If only you knew - Chapter 34 - Willowmoon81 (2024)

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Nick had texted Matt, that they had to film something for a Wednesday video.

“No you’re coming with me” Matt said “I’ve seen the comments lately, they don’t wanna see me all the time. I’ll be fine here” i said.

“Who gives a f*ck about the comments? And if it really bothers you, it’ll be quick, you can just stay in my room” he said “Fine..” i said and got up as well.

We drove to their apartment and Matt was feeling so much better.

“We’re home!” Matt said, as we took our shoes off “Oh fun, does Luna wanna be in the video?” Nick asked, smiling “I feel like I probably shouldn’t right now…” I said and Nick of course understood “Yeah okay..”

“You sure you don’t wanna be in it?” Matt asked, as i had laid down on his bed “Positive..” I got under the covers and completely buried myself in it.

I grabbed the pug and cuddled it “Hey, don’t go replacing me now” he said “Hmm too late” i said.

He walked over and bent down kissing me softly “Thank you for taking care of me, these last few days..” he smiled “Of course, I wouldn’t mind the raspy voice back though” I smirked “Alright, I’m gonna go now” he chuckled and walked out.

About half an hour later, he stuck his head in “We’re gonna try something from taco bell, you want anything?” He asked, and before I even opened my mouth “Baja Blast and a crunchwrap?”

“I love you..” i said in awe “I love you more, we’ll be back in like 30 minutes maybe” he said “Okay, have fun”

He came back and insisted I come out and watched them try one of the drinks “You can just be behind the camera” he pulled me out of bed, even though i had been half asleep “Fine”

I held onto his arm, as we walked into the kitchen “Ew what even is that?” I asked, to the drink Nick was holding “No clue” he replied.

I went behind the camera and watched them try it. They all thought it was gross. Then Nick handed it to me and I kinda gasped “Guess we don’t have to throw ot out then” Matt smiled because i really liked it.

It was always fun to watch them film. Knowing how crazy the girls were gonna go, over how good they looked and stuff, but knowing that I was his.

The next day, they uploaded and I sat down to watch the video.

I watched when they went through the drive through “Can I get an extra baja blast and a crunchwrap?” Matt said and Nick looked so confused, then smiled.

Of course the comments knew “Omg Luna was probably at home”

“Why wasn’t she just in the video?”

Then I got to the taste part and I noticed a clip. Matt was stretching,making his shirt rise up.

There was a purple hickey just above his waistband.

“Omg is that a hickey?”

“Damn Matty b is freaky”

“Luna probably made that”

I walked into the living room, where Matt was on his computer. I sat beside him “Babe..” i said, feeling slightly guilty. “Yes?” He turned to me.

“Have you watched the new video yet?” I asked “No, why?”

I pulled my phone out, showing him the already massive amounts of screenshots of the hickey “sh*t..” he smiled. Then he noticed how panicked I looked.

“Babe..” he lifted my chin “They know i have a girlfriend, it’s not a big deal” he smiled “Yeah but they don’t need to know that we’re doing, you know, that” i smiled “They probably thought it anyway…Who knows maybe this will make them back off even more. Knowing for sure it’s not a prank or something” he explained.

“Yeah… I mean I definitely don’t regret making it” I smirked lightly “Hmm, perhaps I need a couple more..” he pulled me in and kissed me slowly, pulling me onto his lap.


Halloween was coming up and I was so excited because Matt had agreed to match costumes with me.

I was contemplating if I should wear a wig for both costumes or not.

“No your hair is blonde enough, it's gonna be too warm i think” Nick said “Yeah that’s probably true. Im so excited we have two parties''

I had gone to the boys apartment, because we were driving together. Before that i had made a tiktok at home in my costume.

I was Rapunzel and Matt was gonna be Flynn.

I had a short purple skirt, with a corset as well. With knee high white socks and my hair down with a little tiara.

I was reading the comments, before I arrived at the boys “Omg that’s so cute!”

“Please tell me Matt is Flynn”

I parked and got out “Omg you look amazing!” Nick said and ran to hug me. Him and Madi were characters from Coraline and Chris was Steve from stranger things.

As I walked up the stairs I saw matt. Our costumes had arrived separately, so we hadn’t seen each other in them yet.

He kinda paused and looked at me “Ew okay I’m walking away now” Nick said.

“Do I look okay?” I asked innocently and walked up to him.

“You look like an actual disney princess, and i just look goofy” he smiled “You’re kidding? You look so hot” i said, fixing his collar “Really?”

“Yeah, I gotta hold on extra tight on you tonight” I smiled and leaned up kissing him softly.

“Now c'mon” we set up in the kitchen to make tiktoks.

I made one with Nick first.

I realised that Matt and I had only posted little insta stories and photo dumps of each other, so this would be the first really official couple thing.

“They asked, so we have to” I said, putting my phone up. I made the video to reply to that comment.

I stood first just singing to the song from the movie, and then kinda pulled him into frame, since he looked nervous.

But when he saw how excited I was, he sort of smiled and made me do a little spin, his hands ending up on my waist.

“Omgomgomg. Thank you Luna. For making him do this. Y’all look so hot!”

“Hello? Hand placement!?”

It was so funny to read through the comments

I was sitting in the kitchen, editing another one, when Chris walked in. The others were on the couch.

“Hi” I smiled and looked at the batt. “You’re seriously gonna carry that around?” I asked.

“I could ask you the same” he looked at the pan “Right, but it’s a necessity” I smiled.

“You look good” he said and I could tell he was trying not to say too much “Thank you. You do too” i smiled.

We arrived at the party and it was of course loud and dark.

I went to say hi to people and found Tana “Of course! Omg you look so hot” she said while she was literally Pamela Anderson “Look at yourself” i smiled.

She was explaining something, but I looked behind her and saw Julia's sister, then Julia.

I don’t know why, it just made me nervous.

“So is lover boys matching with you?” She asked “Of course, i kinda forced him, but he looks so good, so i think he’s okay with it”

Then I felt a pair of hands slide around my waist “You think so?” He asked, making me just blush and Tana laughed “Yall make me wanna actually try someone not toxic again” she smiled.

“Aren’t you here with Chris miles?” I asked “Alright shut up, you wanna go take shots?” She asked “Yeah” I looked back at Matt.

The thought of Julia or some other girl finding him and him being too polite to walk away, made my stomach turn.

“C’mon i need someone to hold the pan” i made him keep his hands where they were and we walked towards the bar.

Chris Miles appeared after we took shots and then Tana was gone.

I could tell Matt was overwhelmed, by the way his grip kinda tightened around my waist “Wanna go get some air?” I asked “Please..” he smiled.

We went out into the yard and there was Larray and Arrington “Omg Matty poo” he said excited and then looked at me “You know what? This actually fits you guys so well” he chuckled.

“You literally look like a princess,” Arrington said, fixing my hair “Doesn’t she?” Matt said and I literally blushed.

“God i always feel so f*cking single around you guys” Larray said.

“I think I saw Chase actually, so maybe you won’t be for long. Especially not in that outfit” i smiled “Omg girl stop flattering me, but I am definitely finding him now” he pulled Arrington, leaving Matt and I alone.

“So aren’t you kinda glad I made you wear this?” I turned to him, my arms around his neck “I'm always excited to match with you. Just didn’t know if I’d do Flynn rider justice you know?” He said.

"Matt, be f*cking for real. You look so hot, I'm having trouble not just asking you to take me home” i chuckled.

“Why would you wanna go ho- oh” he smiled, blushing slightly “Don’t play innocent” i chuckled and leaned up kissing him softly.

We went back inside to find Nick and Madi.

Then I turned and saw Julia talking very flirty with Vinnie. I felt relief wash over me “You okay..?” Matt leaned down to my ear “More than okay..c’mon”

There was a party again the next day and I literally had to beg Matt to go along “Do i have to be ginger?” He asked.

“Not completely, just this powder thing. I literally have to wear a wig babe” i explained, while i had shown him the idea “You really wanna want us to do this don’t you..?” He asked “Yeah” i smiled hopefully.

“Okay, the fit is nice” he said “Thank youuu, you won’t regret it. It'll be so much fun!” I said and ran to kiss his cheek “The things I’d do to make you happy..” he chuckled.

This time Nick, Chris and Madi were going on their own, so Matt was just picking me up.

I put the finishing touches on my make up and went to let him in.

I was Mavis and he was the ginger guy from Hotel transylvania and I was so excited.

As I opened the door, his eyes flew to my thighs, but quickly back to my eyes smiling innocently.

“You ready to go?” He asked “I’m not gonna force you to make another tiktok, but can we at least take a picture?” I asked.

“Of course we can, when I sacrifice my hair it has to pay off”

We walked into my living room, to the big mirror.

He stood kinda behind me, but with a hand on my hip as we looked at ourselves.

“That’s so cute” I said and immediately tagged him and posted it.

I looked up and saw him kinda just looking at me “You really like me in this costume don’t you..?” I asked, making him kinda snap out of it.

“Yea…how long before we like really have to go..?” He asked and I punched his arm lightly.

“Sorry” he chuckled.

“You’re gonna have to not look at me like i’m a steak or something” i chuckled and grabbed my purse “Well you’re a very beautiful steak” he smirked.

“I hate you” i said as we walked down to the car “I love you too”

This party was at David's house, or one he had rented, I wasn’t sure.

My phone was already going crazy with reactions to our picture.

I felt Matt hold just a little extra onto my hand, as we walked in, which was adorable.

We found Nick and Madi. “You actually convinced him, and I don't hate it” Nick said, confused looking at Matt.

But then back at me “Well i can understand why he’d say yes” he chuckled and I raised an eyebrow.

“Even as a gay man i can tell when you’re looking extra hot” Nick chuckled “Well thank you” i smiled.

I saw that very much everyone we knew were there. “I really need a drink” i said “I’ll go get you one” Matt smiled politely and went inside to the bar.

“He’s completely whipped” Madi chuckled “Well the costume slays, so I did what I had to do” I chuckled.

Then I saw Byce walk over to “Luna” he said “Wow even with a black wig you recognize me?” I smiled and Nick and Madi walked off.

“Of course, you’re that vampire chick from hotel transylvania right?” He said, his eyes lingering all the way up my body.

“Yup, and you’re a boxer” I chuckled. “It was last minute. I usually go more all out. Especially if i have someone to match with” he said “Yeah I’ve kinda always wanted to do this one” i smiled.

“Well you did a great job” he smirked. “I mean you look- you look really good without being a perv” he chuckled making me smile.

“Thank you” and then Josh walked up behind him, also eyeing me “Vampire…hot” he smirked “Thanks i think”

Bryce took a step closer “The Rapunzel one was great too” he smiled “Thank you, but kinda annoying to drag around that pan” i smiled.

“Oh I assumed that looking like you do, there’s always someone to hold your things. Speaking of, where’s lover boy?” He asked.

And then I felt an arm sneak around my waist and a kiss to my cheek “Here’s your drink” Matt said “Oh nice to see you again man” Matt said sarcastically and dabbed them both up.

“Yeah you too” Josh chuckled, looking back at me.

But then Matt turned my jaw and kissed me.

I was surprised, because he usually didn’t in front of other people.

But I kissed him back smiling.

“Sorry I got some lipstick on you” I chuckled.

“Hey i gotta find Riley, but find me later and I’ll beat you in beer pong” Bryce quickly said, with a wink “Sure”

I looked back at Matt who was kinda glaring at him “No” I said nearly gasping.

“You’re not actually jealous of Bryce” I smiled “I don’t know I just- you know how he is” he said “Matt babe” i held his face.

“Even if I wanted to be a c*nt and cheat on you. I would not even consider going to him” i chuckled “Oh I know, Vinnie’s first choice right?” He asked and I was so taken back

“What? No, what are you even-“

“Well you’re making it seem like you’ve thought about it” he said annoyed.

“No of course I haven’t thought about it. I was just saying you don’t have to worry about him, or anyone else” i said “Right..” he sighed.

“Matt. Don’t do this” i said.

“I just-“ he took a step back “I just need a minute..” he walked away.

And I was just completely baffled.

How had we gone from all lovey dovey, to him being angry about something that didn’t even happen?

I just downed my drink and went to find Tana.

Matt point of view:

I went up the roof, and hated myself for how upset this actually made me.

Then I heard footsteps “Mattypoo? Why are you up here alone?” Larray asked and sat with me.

I quickly wiped my eyes “Because I’m dating a really beautiful girl” I said “Well, I’m not really sure why that would cause tears? Elaborate” he said.

“Everything was fine, I was so excited, we were matching and stuff. But then I go get her a drink, and the second I leave her side, she’s surrounded by guys. Guys i know she’s had crushes on or just some I know could easily get her” i explained and he listened.

“So I go over there, pretending to be tough and kiss her in front of them. And she laughs knowing i was jealous…i just never had to deal with this before, when she wasn’t mine you know?” I said and he nodded.

“Matt, I mean this in the nicest way possible. But you and Luna are the most annoying couple i have ever been around” he said making me chuckle confused,

“Let me explain. The amount of genuine love and care that you have for each other is insane. The fact that you waited for her all these years and it’s a perfect little love story” he smiled.

“But what if it’s too good to be true?” I asked.

“I know for a fact it’s not. I see the way she looks at you. Even when we were at that premiere where Dylan O'Brien came. She never looked away from you. I know she is so stupidly in love with you Matt, even before you dated I could tell. So please do not worry. And for the love of god don’t ever let her go” he said, patting my back.

“I hate that you’re always right..”

Luna point of view:

I had just taken shots with Tana, when Larray came down the stairs “Hey have you seen-“

“He’s on the roof, go get your man” he smiled.

“Yes sir” I chuckled and walked up the stairs.

Matt was just sitting looking out, with an empty glass in his hand, looking so sad “I’m sorry…” I said, walking over to sit beside him.

“No I’m sorry” he said quickly “I completely overreacted” he said “No, let me say something okay?” I said and he nodded.

“Since you and me got together, going out to parties has never been more fun. I get to dress up and drink with my friends. Knowing that either I have you with me, or you’re there when I get home. And that is the best feeling in the entire world. Knowing I don't have to impress anyone else, look at anyone else like that or worry if they think I’m pretty enough. Because the only one I wanna look pretty for is you…so I’m sorry if I made it seem like there was even a tiny possibility that I liked Bryce flirting with me. But I promise you there isn’t. And you did not overreact, because it went through the exact same thing yesterday and everytime we go out. I saw those instagram models who like your sh*t and I just held on for dear life” i chuckled making him smile.

“I love you so much..” he said “I love you more..” I smiled and he pulled me in kissing me softly.

“So remember” I stopped him before we went back down “If you see someone flirting or looking at me in this costume, remember that you’re the one who gets to take it off” I smirked lightly and he lit up.

“Yes ma'am” he smiled like an excited child “C’mon then” i took his hand and walked down the stairs.

We joined the others and I got another drink.

Then Bryce came up to me “So beer pong?” He asked. I turned to Matt ``Go, I’ll be fine” he smiled and I went excited with Bryce.

First Tana and I beat him, then we switched teams so Bryce and I were against Tana and Chris miles.

I watched Matt walk up to the table and watch from the side with the others.

Bryce and I did so well and high fived. We ended up winning.

I ran excitedly to Matt “Did you see how easily we won?” I smiled “Yea” he chuckled.

It felt so good to have talked about it, but I was just slightly more cautious of how I acted with other people now.

The party was slowly starting to thin out, so we decided to go home.

“Wait i gotta go say goodbye to Tana.” i said “I’ll go start the car” Matt said.

I ran and found Tana “Bye t” I hugged her “Bye” she laughed “Wait you’re still coming on the podcast next time right?” She asked.

“Yeah of course, make the questions spicy” I said before running off.

I found Matt standing by the car “Hii” I smiled as he opened the door for me “such a gentleman” I smiled cupping his cheek before getting in.

“Actually I wanted to ask you something” I said as he started driving “shoot” he smiled.

“Tana wants me on her next podcast episode. And obviously you know her, so i just wanted to ask if you were comfortable with me talking about you?” I asked “Oh” he said, like he definitely wasn’t expecting me to ask.

“Well sure. People know I’m your boyfriend, just maybe don’t answer anything too personal you know?” He chuckled “No of course not, I’ll try my very best to keep it low. But I love talking about you, so that might be hard” I leaned back in my seat watching him drive

“You do..?” He smirked lightly “It’s my favourite thing, all my friends probably hate me for it but I don't care” I smiled.

He reached over and put a soft hand on my thigh “I love talking about you too, I’m sure Nate is so annoyed with me” he chuckled “Probably, but he’s used to it” i smiled “Yeah he’s had to listen to me talk about how amazing you are for like 3 years” he smiled.

I reached over and kissed his cheek “I love you so much..” i said “I love you more” he smiled “Nahuh” i said “Yahuh” he said and we had a little back and forth.

“How about we just say it’s equal” I laughed softly “Sure” he smiled and softly rubbed where he was holding my thigh “Don’t say sure like that. Do you not think I love you enough or what?” I smiled “No I do, of course i do. I just know how much i love you, and I’m not sure if it’s possible for it to be equal” he explained “You’re so cute Matt” i chuckled “Just being honest” he pulled into the parking lot.

“You sure you want me to sleep over? You have that meeting tomorrow” he said “Of course I want you to sleep over, I’m not gonna get any sleep if you’re not there, so come on” i chuckled and got out of the car.

We walked upstairs to my apartment and the first thing I did was take off my shoes and take off the wig “So was it too hot?” He asked me to go into my room.

“Nah it was okay actually, but i don't know if black hair is my thing you know?” I chuckled and followed after him.

“Hmm” he stood and looked at me for a second “You know I absolutely love this costume, but I prefer your normal hair” he smiled “Thanks babe” I smiled and he kinda grabbed me pulling me into kiss me, making me chuckle.

He kinda deepened the kiss and backed me up towards the bed.

I laid down and he went down to kiss my neck. And I just suddenly felt overwhelmed.

“Matt, wait” I said and he stopped immediately. He lifted himself back up to look at me “Sorry, is everything okay?” He asked.

“Yeah i just, i don’t know if I’m feeling- i’m really sorry I know i said all those things as David’s and-“

“Hey, hey look at me okay?” he lightly held my chin, as i was feeling myself tear up “It’s okay. Don’t apologise” he smiled warmly.

“I just, I don't want you to feel like I don't want to. And usually guys would get mad if I changed my mind, you know? So I just-“

“Luna, baby. Deep breath okay?” He said and I had completely teared up.

“None of this alright?” He very gently sat me up and wiped the tears that fell.

“I need you to listen very carefully okay..? I am not, and will never get mad at you for something like that. And the fact that you’ve had someone do that, just blows my mind. We absolutely don’t have to do anything, when you’re not comfortable..”

He held my face in his hands and I just felt stupid. Because of course he reacted like this, of course he’s perfect.

“You sure..?” I asked “Yes I'm sure. We’ve had two very hectic days, we need some sleep anyway” he smiled “Yeah i really am tired” i sniffled.

“Good…so just deep breathing okay?” He said “Yeah sorry i don’t know what’s with me” i said wiping my eyes “Stop apologising” he smiled “Sorry” i said making him chuckle.

“Now let’s get into something comfortable and get some sleep” he said kinda sitting up. But his eyes glanced back at me, smiling “If you want I could still help you get out of your costume?” He asked.

“Sure” I smiled, knowing he just genuinely wanted to.

He reached over and very softly rolled down and pulled the knee sock off my feet.

He was being so gentle with me, as he did the other one.

He placed a soft kiss on my thigh, then sat back up as I stood up so he could unzip the dress.

He stood up behind me and unzipped it.

I let it fall off my shoulders, and he took off the jersey he had worn, for me to wear.

I slipped it over my head and turned back to him. And he was just smiling innocently.

“Well I liked my costume, but it seems to look better on you” he smiled and i just smiled, leaning up to peck his lips.

“I’m going to the bathroom really quick”

I sighed to myself and walked back out.

He was kinda laid back on my bed in a black tee and those pj pants.

He immediately shut his phone as I walked in. I leaned against the door “So uhm, I think I know why I started crying” i smiled “You got upset it’s okay-“

“No Matt i just got my period” i chuckled and he paused “Oh” he smiled “Well that makes sense too”

I walked over and laid down. He crawled up between my legs with his head kinda on my tit* “Is this like a new favourite thing?” I asked, putting my hands in his hair “Maybe” he chuckled and closed his eyes.

I felt him move a hand up a bit under my shirt and just softly caress my stomach.

“I’m kinda sad Halloween is over” i sighed “well you’re welcome to wear those stockings again” he said “Noted” i chuckled.

“I feel like it would be a lot for you to wear the Flynn outfit again” i said and massaged his head “Hmm you liked me in that?” He asked.

“I like you in most things, but yea” I chuckled. “I might bring it out again then” he sighed satisfied and we both fell asleep quickly.

If only you knew - Chapter 34 - Willowmoon81 (2024)


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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Views: 6427

Rating: 4 / 5 (41 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.