find more information on Timesheets.com pricing plans and functionalities here.

Customer ratings and review

On average, customers give Timesheets.com 4.7 out of 5 stars.

The final word

Timesheets.com is a web application that makes it easy for anyone to keep track of work hours and calculate payroll easily. It provides the basic functionalities to help you track time, but it can be difficult to adjust the format.

10. Hubstaff

Hubstaff is a time tracking tool for remote and off-site teams and outsourced collaborators. It tracks web activity and offline GPS locations for those out of the office. This allows project managers to know what their team members are doing and where they are at any time.

Hubstaff time tracking software features

The Hubstaff time tracking software provides the following core features:

  • GPS tracking
  • Random screenshots of employees' work
  • Online timesheets and templates
  • Employee invoicing and payroll
  • Web and mobile applications (Mac, Windows, Chromebook, Linux, iOS, Android)

Highlights of Hubstaff time tracking software

Hubstaff helps teams that do not work in a single place to have a common workspace and manage employee productivity and collaboration.

Pricing plans

Hubstaff pricing plans include:

  • The Desk Free plan at $0 for only one user
  • The Desk Starter plan at $7 per user per month
  • The Desk Pro plan at $10 per user per month
  • Custom quotes for the Enterprise plan

Find more information on Hubstaff's pricing plans and functionalities here.

Customer ratings and reviews

On average, customers give Hubstaff 4.6 out of 5 stars.

The final word

Hubstaff is great for managing remote teams in different places. It helps to track tasks, project progress, and expenses and has many other features to make projects run smoothly. Some users complain that it doesn’t accurately track productivity as it fails to account for offline work.

11. Resource Management by Smartsheet

Resource Management by Smartsheet provides a time tracker to empower large teams to streamline their timesheets, employee activity, and resource allocation in one centralized platform. The software gathers data and insights in a spreadsheet-style format, giving users the ability to see what teams are working on and what resources they need to deliver successful projects.

Resource Management by Smartsheet software features

Resource Management by Smartsheet provides the following core features:

  • Dynamic reports
  • Manual and automatic timesheets
  • Project and timeline planning
  • Integration with Smartsheet work management software
  • Time tracking for resource management workflows

Highlights of Resource Management by Smartsheet tracking software

This software helps managers save time by centralizing resource allocation and project management decisions in one place. Users get more benefits when they integrate the time tracker with Smartsheet's work management software.

Pricing plans

Resource Management by Smartsheet pricing plans include:

  • The Pro plan at $9 per user per month
  • The Business plan at $32 per user per month
  • Custom quotes for the Enterprise plan

Find more information on Resource Management by Smartsheet pricing plans and functionalities here.

Customer ratings and reviews

On average, customers give Resource Management by Smartsheet 4.2 out of 5 stars.

The final word

This app provides detailed data on resource usage across an organization’s projects —however, it’s not easy to link resources to managers or connect timesheets to the master schedule.

12. Buddy Punch

Buddy Punch is a punch clock and time tracker app that helps monitor employees at work, including attendance, activity, location, productivity, and payroll. It is a program that keeps managers up to date on projects and teams without manual data entry and check-ins.

Buddy Punch time tracking software features

Buddy Punch time tracking software provides the following core features:

  • GPS tracking
  • IP address lock-in
  • Detailed reports
  • Employee scheduling
  • Web and mobile applications (Windows, iOS, Android, Chrome)

Highlights of Buddy Punch time tracking software

Buddy Punch is user-friendly. Customer support is responsive, and the software is continually upgraded to satisfy users' needs.

Pricing plans

Buddy Punch's pricing plans include:

  • The Standard plan at $3.49 per user per month (+$19 base fee per month)
  • The Pro plan at $4.49 per user per month (+$19 base fee per month)
  • Custom quotes for the Enterprise plan

Find more information on Buddy Punch pricing plans and functionalities here.

Customer ratings and reviews

On average, customers give Buddy Punch 4.8 out of 5 stars.

The final word

Buddy Punch is easy to use and intuitive. Users can integrate time tracking with payroll and other advanced functionalities, but the PTO functionality is lacking.

13. Bill4Time

Bill4Time is a specialized time tracking tool for professionals and agencies in the legal industry. It provides a set of time tracking, billing, invoicing, and case and task management functionalities that helps free up time for lawyers and others in the legal space to run their practice.

Bill4Time software features

The Bill4Time time tracking software provides the following core features:

  • Time tracking
  • Expense tracking
  • Invoicing and billing
  • Online payments
  • Web and mobile applications (desktop, iOS, Android)

Highlights of Bill4Time software

Bill4Time is designed for professionals in the legal space. Its functionalities allow solo practitioners and independent firms to track billable and non-billable hours and keep their cases and projects in order.

Pricing plans

Bill4Time's pricing plans include:

  • The Time & Billing plan at $29 per user per month
  • The Legal Pro plan at $49 per user per month
  • The Legal Enterprise plan at $89 per user per month

Find more information on Bill4Time pricing plans and functionalities here.

Customer ratings and reviews

On average, customers give Bill4Time 4.8 out of 5 stars.

The final word

Bill4Time is easy to use and has specific functionalities for its target market. However, some users report that customer support is unsatisfactory.

14. ATracker

ATracker is different from most other apps on this list because it works mainly on mobile. Its iOS and Android apps are more of a personal time tracker than employee time tracker software.

ATracker time tracking software features

The ATracker time tracking software provides the following core features:

  • Visual reports
  • Customizable time logs
  • Customizable UI
  • Task history with search function
  • Mobile applications (iOS, Android)

Highlights of ATracker time tracking software

ATracker is relatively easy to use. Its features help modern professionals take control of their days by tracking both work and personal responsibilities.

Pricing plans

ATracker's pricing plans include:


  • The Free plan at $0
  • The Premium plan at $2.99 per month
  • The ATracker PRO plan at $4.99 for a one-time cost


  • The Free plan at $0
  • The Premium plan at $2.99 per month
  • The ATracker (IAP Upgrade) plan at $2.99 for a one-time cost

Find more information on ATracker's pricing plans and functionalities here.

Customer ratings and reviews

On average, iOS users give ATracker 4.7 out of 5 stars.

The final word

ATracker helps you fill in all the tasks you do in a day and click between them to time them easily. It's great for keeping track of both personal and work tasks and habits.

15. RescueTime

RescueTime is a time tracking solution for people looking to up their productivity and quantify where their time goes. It is less about employee monitoring and business invoicing and more about individuals designing a self-quantified life.

RescueTime software features

The RescueTime time tracking software provides the following core features:

  • Set priorities and daily goals
  • Productivity summary reports
  • Block specific URLs to limit distractions
  • Notifications to keep your focus on your main task
  • Mobile and web applications (Mac, Windows, Linux, Android)

Highlights of RescueTime software

RescueTime helps solo entrepreneurs, freelancers, and team members in organizations set intentional daily goals and track their progress.

Pricing plans

RescueTime's pricing plans include:

  • RescueTime Free plan with limited features
  • RescueTime Premium plan at $6.50 per month

Find more information on RescueTime pricing plans and functionalities here.

Customer ratings and reviews

On average, customers give RescueTime 4.6 out of 5 stars.

The final word

RescueTime sends regular productivity reports, which helps users find time-wasters in their day and plan projects better. This helps users become aware of where their time goes and what to focus on to become more productive. However, its interface could be more user-friendly.

16. Tick

Tick is built for freelancers, consultants, and solo entrepreneurs. It tracks how much time you spend on projects and tasks in an effort to improve your project planning timelines and budget estimations for future projects.

Tick time tracking software features

The Tick time tracking software provides the following core features:

  • Tracking budgets and timelines
  • Reusable project templates
  • Integrate billing and invoicing with QuickBooks
  • Integrations with other popular work tools and apps
  • Web and mobile applications (Mac, Windows, iOS, Android, Chrome, Apple Watch)

Highlights of Tick time tracking software

With each new time or task entry, Tick updates how much resources and time you have left to complete the project or task. It notifies you when you're running low or about to exceed your time and budget.

Pricing plans

Tick's pricing plans include:

  • The 1 Project plan for free
  • The 10 Project plan at $19 per month
  • The 30 Project plan at $49 per month
  • The 60 Project plan at $79 per month
  • The Unlimited Project plan at $149 per month

Find more information on Tick pricing plans and functionalities here.

Customer ratings and reviews

On average, customers give Tick 4.5 out of 5 stars.

The final word

Tick is mostly easy to use, though some users find the system for classifying projects confusing. Users can set and track task schedules and budgets for multiple projects and see how well they use their time to achieve set goals.

17. ProofHub

ProofHub is a project management software with a time tracking feature. The software is made for teams and project managers who want visibility into ongoing projects. It provides customizable timesheets for customer invoicing, employee payroll, and project/budget estimation.

ProofHub time tracking software features

ProofHub time tracking software provides the following core features:

  • Advanced project management features
  • Detailed reports
  • In-app communication
  • Web and mobile applications (desktop, Android, iOS)

Highlights of ProofHub time tracking software

ProofHub offers fixed pricing regardless of the number of users an organization has. This makes it a smart choice for teams scaling quickly and working regularly with contractors.

Pricing plans

ProofHub's pricing plans include:

  • The Essential plan at $50 per month
  • The Ultimate Control plan at $99 per month

Find more information on ProofHub pricing plans and functionalities here.

Customer ratings and reviews

On average, customers give ProofHub 4.5 out of 5 stars.

The final word

ProofHub is great for managing teams and collaborations, but the UI can have a steep learning curve. The platform has in-app communication features that enable you to upload and share media, documents, and links while chatting with team members in real time.

18. Float

Float is a project and resource management tool for professional service agencies and IT firms. It helps streamline projects, tasks, and team management. The time tracking feature may be oversimplified. You can see the difference between your planned and logged hours, but not how you spent your time.

Float time tracking software features

The Float time tracking software provides the following core features:

  • Time tracking
  • Resource scheduling
  • In-app communication
  • Team management and calendar syncing
  • Web and mobile applications (desktop, Android, iOS)

Highlights of Float time tracking software

Float is easy to use. It doesn't overcomplicate the time tracking process and provides just enough details to keep a team or employee on track with their project goals.

Pricing plans

Float's pricing plans include:

  • The Resource Planning plan at $7.50 per user per month
  • The Resource Planning + Time Tracking plan at $12.50 per user per month

Find more information on Float pricing plans and functionalities here.

Customer ratings and reviews

On average, customers give Float 4.5 out of 5 stars.

The final word

Float is a good, collaborative project management tool. It's easy to learn and visually appealing to present project plans to team members and project managers —however, version control can sometimes be an issue with the app.

19. Timely

Timely simply handles automatic time tracking for companies. The software captures employee clicks and online activity and records the amount of time spent on everything. This includes time in meetings, documents, emails, and even offline with GPS tracking.

Timely time tracking software features

The Timely time tracking software provides the following core features:

  • Digital activity tracking
  • GPS tracking
  • Customizable timesheets
  • Web and mobile applications (desktop, Mac, Windows, iOS, Android))

Highlights of Timely software

Depending on your settings, personal data gathered on the app is kept private to you. Managers can access these insights by requesting adequate permissions.

Pricing plans

Timely's pricing plans include:

  • The Starter plan at $10 per user per month
  • The Premium plan at $18 per user per month
  • The Unlimited plan at $26 per user per month
  • Custom quotes for the Unlimited+ plan

Find more information on Timely pricing plans and functionalities here.

Customer ratings and reviews

On average, customers give Timely 4.7 out of 5 stars.

The final word

Timely is good time tracking software with many essential features. Users can easily create and schedule tasks and track workflows.

20. HourStack

HourStack provides a simplified time tracking tool to help small teams achieve maximum efficiency and successful collaboration. The software helps schedule and track team hours and gain insights from team members' working hours and performance.

HourStack software features

The HourStack time tracking software provides the following core features:

  • Time tracking
  • Team management
  • Calendar synchronization
  • Integrations with popular project management tools

Highlights of HourStack time tracking software

HourStack combines time tracking and calendar synchronization to improve collaboration and efficiency. It is a lightweight time tracking tool that becomes more powerful when integrated with more robust project management software.

Pricing plans

HourStack pricing plans include:

  • The Personal plan at $12 per month for only one user
  • The Team plan at $15 per user per month

Find more information on HourStack pricing plans and functionalities here.

Customer ratings and reviews

On average, customers give HourStack 4.8 out of 5 stars.

The final word

HourStack has a drag-and-drop feature that makes it easy to move and schedule tasks. This makes weekly planning easy for teams of any size. However, some users report that the app crashes from time to time, and there are features missing for administrators.

How to get started with Wrike's time tracking software

Are you wondering if you're using your work hours wisely? Is your organization running a remote or hybrid workforce or regularly working with contractors?

If you're often running out of time and unable to deliver successful projects or allocate budgets and resources efficiently, Wrike time tracking software is the right fit for you. You can monitor your team's time on projects and tasks with Wrike's time tracker and use this visibility to refine your time and resource management.

Get started with a two-week free trial of Wrike today, and begin a new and more productive way of working.

20 Best Time Tracking Software Solutions & Apps in 2022 | Wrike (2024)


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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.