Iowa City Press-Citizen from Iowa City, Iowa (2024)

Saturday. June 25. 1977 Iowa City Press-Citizen 7 32 Duplex For Rent 33 Houms For Rent Apartments For Rent 30 Real Estate Residential Real Estate Residential Real Estate Residential 41 41 41 TWO BEDROOM TOWNHOUSES Appliances, central air, full basem*nt. Available tor June 1 occupancy. 354 2628 or 354 3823.

2 FOUR BEDROOM houses, both on bus line. 1020 East Jefferson, $440 month, available June 1. 1319 Muscatine, $425 month, available August 1. Both ideal for shared rental. Call 338 7551 or 338 7968, weekdays.

Bernice Bede Osol 34 Homing Wonted JULY I large one bedroom apartment, near Mall. Appliances. Local middle age married working couple. References employer, lease. No children or pets.

$160 plus utilities. Write Box 19 co Press It lien. THREE BEDROOM, 2 bath, 1700 square feet, all carpeted, central air, garage, plus many extras Available July 15. $360. 338 6430, after 5 p.m.

LARGE TWO bedroom, appliances, yard. $275. Available July 1. 351 2392, 351-7995. NEW TWO bedroom, large kitchen, appliances, air, shag carpeting, drapes, patio and Xerege.

Close to mall Available ugust 15. $275 with garage, $255 without. No pets. 3l 8217. TWO BE DROOM townnouse, attached garage and deck.

$375 includes utilities. 351 6335. LUXURY TWO bedroom townhouse, Ideal for mature, single or couple. July 1st occupancy. $345.

Call 338 7058 or come to 10)5 Oakcrest. AVAILABLE JULY 1: Two bedroom furnished. Garage. 6U 4th Avenue, Coralville. No children or pets.

$175 and up. 354 2912. NEW TWO BEDROOM, central air, appliances, carpet. No pets. $290 plus utilities.

Call 351.3)79. NEW, TWO bedroom. Appliances, basem*nt, carpet, drapes, air conditioned. No pets. $275.

351 4856. TWO BEDROOM, couples only. No pets. $225 338 191 1 8 to 5 p.m. THREE BEDROOM duplex June 1st, fireplace, balcony, garage $400 month.

Lekewood Hills, 35) 7)61. NICE FOUR room furnished duplex. Private patio and yard. WANTE TO Buy: Two three bedroom house In lowa City. 338 5308.

HELP: Woman and child need 2 bedroom apartment under $200. 338 6279, evenings. RESPONSIBLE COUPLE seeks smaller older house with space. Seek occupancy etore September 1. 338 7117.

WRITER AND Physics grad student couple need two bedroom furnished close apartment. Now until August 15 or 30 338 7257. PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY employee desires one bedroom, unfurnished, quiet section of lowa City. Have quiet dog with reterences. 353 4484, Bonnie, days.

$20 REWARD tor Information leading to rental: Graduate couple seeks nice, auiet two bedroom apartment or house near university. 338 9888. FAMILY NEEDS four bedroom farm house. Excellent references. Phone 354 4061.

WANTED TO buy: 34 bedroom, lowa City vicinity. 30 s. Contract. 338 NEW LISTING by owner. An attractive 3 bedroom ranch with large paneled family room with free standing wood burning tlreolace.

new carpeting, newly decorated inside and out Air conditioning, disposal, large fenced in back yard. On the bus line, I block from elementary school. By appointment, no agents. 338 0287. FOR SALE: Over 2,100 square feet living area.

Four bedrooms, dining room, 21 batns, panelled family room Appliances, large deck Double garage Quiet Street Close to Mall and Schools. 351 8217. FOUR BLOCKS from downtown, income property older two story dupiex, write Box 16, Press Citnen. WEST SIDE by owner: Three plus bedroom. 1 bath, split foyer Air, appliances, drapes, extras Landscaped corner lot Horn School district June 30 possession.

Low fifties. 351 5426 THREE BEDROOM, 2.000 souare feet spilt foyer. Partial contract available Horn Scnooi Open House Sunday or 35 1 8095 tor appointment, NEW LISTING by owner. Older home wltn quality and character. Three plus bedrooms, two baths, poly urethane reflnished oak floors and trim, French doors between three rooms, large newly carpeted kitchen, central air, heated two car garage, basem*nt, large lot East Fairchild location $48,900.

By appointment, 338 NEW LARGE Westend home, 3 bedroom, 2'1 Oaths, family room with fireplace, full basem*nt, 2 car garage and many extras. Must see to ap predate. 1844 Hator Drive Please call tor appointment 354 2066; SAVE ON home owner in surance Call Tom at Darling Bender Agency, 351 3355 STATELY THREE or tour bedroom house on Falrchild Street with enough lot for a duoiex. Contract available at a reduced price Crane and Associates, 354 4100 or Duane McNeal, 351 6463. WYLDE GREEN Road 3 bedroom ranch with finished walk out basem*nt.

Central air, large kitchen, caroetmg over oak floors, extra built Ins. Mid-50 s. 338 1 0)4. FOR SALE by owner. Two year old, 3 bedroom sollt foyer in Helen Lemme school district, custom built old Chicago brick fireplace, nicely landvaped, evtras.

Very good condition Phone 351 6340 after 5 p.m. WESTSiOE: Three bedroom, split level, 1" bath, family room, den. Central air, ap nances, 2 car garage, xceiient location, quiet street. Low fifties. 337 9868.

FOR SALE by owner Nice east side location in well keot neighoorhood 3 plus bedrooms, 2' i bams. 17x28 family room with fireplace Large land scaped lot 28x22 attacned garage 60 351 5394, or stop by 28 Gleason Drive. KALONA: Large older home wltn 2,000 souare teet living space. 4 bedrooms, family and living rooms, 2 baths, central beat and air plus electric double car garage, cellar and basem*nt. For aopomtment 6S6 3131 days; or 656 3336 nights.

3 4 BE DROOM RANCH 2 car garage, full basem*nt, fenced ack yard, well Insulated Newly painted Inside and out. New no wax vinyl in kitchen. August I possession. Mid 40s. Call atter 5, 351 3565 LINCOLN COMMUNITY School accepting bids on 4.344 square toot student built house in Mechanlcsviue, CrestvMie Drive.

Large kitchen end dining area, central air, 3 bedroom, big garage. Caroet allowance To see and tor details cali school. 945 33S8 or 945 6186 or Jim wenoel, 945 6627. LARGE NEW two and tht-e bedroom apartment. Available Immediately.

Range, refrigerator, garbage disposal, dlsnwaiher, fully carpeted. Indoor pool. No peti 1740 $260. Realty Associates, 351 1338. LARGE TWO bedroom unfurnished apartment on Coralvllie bus line.

No pett. Laundry facilities and large storage area. SIM per month through summer. Year's lease In August. References and deposit required.

3) 7336. LAKE WOOD HILLS Two bedroom furnished, One bedroom, unfurnished, $190. 351 7161. FURNISHED ONE bedroom apartment. No pets, tit 6400.

LANDLORDS: Low prices -discounts on volume orders of new Kathleen's Korner, 53? North Dodge, 11 a.m. 6 p.m. Closed Monday, ONE BEDROOM apartment at 400 Kirn wood Avenue. Air conditioned. Heat and water furnished.

$170 month. Available Immediately. 351-9000. Inoulre Elcher Florist, 410 Kirkwood. TWO BEDROOM apartment.

Unfurnished. Heat and water paid. No pets. 979 lowa Avenue. $225 month.

33 00M. TWO BEDROOM, unfurnished, $200. One year lease and Deposit. Coralville. No ooos.

351 8731. QUALITY, UNUSUAL, choice location. One adult. Garage, laundry. No pets.

Reterences. 338 1733, 351 7171. NEARING COMPLETION: Super nice Lekewood Village apartments. $300 up. North of Ironmen Inn.

354 5150 week-days. 351 7161 anytime. NOW SHOWING: New luxury apartments. Weogewood. Spacious two bedroom units with large walk-in closets, all appliances, patios, and balconies.

Showing daily. Call 337 5859, 9 a.m. 5 evenings and weekends. 1956 Broadway (East of Mart). TWO BEDROOM, furnished, Coralville.

No dogs. $2)5. One year lease and deposit. June 1st. 351 8731.

NEW TWO bedroom. Heat furnished. 351 6077, 338 4688. For 8undy, Juno 26, 1177 CANCER (Juno 21-July 22) Spontaneous activities are the ones that will afford yo'u the moat pleasure today. Toss out your schedule.

Fly by the seat of your slacks. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Circ*mstances may develop today so as to enable you to tie something down that has heretofore eluded you. If the chance arises, jump on It. VIROO (Aug.

23-Sopt 22) You'll be welcome today if you decide to visit an old friend without an invitation. He'll be as glad to see you as you are him. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct 23) Be alert today for unique opportunities. One could pertain to finances, the other to the advancement of your career.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) You have the happy faculty of saying things today that have an uplifting effect. You may not be aware of the impact of your words till later. SAGITTARIUS (Nov.

23-Dec 21) Good friends will be doing things for you today that you couldn't possibly accomplish yourself. What's even nicer they won't even tell you. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jen. 19) Project yourself Into any situation today that gives du the chance to meet new people.

You could establish a very valuable future contact. AOUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) What you do today, you do quite well. You really shine If confronted with a challenge and the opportunity to put forth your best efforts.

PISCES (Feb. 20-Msrch 20) This day is one where you should be with friends who like to do things which are daring and Innovative. You thrive In such company. ARIES (March 21-Aprll 19) If you've wanted to get the attention and consent of the family about a change you'd like to make, this Is the day to broach the subject. TAURUS (April 20-Msy 20) Not only are you a fast thinker and the possessor of excellent judgment today, you're a person who knows how to Implement your ideas.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) You're exceptionally clever today at dreaming up Ideas that could make money. There are dollars in your tool box and in your gray matter. 35 CorogePorking SINGLE CAR garage. Close to campus. $25.

351 1100. GARAGE FOR rent. Kirk wood. Summit area. New overhead door.

$25. 338 30)4. GARAGE WANTED by student. Near University. Call collect, (312) 675 4515.

NEW LIS! ING by owner. Three year old split foyer. Three bedrooms, V'a baths, central air, spacious family room, eat In kitchen, large yard Double garage Lemme School district Low 50 s. Phone 337 9096. BEAUTIFUL BRICK 4 ple.

Good condition. Two bedroom, plus dining room, six garages Gerry Henneman, 351 5438 or Mary Erbe 351 8273 or 351 6284, lowa Land Corp, FOUR BE DROOM seven year old home in Lemme school district Approximately 1.100 square feet Large living room and kitchen. Mostly carpeted l' baths Air conditioning Full basem*nt. Aluminum siding. Large lot.

$39,000 35 3029 BV OWNER: three bedroom ranch, close to Grant Wood and Mall. 4 years old. Central air, IU34 flnisned family room, batn. August 1 possession. Mid 40 S.

338 6662 FINE FOUR bedroom home, not far from campus Large closets, separate dining room, two baths, spacious foyer, at tractive woodwork. Mid 40 s. Contract possible Gerry Henneman, 351 5438. Bev Whiting. 3388158.

lowa Land Corp, 351 6784. PRIVATE PARTY wants to buy older or newer income property. Evenings, 351 THE BEST home value In Johnson County is only a 15 minute drive from lowa City. Builder owned, It has every conceivable convenience. Don't buy another home before seeing this one.

Priced in the upper 50 s. For information or an appointment to see this home, call Frank Freser. lowa Land Corporation, 351 6284 or 629 5331, collect INCOME PROPERTY Well located rooming house showing a qood return on investment. Possession August 1st. Priced In the hign 60's.

Call Duncan Agency, Realtors 337 3943, evenings 35 2876 or 35) 02)7. NEW THREE bedroom, 1' batn ranch style home Family room kitchen combination with fireplace Central air, eo pliances. See between 8 a 4 30 pm. at 1547 Tracy Lane Priced In 50 s. North Bay Construction, Inc.

338 5421. BY OWNER: Four bedroom brick home In aulet neigh borhood. Living room, dining room, large family room with fireplace. Attached two car garaoe New carpeting througnout. 821 North Johnson.

Open Saturday and Sunday, 1 -4 p.m. or by appointment. 38 )45Q FOUR BEDROOM home, dining area, enclosed garaoe. fenced yard. New root and water heater.

On quiet street, large shade trees. 133,400 Drive by and see at 42 Douglass Court, pnone 351 9353 for details. No agents. LOOKING FOR a nice 3 bedroom nome in one of the best locations in town? Close to scnoois, shopping, Mercer Park. Price 440,950 Jonn Zachar, and Co Realtors.

Joseph Downey, 338 8683 or 36 7651. Owner is licensed E. salesperson, No 7385 EAST SIDE 4 PLE Very good condition. Priced at 459,000, cash to contract. Owner is licensed RE.

salesperson, No. 7385. Jonn Zachar, Jr. and Co Realtors. Josepn Downey, 338 8683 or 366 765L NICE FIVE year.

old 3 bedroom ranch with a study and finished basem*nt. Excellent condition. Central air. Double Jarage. Large lot with garden.

46,500. In a neat small town. Paved highway. Hurry. Scheuerman Richardson, Inc.

351 2828 37 Real Estate Exchange TWO BEDROOM, air conditioning. All kitchen appliances. Two car garage. Fireplace, deck, large lot. No pets.

$350 month. 1214 San-dusky. 351 8639. TOWNHOUSE, TWO bedrooms, lVi baths, central air conditioning. Family room, storage.

Appliances. Near University Heights and University Health Science Facilities. No pets. 338 5421, or 354 2123. TWO BEDROOM, unfurnished, in North Liberty, central air, carpeted, $260 plus utilities.

Children welcome, no petv 337 9990. Need a place to live? Find the home, room or apartment you want in the Classified Ads. Press-Citlien, 337-3181. Real Estate Residential 41 40 Real Estate Commercial Real Estate Residential 41 WHY USE MONEY WHEN YOUR REAL ESTATE BUYSMORE? Consult us without obligation If you would like to exchange your real estate, regardless of type or location, for something you have always wanted. American Home and Land Corporation, 351-7333.

1027 Hollywood Boulevard, No. 12. 31 Rooflimote Wonted OFFICE RETAIL space. Coralville Strip. 1,200 2,000 souare feet.

Available July I. Box 5549, Coralville. SHARE LARGE furnished mobile home. Utilities paid. $150.

Phone 626 6275. SINGLE MEDICAL student seeking 1 bedroom apartment close to hospital. Long term lease desired. Contact Don Hopewell, 356-1812 between 8 and 5. 3S Real Estate-Rural OPEN HOUSE Sunday 2 P.M.-4 P.M.

3206 RAVEN COURT $56,500 Stop by Sunday and see this split foyer home on the far east side of lowa City, Priced In the mid 50's, this home offers four bedrooms, three baths, ap pliances, central air, a double garage, and much more. Slop by and see how easily this home can be yours. CARR-KROEGER REALTORS 351-8811 32 Duplex For Bent 33 Houses For Rent TWO BEDROOM with 60 WANT TO purchase land In the Lake MacBride, Coralville Reservoir, Solon or North Liberty area. Call Tim, 644 2586 or 64i 2315. SAVE YOUR CASH EXCHANGE YOUR FARM FOR A BIGGER UNIT.

Consult lowa Land on how to use your present farm as a down payment on that bigger farm you want. Farm exchanges save your cash and free you from fhose large tax bites. For more Information call us today, lowa Land 351 6284, Highway 6 West, Coralville. OPE HOUSE Sunday, 2 pm. -4pm.

East side. 174 Shrader Road. TWO BEDROOM home near lowa Citv with 2 car garage. Family room wltn fireplace. Garden.

In 30 s. Call owner, 683-2756 PRICE REDUCED Call Gene Kroeger on this con temporary duplex Included are a sauna, 3 garage stalls, all electric home, beautiful wood floors, no maintenance siding, and a shady lot Now 16', 000 338 5257 or 351 8811. Carr-Kroeger, Realtors BEAUTIFUL WEST Side spilt foyer, tour blocks trom Hospital. Immaculate interior. Large and spacious.

Features central air, central vacuum, large carpeted deck with gas grill, four bedrooms, two large aths, rec room, utility room. Complete with refrigerator treeier, self -cleaning oven, curtains, drapes, Priced for quick sale at 156,000. Call 337-2365 after 5 m. PRICE REDUCED The price has lust been reduced on this Parade of Homes house located In River Heights. Sunken living room with fireplace ano a lovely view trom the deck highlight FOR LEASE: Downtown over Elcher Florist, 14 South Dubuque.

1,600 souare feet. Air conditioned otflces. S400 month. COMMERCIAL LOT on Coralville Strip available for development. 351 7360.

FOR RENT: Building 4500 souare teet, tor shop or warehouse. 620 S. Madison, Rear Call Tom Alberhesky, 337 57M. 328 SOUTH CLINTON -Ground floor offices. Phone 337- 4720 or 351 5275.

STORAGE STORAGE Mini warehouse units from 10' to 12'. One month or longer STORE ALL, 337 3506 FOR RENT: 600 or 1200 square feet. Call 338 1891. COMMERCIAL SPACE, office warehouse, 1700 square feet and up. Near Negie Lumber and PPG Paints.

338 5421. FOR SALE or lease, office and retail shop or warehouse. 7.000 square feet. Very nice. Call 354 5150, 8 a.m.

5 p.m. FOR SALE SOLD FOR SALE SOLOi 39 loti I Acreogei BY OWNER West side, 3 bedrooms split foyer, large family room, lovely corner lot. 337 4742 after 3 p.m. NORWOOD CIRCLE: Three bedroom ranch, Living room, dining area. Large kitchen, 1 batns, tun basem*nt.

Central air. Well established yard. Patio. $58,000 August 1 possession 351 1613 or 353 4748. FOR SALE by owner nice newer three plus bedroom ranch home In West Branch.

Central air. Finished basem*nt with built-in wet bar. Many extras. car garage. Privacy fence.

Close to school Low taxes. Low 50'S. 643 2820, 643 2847. DRIVE A LITTLE, Save a Lot. Large eight room, Ti bath home plus sleeping porch.

Fireplace, walnut and oak wookwork, Immediate possession. $45,000 Contact Realty Co, 337 2135. Leo Hegtvedt 338 9500. EAST SIDE: Three bedroom ranch with finished basem*nt. Low 40'S.

338 5647. ONE AND two bedroom duplex. Close to bus. Shows good return. $39,850.

Dick Breaieale Realtor. 351 Bob Conley. 351 3246 or Dick Breaieale, 337 7915. BY OWNE Village Green, 4 bedroom, family room, finished basem*nt, air conditioning. Quality.

337 7613. QUALITY 34 bedroom ranch; deck, finished walkout basem*nt, double garage, central air, iandscabed lot. Lemme area. 351 4779 after 5 p.m. EAST SIDE location, 3 bedroom, Ti bath, large family room, redwood deck, central air and garage door opener.

Extra insulation In ceiling. Low 50 Call Burt Franti and Associates. 354 2628. Evenings call Jim Housel 351 0484. WEST SIDE two story Colonial.

Four bedrooms, Ti baths, family room with fireplace, air conditioned, full basem*nt, two car garage. Call 351-5512. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, JUNE 26 2-4 P.M. FINE FAMILY home on Alpine. One year occupancy, beginning in August.

Three bedrooms, all appliances, fireplace, three baths, screened porch. Fenced yard. $375 plus utilities. Jackie Blank. 351 2828, 351 6910.

THREE BEDROOM home with basem*nt and garage. Excellent condition. August 1. $375 351 4546, evenings 337 7915. IN HILLS.

Completely remodeled, carpeted, furnished 3 bedroom house. 679 2558. TWO AND three bedrooms, 1" baths, recreation room, patio deck, carport, large square footage. On bus line. Families only.

Starting at $330. 351 9048 evenings and weekends. FARMHOUSE Upper half, 2 bedroom, air, garden, available July. $135. 656 2598.

SMALL HOME, 2 bedroom, basem*nt, large yard, garden. Near City High. Lease. $2)5. Write Box 18, Press-Citizen.

Available July 6. THREE BEDROOM ranch. Mall area. Very nice neighborhood. Prefer family with no pets.

July 1. 338 5121. LUXURY TWO and three bedroom townhouses. Dishwasher and heated garage included. 1150 square feet.

Call 338 7058 or come to office, 1015 Oakcrest. Silences, air, carport. July 1. 200. 35 4546, evenings 337 7915.

TWO BEDROOM duplex. Central air, drapes, unfurnished. All appliances. No pets. Available August 20.

351- 0946. TWO BEDROOM duplex on Kirkwood Court. Available July 15. $235. 337 7335 or 338 6414.

AVAILABLE AUGUST 1. New two bedroom, stove, refrigerator, carpet, air. No pets or children. Married couple or one single. $245 plus utilities.

338 3189. NEAR UNIVERSITY Hospital, 2 bedroom. Available July 1. Couples preferred. 351- 4135 after 5:30 p.m.

GOOD LOCATION, side by side, 2 bedroom, basem*nt, aarden, no pets. $240. July 1. 13 2445. LAKEWOOO HILLS 3 bedroom tourplex, air conditioned, fireplace, balcony, garage.

$350 month. 351 7161. TWO BEDROOM, garage, lovely back yard, close downtown, July 1st. $300. 351- 2952.

IN LONE Tree, large 2 bedroom lower duplex, $160. 648 4541. LARGE TWO bedroom duplex. Available July 1. $275.

Call Rosie at Dave Canill Realtors. 351 5000. this large (1400 square bedroom home -Now priced In the high AO's. Duncan Agency Realtors, 337 3943, evenings 351 2876 or 351 0217. 41 Real Estate Residential OPEN HOUSE Sunday, 2-4 p.m.

BY OWNERS WESTSIDE, 811 Woodslde Drive. Newly decorated three bedroom, two baths, central air. Fenced yard. Malor appliances. Many pluses.

Mid 50's. 337 7520. OPEN HOUSE AT: 1214 LOUISE STREET Sunday, June 26 trom 2 5 m. Beautiful three bedroom home. Close to shopping.

Mercer Park and Southeast Jr. High. Priced $40,950. Your host will be Jopseh Downey 338-8683 or 366 7651. Owner is licensed RE.

salesperson No. 7385. John Zachar, Jr. and realtors. 2116 PALMER CIRCLE A charming family room with wood burning fireplace highlights this three bedroom ranch located on a corner lot.

Neat and attractive. Donna Suchomel will be your hostess. Vn YEAR old three bedroom home on one acre, two miles trom lowa City. 354 5467. ONE ACRE on Highway One, mile trom Kalona, suitable tor business or home, also 5'i acres choice wooded hideaway, mile oft Highway 1, $25,000.

P.O. Box 17, Kalona, WANTED TO rent or buy. Mobile home or space for mobile home In the country. 353-7385 or 338 7207. DUPLEX LOT for sale.

Wooded. All improvements. Coralville. 80x150. Write Box 22 Press -Citizen.

32 ACRES, north and west of River Heights. Quiet area, good building sites, partly wooded, pasture land. Priced at $2,800 6er acre. Duncan Agency ealtors, 337 3943, evenings 351- 2876, 351 0217. 10 ACRES.

No through traffic. Four miles north lowa City. Quiet area. Ideal tor horses. $42,500, possible contract.

Box 2330, lowa City. TEN ACRES west of lowa City, 3 bedroom home, 2 car garage, barn, corn crib, concrete feeding floor, suitable for horses or feeder pig operation. Call Jack Yanaush, 337 2941 or Carr Kroeger Realtors. 351- 8811. LOOK ING for country living? One acre wooded lot, off the road.

3 bedroom ranch. Extra large family room with fireplace. Large deck overlooking woods. Carpeting throughout. Full finished basem*nt.

2 car, attached garage, heated workshop. Low 90 s. Extra lot available. 351 6083. BEAUTIFUL RUSTIC ranch wltn cedar shakes on five acres.

Impressive flagstone fireplace, family room, formal dining room and five bedrooms. Stable. Close in. Immediate possession. Mid 80 Call Sharon Bighley, 351 8097 or Mary Erbe, 351-8273.

or 351- 6284, lowa Land Corp. PRIVATE RESIDENTIAL wooded lot. 150x100 feet. Level and ready to build on. Mature trees.

Mid River Haven. 351 7679 evenings. FISHERMAN'S PARADISE, lust one hour trom lowa City. 22 wooded acres with two stocked ponds and a two bedroom hnnaalaw. Only S4O.O0O.

Mod NEW WEEKEND HOURS: Saturday, 9-4; Sunday, 1-4 OPEN HOUSE Sunday 2-4 burt frantz and associates OPEN HOUSE Sunday, 1-5 p.m. LAKE HOME Located high on a hill overlooking Coralville Lake on a large lot with landscaped shrubs and trees. This home Is of newer design throughout. Large living room with fireplace and all redwood exposed beams. All modern kitchen, screened In patio, 2Vi baths.

Exit off 218 to North Liberty, north on blacktop to Mahaffey Bridge Road and follow open house-signs. Your host, Mel Nuzum. ERUSHA INC. REALTORS CEDAR RAPIDS, IA 365-9458 1S8 COLUMBIA DRIVE Brand new three bedroom ranch in Lemme School District. First floor family room with heat circulating fireplace.

Sliding glass doors open onto concrete patio. Jim Berry will be your host Sunday from 2 4. DtolnmlM Smith i JW UH I. I 3S4-2628 1300 S.Gilbert Donna Suchomel 338-6877 Juanita Adamson 354-3068 Jim Housel 351-0484 MarcySchuIze 351-6038 Nancy Hubbard 679 2428 INC. Realtors 10 Paul-Helen Building 351-0123 FOR SALE SOLO FOR SALE SOLO 3S1-5000 351-5000 351 5000 35) -5000 35) S000 35) 5000 351 S000 351 5000 35) 5000 351 5000 35) 5000 52 ARBURY DRIVE Three bedroom ranch, walk-out basem*nt, central air, fireplace.

West side location. Denham Realty 351-7505 Open Houses Sunday 2-4 OPEN HOUSES SUNDAY 2-6 P.M. Poo, 351 0102 or Dennis IPC 'yym' Peterson, 351 1407. Real Estate Commercial 40 OPEN HOUSE Sunday 2-4 p.m. 4-.

ft v. -mI ft IIP 19 DURHAM COURT This new listing ust has to be the four bedroom, two-story that you've been looking for. All bedrooms are large, but master Is 20'3" with 4 bath. Large formal living and dining rooms "oat I -j 2209 MACBRIDE DRIVE This beautiful story and a half is now completed and ready for possession. Situated on a beautiful lot high on MacBride Drive, just off Morman Trek Blvd.

this house commands a sweeping view of the entire area and is adjacent to a park. Built by Pat Hardinq, this house exhibits quality craftsmanship throughout. The spacious first floor features a large entrance foyer, a 20x30 living dining room with a floor to-ceiling brick fireplace and built in bookshelves, a big country kitchen and private master suite. Upstairs there are three huqe bedrooms and a bath. Double garage.

Drive out Sunday and let Valerie Siebert snow you this lovely home, and a great kitchen with it's own eating area, first floor family room with fireplace, large tree shaded 148 PEN FRO DRIVE UNIQUE and a real find! There are only four homes of similar floor plan in lowa City. Living room and family room of identical size 15' by 25' have handsome fireplaces with brick, floor to ceiling. Formal dining rooms. A delightful eat-In kitchen opens to a large deck. Three bedrooms.

2Vj baths, and 13'xl7' study (or fourth bedroom). Only 6 months old. Quality construction. $84,000 00. FOR RENT: warenouse or storage units.

14' overnead doors. 351 1338 or 643 5663 FOR RENT: 4,000 square foot office or retail space. Excellent parking facilities Contact: Gary Slager, 337 3833. OFFICE ANO storage space for rent. 511 lowa Avenue, 338 7971.

OFFICE NEAR Towncrest, on Muscatine utilities, parking, traHlc. $160 338 4781. WAN 1 TO lease: warehouse space, 3000 to 5000 square teet, loading oock. 33? 4471. 1620 SQUARE feet, or more possible, near Court House.

Customer parking. Ideal tor ottice or retail. Box 233U, lowa 620 SOU1H DUBUQUE. Formerly restaurant. 337 4720 or 351 5275.

WE HAVE two 600 sq. tt. and one 1,200 sq. ft. warenouse or ottice spaces tor rent on Highland Court.

One 2,000 sq. ft. office space on Stevens Drive. Call Dave Canill, Dave Cahlll lot. Finished basem*nt, central air, double garage, plus other extras.

Stop by Sunday from 2 4 and let Don Gray show you it many features. LIVE ON THE GOLF COURSE Come but this Sunday, June 25, to Quail Creek Golf Course, North Liberty, to see this immaculate 1,900 square feet ranch home. Full basem*nt, central air and one terrific view from one of the highest lots in the area. $79,900 will let you move in at once. I it ifj Realtors, 351 50U0 FOR RENT: Warehouse 3304 SHAMROCK DRIVE space, 30x40', lease for one teamsm ft montn or longer.

Dial 337 3506 1008 VILLAGE GREEN BLVD. A GREAT NEIGHBORHOOD FOR YOUR KIDS! Stop by Sunday from 2 4 and let Bob Winter show you the many features of this immaculate three ii i 1 i 11 1 I fry I NOW DEVELOPING, Inter oeoroom rancn. runy equippea mtcnen, ommg mis large four bedroom split foyer is In a super room, lower level family room with a 3 bath makes residential area. The lower level (amily room with City industrial Park, North Liberty, lowa Zoned for Industrial or commercial use. Hignway 718 ano 1380 location.

a great place for entertaining. fireplace Is a fantastic place to entertain. The Variable lot sues. Street and sewer installation now taking piace Can Chick Meade, lowa Land Corp. 351 6284 2323 ESSUP CIRCLE AMOTHER'S PARADISE This IS it I In this new home she can reign supreme, as she works In this great kitchen which looks over the cozy family room with Its wood burning fireplace, out to the back yard where the children play.

And for rainy days she can listen to them play downstairs. She has the family dining area in her kitchen and a half bath a few steps away. For her entertaining the formal dining and living room are ready. Four bedrooms and two baths up. You can't beat this for a family home.

$75,000.00. screened porch Is perfect for cool summer evenings. Fully equipped eat In kitchen. 3 full baths. All carpeted.

Much, much more. Stop out and see for yourself on Sunday. eftVE CAHff 700 SOUTH DUBUQUE Rear Two room suite Pnone 337 4720 or 35 1 5275 DOWNTOWN FIRST floor Ottic retail space. 1,000 6,000 square teet. Available Sep tember 1.

Box 5549, Coralvllie. mrntt i)fiii niiiif LAKE LIVING Just In time for the summer season, you can take possession of this 3 bedroom home located on a heavily wooded lot. The home features a large rec room with beautiful fireplace, entertainment deck and four sliding glass doors. All this plus ust a quick walk Jo the boat dock. $58,500.

DIRECTIONS: From North Liberty, go out Mahaffey Bridge Road to open house sign on south side or road, just before reaching the bridge. BARN REALTY 351-2535 22S TEETERS COURT West side location. 50x150 lot with 40' high oak trees. A ranch style home with 1,270 square teet of living Jack Miller Michael Walker E.V. Corky Collins Dave Cozine space upstairs.

New beautiful carpeting in living Eastside By Owner 152 N.Westminster Immediate possession. New 4 bedroom l'2 baths, deck, large family room wfireplace, 2 car garage. Near Lemme School. Low Interest G.I. loan.

Call 338 7783 or 353 7070, ask for Ben. Keep trying. REALTOR5 room and dining room. A new root in 1976. Four bedrooms upstairs.

Close to school and hospital. To see it take Woolf Avenue to Rider Street. Turn right on Teeters Court Scheuerman Richardson Inc. 351-2828 351-500(7 351 5000 351-5000 3S1-5OO0 3S 1 5000 351 5000 351 S0O0 351 5000 3515000 I.

Iowa City Press-Citizen from Iowa City, Iowa (2024)


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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.