Kenosha News from Kenosha, Wisconsin (2024)

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PAGE NINE KENOSHA EVENING NEWS MONDAY JANUARY 7 1935 Shun Dancer Your Health "Ides of March" Laud Hepburn O-i sjn? J3J as Composer ALL CLASSES ARE INCLUDED IN CASES OF CHILD DELINQUENCY in Barrie Role tin trimviTit a in love with But Fred Astaire Insists Babbie and Other Par By DR MORRIS FISHBEIN Editor Journal of the American Medical Association and of Hygeia the Health iligazine Tou will find many varietiA of -V On Proving His Song- f4C4r Writing Talents her Or was he? If he were it wm a different type of love than Tony had offered her Tony's love had lacked stability but it was not all emotion Ann had the feeling that there was something impersonal about Allan Vincent's feeling for her It lacked devotion yet it was not a light emotion either His hand had 4" delinquent children ticipants Enact Parts in Keeping with Author Katharine Hepburn's- new-star-rlng picture "The Little which in beine shown at the Ke Thev include those who are not Bv DAN THOMAS able to hold their own in groups of (NBA Service Staff Correspondent) Hollywood Recognized for some children: those who are unruly and id who refuse to submit to the usual al vs WW'- fx-" years as one of the world's foremost customs of school and community nosha theater has been produced In dancers and now a leading screen luminary as well Fred Astaire still and those emotionally unstable who isn't satisfied His one sreat desire is to become recognized as a musical composer And that so far has been denied the true spirit of Sir James Harriet masterpiece All the characters go about their amusing or exciting business exactly as Sir James Barrie visualized them Babble as portrayed by Katharine Hepburn is still the wild and untamed but tender girl who leads her enemies and her love a merry chase She is the eternal feminine "Behold My Wife'9 JK twins wpM 4 4 him even though he has asked or i -v: no compensation for his efforts in have neurotic tendencies When studies are' made it is found that delinquent boys and girls live in general about the same as other boys and girls in the public schools They come from middle-class homes and poor homes but occasionally from homes of the well-to-do On the other hand when the occupations of their fathers are considered it is found that delinquent shaken as he lifted a cigarei tia eyes had smoldered He was starved for affection Lonely isolated That must be it Oh why had this happened to her' Now everything would be changed All the friendliness would be gene She would feel eelf-con-scious constrained Perhaps It would be better to go away "Ann I've asked you twice what what you think of this wrought flower stand" "I think it's beautiful" "And these "Wedge wood urns for the garden" "Lovely" ii -a scornful srlance this direction Astaire's talent as a musician still is a dark secret as far as movie audiences are concerned However as will be revealed in his new nicture "Roberta lie is children come more frequently from fathers who are unskilled laborers equally as nimble with his fingers as with his feet and that's plenty as Barrie painted her The spectator instantly responds to the net of intrigue which she weaves around the serious-minded little minister ably and sympathetically played hy John Beal There is delight in watching him endeavor to break this romantic snare Interestine Bole and who have not themselves ap proached higher education and the When you see him pounding those ivory keys though rest as higher professions In the main the proportion of delinquent children from any social- rrfaww ii iiiiw mMnirMii' ifiinw hi sured that he isn't as happy as he looks The one thing he wanted in This is how Cecil DeMille pictures the fateful "Idea of March" and economic class is equal to the pro tu rf rcaai in Tifa nsr film snectacle "Cleopatra" which this film was to play or dance to Then there is Alan Hale as Rob Dow who had a dog-like affection portion of that class in the I one of his own compositions i it nhuU iheator Warren William who nlays the Em tr j- imnnMinn of the two nrincinals In Paramount'a That ambition was nipped when peror's role is shown struggling with Edwin Maxwell as Casca while Ian for the little minister but who unintentionally causes him much Jerome Kern was signed to write Maclaren Cassius and Arthur Honi as tne traitorous cruiuwvu all music for the picture Then the actor-dancer asked studio exec "Behold My Wife" which opened at the Gateway theater Sunday Sylvia Sidney Is the star while Gene Raymond her leading man Is featured with Warner Laura Hope Crews and Juliette Compton The picture a Schulberg production was directed by Mitchell Leisen A second feature Is Chester Morris In "I've Been Around the Corner' Hrvh and Mr and Mrs Adam Dib ble of Antioch were Sunday visitors utes to let him write a song for his next film "Top Hat" Againhe of Mr and Mrs Dibble Somers tin Minnie Ozanne Correspondent was thwarted when Irving Berlin Mr and Mrs John De Bell had as thir Saturday evening guests Mr What a help you are Let's go home" Shadows were closing about the bungalow when they drove up A light flashed on in Mrs Tracy's bedroom Allan shot a look at Ann as he shut off the ignition "Glad Lois is in aren't you?" He said when she did not reply "Why shouldn't I make love to you? Because you are the governess to my sister's children?" No?" "Then why?" His eyes pleaded With her "It would spoil everything Ann aid in a low voice "I'd have to go away" "You would do that Ann? "Yes" "I'll be good" he promised "I couldn't bear the place now with you gone" CHAPTER XXXIX For a week Allan Vincent kept his promise He spent most of his time tirfio and Ann met only was brought out here to write the complete musical score and Mrs John Brandes However Astaire wasn't going to Although there may be a slight tendency for more children from poorer families than from well-to-do families to become delinquent the economic picture is not the dominant one in causing delinquency The questions of heredity and of home conditions are most important Broken homes are more prevalent among delinquent children than among children generally When the home is broken up by the death or the desertion of a parent delinquency is more likely to occur Forty-nine per cent of delinquent girls and 37 per cent of delinquent boys came from homes in which one get this sort of a run-around in Mr and Mrs Faden had as their Sunday dinner guests Mr and Mrs Frank Madden and Lorraine trouble and Andy Clyde as tne poignant but humorous "Weary-world" the unwanted policeman and Donald Crisp as Dr McQueen the kindly understanding physician Mary Gordon as the pathetic Nanny Beryl Mercer as the gentle mother of the little minister Lums-den Hare as the stern Lang Tham-roas Frank Conroy as the understanding but aloof Lord Rintoul and many others They are all these characters who are household words in every English-speaking family And Richard Wallace who directed the picture has kept each character in tune with Barrie's inimitable definitely So he went to Pandro Berman associate producer in Mrs Sarah Madden Mrs Thos Ful- leylove and son Arthur of Kenosha "All right 111 try not to be gone long" He walked away Ann put her face down In her hands covering it with trembling fingers It couldn't be true But It was The bookcases with books In warm bindings the gay chintz hangings the antiques all the lovely things she and Allan had planned for this home were for Valeria The simple nrtniTK windows through which fArs A Burdick called on Mrs charge of his films and insisted that a clause be inserted in his contract glvinng him the privilege of writing one number for the picture The Timely Twenty club will meet Thursday afternoon with Mrs Cameron Mr and Mrs Charles Dorey entertained Saturday evening for Messrs and Mmes A Jensen Bert Barrows and Eric Jensen Two tables of 500 were played Lunch was served Mr and Mrs A Jensen and family were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Raymond Jensen Kenosha Mr and Mrs Everett Corbett were Wm Cook on Monday afternoon Chas Lasco was a- Burlington to follow "Top Hat" visitor Saturday ''Composing isn't exactly a new "Peter!" "Millicent was right It was a foolish thing to do I'm sure Ann is not coming back Tou didn't believe she would either Tou-thought it would be good for me to have something to do I can't go on with 'v-' "But Peter I don't see how you could stop the work now Things have been ordered men engaged There's the time Mr Vincent has spent in planning" "I'll take care of all the expense but I'm going to stop the whole business I'll close the place or sell it" "What in the world has happened?" "I don't know I just decided tonight" Valeria was silent Peter must not be allowed to put this ridiculous impulse into action It might end or both parents were dead venture for me" Fred remarked as he slipped on a lightweight sweater In general public school children thA warden could be glimpsed the Hollywood Gossip i preparatory to an afternoon of re hearsals "Since I came out here Aubusson rug for the living room are found in only 17 per cent of cases to come from homes iri which one or both parents may be dead Homes broken by separation of the parents are also much more prev a year ago for 'Flying Down to Rio' I have written five numbers Twentieth Century is erecting a sound-proof stage near Mount Bak Paris Mrs Arthur Bullls Correspondent guests at a party at the home of Mr and Mrs William Stempke Kenosha Albert Mueller of the Navy left Saturday morning for Norfolk Va after a ten day holiday with his oarents Mr and Mrs Peter Mueller Personally I am of the opinion er wash ro tnat tne linenur tto alent among delinquent children that once one of Astaire's own com won evterior scenes of Call of than among public school children the beautiful old Venetian mirrors-all for Valeria She had been helping Allan furnish a place for the woman who had taken her husband's love No that was being melodramatic Accusing Peter of unfaithfulness How could Valeria steal something from Ann that she had never had? the Wild" can be made there generally positions hits the screen studio execs are going to kick each other's breeches plenty hard for not hav The Parent-Teachers' association of the Des Plaines school Miss He was accompanied by two friends According to reports from Europe Moreover these homes are some ing utilized this talent par one young man of Milwaukee and the other of Dayton everything for her It would give times disturbed in other wavs The ticularly when it wouldn't have Garbo is planning on producing a stage play with herself as the star occasionally at meals Occasionly sh ran across him in the hall when he was coming or leaving the house They had met this afternoon and Allan had greeted her in a friendly casual way "I've been busy as the deuce Did you feel neglected?" "Terribly I've been busy too "I'm going over the Brent house Amah The owner and his girl wiif be there Will you come with me?" A "I'm sure those people won want Grangers around" Her tone was doubtful "They won't know you are there guess I'm wrong They couldn't miss you" There was such eagerness in his her ho excuse to be with mm A group of friends surprised cost them even one thin dime mothers of 50 per cent of delinquent Louise Lauer teacher held their January meeting at the schoolhouse on Friday evening with a good crowd In attendance Frank Erickson president of the association presided over the business session The in Stockholm next summer Ernest Tabbert Saturday evening The other day while killing time girls were found to be employed outside their homes and the moth "Let's not talk about it" she said "It's settled" Peter said "Ive been wasting a lot of time when I iiAuij tisira heen lookimr for Ann between scenes I heard him coax complimenting him on his birthday anniversary Dart ball and cards Luisa Rainer Austrian stage star will arrive here in about two weeks ers of 43 per cent of such boys were an original tune out of a piano secretary's report was read by Miss furnished entertainment Lunch was also employed Roomers lived in 19 And take it from me it was a tune to start work on her M-G-M con vuum II And doing things she would like me Lauer while Mrs Edith Price treas served any of our high-salaried note twist per cent of homes of delinquent girls and in 23 per cent of homes tract ers would love to claim urer gave her report A letter was read bv the teacher Miss Lauer of delinquent boys Lawrence Tibbert is coming back 1 from the county nurse Miss Ruby to the screen Darryl Zanuck having Rox Office First You can see from this that the conditions in the home are of great Woodworth Mre Edwards Correspondent iust signed him to a five-year con McKenzie on the diphtheria antitoxin Committees for the next One of these days motion picture Her head was throbbing terriDiy Peter was in there walking through the rooms with Valeria Perhaps Allan was telling them abbut the white chintz with the blue and mulberry flowers about the ruff white curtains at the windows Allan would be urging hereto assist him with more ideas would be insisting she come over to see the place Not once but many times Not because he needed her help but because he was lonely Because he was buoyed up by her imagination and Interest and he thought he was in love with her "I "couldn't bear coming here Ann decided "I've suffered enough already" si -nrnuli srive tin her job If she est significance Delinquent children producers are going to learn that tract His first picture to go into production next month will be "Sing meeting were appointed: Lunch are on less sympathetic terms with Mrs Paul Belchner program Char a performance on the screen is just as important as a name on a theater Mrs Robert Gillmore entertained Governor Sing' their parents they confide in them less they receive less information about the fundamental facts of s-x ley Price and Carl Peterson community sinelng was enjoyed led by marquee Apparently however they Dashiell Hammett now writing the at a family gathering in honor of Mr Gillmore's birthday on Friday evening haven't learned yet eye Ann hadn't the heart to refuse him They drove out early after dinner hut lights were in the house when they arrived "I had the electricity turned on Allan explained "because we have planned to do some of the work at night The owner is impatient to have the job finished" They had driven close to the big Miss Lauer with Miss Frances Price seauel to "The Thin Man" really is to be doing" "What things?" In the darkness Valeria's lips curved contemptuously "Working on a plan I have In mind about Kendallwood if I can persuade grandfather it should be done" More of those tiresome plans for building up that horrid factory town Valeria decided "Let's drive a while" she said "There's a wonderful moon tonight Had you noticed?" Peter hadn't noticed He glanced up now and thought the moon looked cold remote unfriendly Valeria was thinking "He treats me as though -1 were an inanimate wall beside him instead of a wom A case in point is that of Hugh at the niano The remainder or tne than do children who are in the public schools generally When parents can observe the Marilyn and Joyce Edwards who O'Connell who starred on Broad evening was passed at cards with in a quandary He has to kill some member of the cast to make the story a murder mystery' but he likes have been visiting their grandpar way last seasorr in "The Milky six tables in play Lunch was served amusem*nts of the child supervise ents Mr and Mrs Wehngren in Way" Hugh now is in Hollywood Mr and Mrs Gahardt ana iamny all his characters too well to do away its leisure time and its choice of friends take care of the question of Kenosha have returned home Tney were accompanied by Mrs Wenn- where he has just completed is third nicture But did that make any dif with any of them of Pleasant Prairie passed 'Friday with their daughter Mr and Mrs staying out late at nisht and look gren who is passing a few days ference to Paramount executives Oene Ravmond appears to have re Clarence Muhlenbeck and Bruce with the Guy Edwards family when they started casting or the had gone the week before when she had learned how Allari felt this last terrible hurt would have been spared her They were coming out now A tall voimr man stood in the door Will Jones is doing some cement placed Phillips Holmes in the life of Mr and Mrs A Wilson and film version of this play? It did work for Roy Gorst Florence Rice Yvonne of Crystal Lake 111 visited jrrav roadster before Ann saw Suddenly her heart seemed to turn ever and then be still It was Peter's car! Xo it couldn't be How foolish to think there would be only one big pray roadster in this huge city There must be scores like it There must be! "Whose car is that?" she asked not Mr and Mrs Henry Mueller ana 'We would like to give you the Richard Dix and his wife are prac their parents Mr and Mrs Edwards on Saturday family were hostess to a number of friends at their home on Friday top spot in this picture Hugh" a way That was Peter and that was Valeria beside him Ann felt tically counting the hours until the stork arrives at their home and he studio Official told him "The only evening 1 trouble is that your name hasn't isn't due until May Mr and Mrs Philip Brack tran- She heard Allan say I nurry enough box office value" an" Would he stop the car so they could look at the river for a moment? Peter looked at Valeria and smiled a little But he stopped the car lit a cigaret and looked at the moon at the water It was pic-turesaue The moon had turned the after many other interests of the child concerned in the question of delinquency they will do much to keep the child from becoming delinquent Announce Appointment of Two Postmasters Washington The postofhee department Saturday announced appointment of the following acting pastmasters: Joseph A Kumhera Al-mena Wis AVilliam A Weier Wa-beno Wis sacted business In Kenosha on along I have a friend ro me car Bristol Mrs Margaret Maleskt Correspondent So Jack Oakie now has the top Friday waiting for me" Beloit Kegler Wins spot in "The Milky Way Parent-Teacher association of the "Why didn't you bring mm mr Madison Pin Tourney Peter asked Paris Corners school will hold their January meeting at the schoolhouse Mrs Gaines and Mrs Clare An Idea Leaks Out "It's a girl friend" Allan laughed 'Shf wouldn't come in Some crazy Hver to silver Now and then soft Bryant and son Willard enjoyed a Your correspondent presents here on Thursday evening January 10 clouds scudded across the sky Then trip to Milwaukee Friday Madison John Davis Barnev Nevelier of Antioch was a with a 15-second interview with notion she might be intruding Good The Misses Brosia and Etta Wil Reloit won the ODen individual bowl guest of his brother Mr and Mrs the moon would appear again ana the waves would pick up the silver Fields doing all the talk- insr: 1 liams Catherine Jones Betty Hous David Nevelier and family Friday ton Dorothy Smith Mayme Mitchell ing sweepstakes in a tournament here yesterday with an 875 series in hist four eames His scores were sheen "I can't sleep Hour and a half forenoon and Manett Runge and Ernest and night" Peter walked a little way with him stopping not far from the car He could see a girl's head silhouetted against the window There something vaguely familiar Mrs Hubert Horn Is spending this last night Two hours the night be Warren Pohlman Winsor Schon- 268 243 183 and 190 week with her daughter Mr and Valeria was dressed in white a fore What's the matter with me? Nothing It's just he roof It leaks her voice low and husky "Belongs to the chap who owns the place" "What is his name?" "Kendall 1 didn't tell you before?" "I don't think so" Ann said through stiff lips "And the girl?" "Thedizzy blond Her name is Bennett" Allan stepped out and came around to open the door for Ann She said in a low voice "I've changed my mind I don't want to go in Allan I don't want to meet those people" "Don't be silly You can't stay out here" "I want to I'll be comfortable out here more comfortable than those people Please go!" Allan stared at her but her face was in the shadows half-turned from him Mrs Alfred Weninger and family Bov Bowes Madison ranked sec frock with many tiny ruffles blossoming into a little capelet over her scheck Robert and Ed Houston attended the Christmas party given by Rev Kistler in the basem*nt of Right on my beC Move the bed? of Milwaukee ond with an 855 score James Divine about the way her head was lifted That's an idea I never thought oi Beloit and Done Jones Monroe tied shoulders The tiny ruffles nuxierea the Salem church Friday that" in the breeze against Peter's coat TODAY 5i TODAY for third with 846 Suddenly he had a wild desire to see her closer But Allan was in the car and the motor began to throb evening for Bristol and Salem Sunday school pupils who had a perfect tAST TIMES TOMORROW The tourney drew a record entry Berryville Plepenburg Correspondent "Cigaret Val?" "No thanks" "Tsn't the moon beautiful" Va Phone 5121 for your Classified Ad of 81 bowlers from Beloit Monroe lira A church attendance for a period or weeks to their credit Whitewater Lake Mills Lake leria asked as the silence continued Geneva Stoughton Watertown and Pen wiisnfi of Crystal Lake 111 Born to Mr and Mrs William Rockford 111 Peter walked back to Valeria and helped her into his car They were scarcely off the grounds when he said "Val I'm not going on with th house called on Roy Murdoch Saturday morning Jaesrer Jr of Milwaukee a daughter i A motor bus hearing win De neia "Yes" Valeria sighed "Tired?" "No Not tired" "What's wrong?" Sh not answer Walter Jarchow of Kenosha speni 1131 113 in Kenosha on Thursday afternoon Friday with his aunt Mrs Minnie at 2:00 o'clock Pesch Abe Goldberg left Friday night for Mrs Bud Lindsey is on the sick list Her sister is caring for he Peter turned to look at her Her 1 firs -I TODAY kSi vfi AND TUBS iV it Entertainment XirfrfJj 'a tailored Lines Make A Trim House Frock Chicago where he will spend the eves met rus ana ne saw mey Mrs William Jaeger Sr is also on winter months at his home there wro full of tears Her lips trem the sick list bled Miss Alice McPhillips of Darling "Val! I'm afraid I've seemed un ton and Miss Vida Stanton of Osh kind It Isn't that I don't appreci as Unlimited fm 'A fei' osh returned for their duties at the Trevor Mrs Jos Smith Correspondent TOOOSEVELT ate all you've tried to do for me Berryville school! The school open as Your "But I haven't made you any ed this morning after a two weeks iiV TONIGHT Imagination! I Vionnter Anil triel SO hard I vacation "The- other three teachers Harold Mlckle clerked at the horse wanted to SO much Jean Harlow Lewis Stone live in Kenosha Miss Madeline Williams of Chica and cow sales at Janesville on Sat "You have helped I don't know Franchot Tone urday SIR JAMES BARKIirs IMMORTAI STORY what I would have done without you go was a week-end visitor at the The Misses Ruth Elois and Doro thA last few weeks home of Mr and Mrs Sylvester 1 thy Pepper entertained a number of "Peter!" It was almost a whis hi in a Williams Fairview avenue LITTLE friends at cards and bunco at ineir Mrs Sorensen and children Dale per home The breeze stirred her hair just from Missouri" and Nancy Lake Shore road spent Mrs Jake Drom and Mrs Wallace Saturday in Racine with friends ALSO then She was so close that some of the loosened hair was blown against his cheek Valeria leaned Mr and Mrs Robert Jaeger spent Drom Antioch spent Friday with Mrs Luanah Patrick MISTER" witli KATHARINE the week-end in Milwaukee Mrs Ottilda Schumacher and closer to him' There was a faint At the Arthur Piepenburg home Joel Sally Blane "HALF ASIMIEB" fragrance faint but strong too Saturday evening callers were mt daughter Lillian and Mr Ed Burns were Kenosha visitors Friday like crushed flowers and Mrs Ernest Pipenburg On EPBUEM' Peter turned again slowly looked Sunday Mr and Mrs Fred Langer down and saw her soft lips raised: and sons Walter and Bobby visited JOHN BEAL AI4AN HALE at the PieDenburg home to his The soft pouting lips he had kissed hundreds of times Paddocks Lake 4 Mrs A Burdick Correspondent Mr and Mrs Jerry Meekma Lyle Jl VJCiCIt His arm slid around Valeria He and Dick of Racine spent Sunday I I I 1 It mUTTERFLY QJ TOMORROW FREE! DISHES! TO ALL LADIES And a Real Show with' Mr and Mrs Jack Meekma at bent his head Instantly her arms were around his neck pulling him closer Their lips met Mr and Mrs Smith were Sun Berrvville Joe Roders and Harry Bockawrite EXTRA! EXTRA! DIONHE QUINTUPLETS Actual motion picture record of a day In the lives of these world famed babies at the age of 5 months! day dinner guests of Mr and Mrs A Burdick Quite a "sweeping success" isn't it this well-tailored house frock with its slenderizing lines and nicely detailed bodice? The skirt is fronted by a long slimming seam which breaks into a perky little liick pleat just below the the bodice is gathered onto the yoke to provide ample fullness And don't you like that vestee-like effect of the front yoke which does so much to break the width of the figure above the waistline Buttons emphasize the trim belt the pointed rleeve cuffs and the nice diagonal closing Make it of any pretty cotton material figured or plain and you'll have a house frock to be proud of! Pattern 20S9 is available in sizes 16 IS 20 34 36 38 40 42 44 and 45 Size 36 takes 3 3-4 yards 36 inch fabric Illustrated step-by-etep sewin-- Instructions included Send FIFTEEN CENTS (lSc) In coins or stamps (coins preferred) for this Anne Adam pattern Write plainly name address and style number BE SURE TO STATE SIZE Send for your copy of the ANNE ADAMS WINTER FASHION BOOK! Crowded with exclusive patterns for the child the young girl and the matron PRICE OF BOOK FIFTEEN CENTS BUT WHEN ORDERED WITH AN ANNE ADAMS PATTERN IT IS ONLY TEN CENTS TWENTY-FIVE CENTS FOR BOTH Address orders" to The Kenosha Evening News Pattern Department 43 West 17th Street New York City (To Be Continued) of Kenosha called on Arthur Pie Mr and Mrs George Davis had penburg Jr at his home Saturday Joan Blondell as their supper guests Sunday Mr and Mrs Wm Redmann of Round Buby lck Keeler Powell Norway reports that its 1934 pulp Brighton Mr Siia Selta Correapondent Lake 111 production broke all records of the 44 Mr and Mrs Herman oi country and Anita Chas Starrett V7YcXU 2 "JUNGLE BRIDE UULUUll ENDS TUESDAY The bans of marriage for Frederick Wels and Rose Mary Griffin were announced The marriage will take place January 19 at St Francis Xavier church Mr John Voelkering and Ervin Riggs were in the northern part of the state on Friday to buy cows Oeorce Philip and Helen and lAST TIMES TONIGHT Last Times TONITE "TWO ALONE" and MELODY in SPRING" 2 FEATURES TODAY ANI TUESDAY SO Bis Musical Stars "Gift of Gab" and FRAKCHOT TONE CHESTER MORRIS Fthr Thorn called at the Hotel IOC WARREN WILLIAM I HIT NO 2 I Here wai at "Moontie" Who Got His Man and Woman! HERMIT MAYNARD "The FIGHTING TROOPER" "World Moves On" In Sherphard Union Grove on Friday SYLVIA SIDNEY In BEHOLD MY WrFE" Last Times Tonight Plus NEWS start COMEPY afternoon to see their brother Edna Mae Oliver Jimmy Gleason in "Harder Blackboard" -Fins Judith Reginald Denny "DANCING MAN" Tin Laurel Hardj' In 'DIRTY WORK' 1 FREE DISHES to the Ladles "I'VE BEEN AROUND" Success at Any Price Mr and Mrs Peter Fox and were visitors at Burlington on ADULTS 15c Until 7:30 DOORS OPEN 6:30 and LET'S BE RITZY" Frldav at the John Fox home Tuesday Mae West Tuesday Mae West Friday Mrs Susan Seltas visited with Miss Gertie Ludwig.

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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.