Hieroglyphs Dictionary - Ancient Egyptian LEXILOGOS (2024)

Ancien Egyptian dictionary

Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egyptian


Hieroglyphs.net: Egyptian-English dictionary, by Paul Sciortino

Hierogl: Egyptian-French dictionary, after the Raymond Faulkner's Concise dictionary of Middle Egyptian (1962)(WaybackMachine)

Projet Rosette: Egyptian-French dictionary, after the Raymond Faulkner's dictionary

Dictionary of Middle Egyptian by Paul Dickson (2006) (Gardiner list)

Concise dictionary of Middle Egyptian by Raymond Faulkner, manuscript (1961)

Egyptian hieroglyphic dictionary by Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge (1920)

A-Sun & Sur-T

Hieroglyphic vocabulary to the Theban recension of the Book of the Dead, by Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge (1911)

Egyptian hieroglyphics, being an attempt to explain their nature, origin and meaning, by Samuel Sharpe (1861)

Lexique hiéroglyphique: Hieroglyphic Egyptian-French dictionary, by Roger Lambert (1925)

Lexique français-hiéroglyphique: French-Hieroglyphic Egyptian dictionary, by Gustave Hagemans (1896)

Dictionnaire égyptien en écriture hiéroglyphique: Egyptian dictionary in Hieroglyphic script, by Jean-François Champollion (1843)

Wörterbuch der Ägyptischen Sprache: Hieroglyphic Egyptian-German dictionary, by Adolf Erman & Hermann Grapow (1921): I & II - III -IV - V -VI - VII

Ägyptisches Handwörterbuch (1921)

Hieroglyphisch-demotisches Wörterbuch: Hieroglyphic-demotic dictionary, by Henrich Brugsch (1882): I & II - III- IV - V - VI- VII

The Chicago Demotic dictionary, edited by Janet Johnson, Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures, University of Chicago (2001)

Demotische Wortliste: Demotic Egyptian-German dictionary

Les noms des parties du corps en égyptien et en sémitique, by Pierre Lacau (1972)

Les signes 𓂸 et 𓂺 (male genitals), in Sphinx (1912) NEW

La racine 𓇋, i, « être », génératrice de formes verbales et de noms de personnes, par Raymond Weill, in Bulletin de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale (1931) NEW

Les noms de lieux de l'Égypte et les sciences toponymiques en égyptologie, by Vincent Razanajao, in Études d'onomastique égyptienne (2016)

Egyptian language

Egyptian Hieroglyphs keyboard (more than 5 000)

Egyptian keyboard (Latin script) for transliteration

WikiHiero: online keyboard to type the hieroglyphs (in several images)

EgyptianHieroglyphs: Middle Egyptian lessons

Gardiner's sign list

Hieroglyphs lessons by Jacques Kinnaer

Friesian school: pronunciation of the Egyptian language

Hieroglyphs classified by category (Gardiner's sign list) (WaybackMachine)

Hieroglyphs classified by family, in colour (Gardiner list) (WaybackMachine)

Projet Rosette: hieroglyphs classified by family (Gardiner list) or transliteration

Middle Egyptian grammar by Gabor Toth

Thus wrote ʿOnchsheshonqy, Introductory grammar of demotic, by Janet Johnson (2000)

Short Egyptian grammar by Günther Röder (1920)

Elementary Egyptian grammar by Margaret Murray (1920)

Ägyptische Grammatik, mit Schrifttafel, Literatur, Lesestücken und Wörterverzeichnis, by Adolf Erman (1911)

Egyptian grammar, with table of signs, glossary: translation into English by James Breasted (1894)

Egyptian language: easy lessons in Egyptian hieroglyphics with sign list, by Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge (1910)

Grammaire égyptienne: Egyptian grammar by Jean-François Champollion (1836) (+ another version)

Précis du système hiéroglyphique des anciens Égyptiens : Recherches sur les élemens premiers de cette écriture sacrée, sur leurs diverses combinaisons, et sur les rapports de ce système avec les autres méthodes graphiques égyptiennes (1828)

Lettre à M. Dacier relative à l'alphabet des hiéroglyphes phonétiques employés par les Égyptiens pour inscrire sur leur monuments les titres, les noms et les surnoms des souverains grecs et romains (1822)

Sphinx, revue critique embrassant le domaine entier de l'égyptologie (1897-1925)

books about the Egyptian language: Google books & Internet Archive


eGlyphica: names of the Pharaons in hieroglyphs (in German)

DiscoveringEgypt.com: online hieroglyphic typewriter to type the alphabet symbols & numbers

Hieroglyphs.net: names in hieroglyphs (alphabet)

Qenherkhopeshef: names in hieroglyphs (alphabet)

Texts & Literature

First steps in Egyptian hieroglyphics by Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge (1895)

Egyptian reading book for beginners (1888)

Tutankhamen: Amenism, Atenism and Egyptian Monotheism, by Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge (1923)

The Book of the Dead

Le blog Gallica : Le Livre pour sortir au jour ou Livre des morts des anciens Égyptiens, by Vanessa Desclaux (2020) (Bibliothèque nationale de France)

The Book of the Dead, British Museum (1920) + illustrations

British Museum: the Papyrus of Ani

The Book of the Dead by Helen Tirard (1910)

The Book of the Dead, Papyrus of Ani, by Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge (1913): I & II + III (images)

Hieroglyphic vocabulary to the Theban recension of the Book of the Dead (1911)

The Egyptian Book of the Dead: translation into English & commentaries by Peter Le Page Renouf & Édouard Naville (1904)

Das Ägyptische Todtenbuch by Édouard Naville (1886)

Hieroglyphic texts from Egyptian stelae, British Museum (1911)

I - II- III - IV - V - VI

Thesaurus inscriptionum aegyptiaerum: Egyptian inscriptions, by Heinrich Brugsch (1883) (manuscript in German)


Traduction complète des inscriptions hiéroglyphiques de l'obélisque de Louqsor, place de la Concorde à Paris, by François Chabas (1868)

Hieroglyphs Dictionary - Ancient Egyptian LEXILOGOS (7)

The Rosetta Stone

The Rosetta Stone is a bilingual stele written in Egyptian (Hieroglyphs and Demotic script) and in Greek, in -196.

The stone was discovered in 1799 at Rosetta رشيد Rachid, in Arabic), village located on the estuary of the Nil (see map of Nicolas Belin, 1764).

It has been on display at the British Museum since 1802.

British Museum: the Rosetta Stone

Interactive Rosetta Stone Explorer with the Samuel Sharpe's translation (1871)

Rosetta Stone: hieroglyphs of the Rosetta stone & translation into English, by Jim Loy

The Rosetta Stone by Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge, British Museum (1913)

The decrees of Memphis and Canopus: The Rosetta Stone (1912): I & II - III (The decrees of Canopus)

Inscriptio Rosettana hieroglyphica: interlinear translation into Latin, by Heinrich Brugsch (1851)

The Rosetta Stone in Hieroglyphics and Greek, with translations and an explanation of the hieroglyphical characters, by Samuel Sharpe (1871)

Egypt: maps, heritage & documents

Ancient Egypt

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Hieroglyphs Dictionary - Ancient Egyptian LEXILOGOS (2024)


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