EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (2024)

Pages: 1 :: [one page]AuthorThread Statistics | Show CCP posts - 0 post(s)EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (1)
Dr Kojak
Infinitus Odium

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (2)

Posted - 2007.03.18 18:36:00 -[1]
For many years EvE has been a magnificent game for me and my associates. Now however, we have found that it would improve with a mini-game or two in it.

The reason for this is that we at the moment have been war-decced by someone who do not dare to fight us and we consequently need something to entertain ourselves with while blowing up their POS'es.

I am sure our enemies will think this a good idea as well; they need something to do while being docked up all the time. What to you say NMTZ alliance?

Anyhow, some suggestions we have for mini-games are: tic-tac-toe (obviously), 4 in a row and minesweeper. Battleships would be fun as well, but I do not think our current enemy has the skills to play that game, and we do not want to make different clients would we...

Dr Kojak

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (5)
Death Kill

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (6)

Posted - 2007.03.18 18:37:00 -[2]
I fully endorse this thread.
EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (9)
Don Carn'age
Infinitus Odium

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (10)

Posted - 2007.03.18 18:39:00 -[3]
We could also include;
And the all time classic;

DonC [INFOD] (A to the B to the donC)
[url=www.infinitus-odium.com/killboard/?a=pilot_detail&plt_id=58039]EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (13)[/

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (14)
Infinitus Odium

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (15)

Posted - 2007.03.18 18:43:00 -[4]
Good suggestion Kojak, I did enjoy `Hit The Pi±ata` this afternoon.
EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (18)
Bleak Cabal
Coalition of Carebear Killers

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (19)

Posted - 2007.03.18 18:44:00 -[5]
Nah this isnt really needed as we already have games to play.
We play hangman in local while camping our enemies.
[/url]EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (22)
Nicholas Barker
Rampage Eternal

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (23)

Posted - 2007.03.18 18:45:00 -[6]
i played this cool flash game where you had to drill through the surface of the moon to find precious ores and could upgrade your ship thing to last longer before having to refuel, and how much it could carry. Was additctive as hell.

If you could play that while mining to get ore that would be awesome, and probably hard for macro to do too ;)

Am Orbitin' ur ship! Gettin' nossed!

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (26)
Andreas Syneticus

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (27)

Posted - 2007.03.18 18:48:00 -[7]
How about some good old fashioned Eve POKER? Wager Isk, or that shiny new Hyperion... or hell, wager 10 minutes of no-hostility for those docked up ina station, so they can get out in force, and then give the warring party some fun. :D

I think there's already some sort of Poker game in the ingame browser, or something, but I'm talking about an official in-game EVE thing, cards of Minmatar hookers on the one side..

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (30)
Zenithal Harvest

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (31)

Posted - 2007.03.18 19:00:00 -[8]
Space pong ftw.

- - - - - - - - - - Do not use dotted lines - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - or automatic signatures - - - - - - - -

"186,282 miles per second; It's not just a good idea, it's the law."

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (34)
Max Hardcase
Art of War
Cult of War

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (35)

Posted - 2007.03.18 20:45:00 -[9]
Edited by: Max Hardcase on 18/03/2007 20:51:22
Edited by: Max Hardcase on 18/03/2007 20:51:12
Edited by: Max Hardcase on 18/03/2007 20:44:16
Some kind of card game, based on blackjack or poker, but with a twist would be cool.

Bridge with a reduced card set could also work. Currently we're playing with 10, J, Q, K, A @ work.

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (38)
Galactic Production Dynamics

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (39)

Posted - 2007.03.18 21:12:00 -[10]
EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (42) Originally by: Nicholas Barkeri played this cool flash game where you had to drill through the surface of the moon to find precious ores and could upgrade your ship thing to last longer before having to refuel, and how much it could carry. Was additctive as hell.

If you could play that while mining to get ore that would be awesome, and probably hard for macro to do too ;)

Actually, it's based on Mars. It's called Motherload, from X-Studios or something. Just type "motherload" in Google and you'll find it.

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (43) Quote:-Ghoest-
The danger in 0.0 should be pirates coming up on you while you are doing stuff, not pirates killing you everytime you knock on the door.
EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (44)
Eve Cluster Explorations

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (45)

Posted - 2007.03.18 21:25:00 -[11]
EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (48) Originally by: Dr KojakFor many years EvE has been a magnificent game for me and my associates. Now however, we have found that it would improve with a mini-game or two in it.

The reason for this is that we at the moment have been war-decced by someone who do not dare to fight us and we consequently need something to entertain ourselves with while blowing up their POS'es.

I am sure our enemies will think this a good idea as well; they need something to do while being docked up all the time. What to you say NMTZ alliance?

Anyhow, some suggestions we have for mini-games are: tic-tac-toe (obviously), 4 in a row and minesweeper. Battleships would be fun as well, but I do not think our current enemy has the skills to play that game, and we do not want to make different clients would we...

Dr Kojak

No. Hit your windows key, and then look around your start menu, plenty of stuff in there I'm sure.

This would be such a waste of time, even if they got a monkey to program it for them it would be wasting the monkeys time.

If you go into your options menu, there's a difficulty slider. Put that all the way over to the easiest setting and you'll be fine.

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (49)
Jenny Spitfire
Caldari Provisions

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (50)

Posted - 2007.03.18 21:26:00 -[12]
mini eVe card game? I support this thread. EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (53)
Technica impendi Caldari generis. Pax Caldaria!Kali is for KArebearLIng.
I 100% agree with Avon.

Female EVE gamers? Mail Zajo or visit WGOE.Public in-game.

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (54)

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (55)

Posted - 2007.03.18 21:32:00 -[13]
EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (58) Originally by: Zwaplat
EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (59) Originally by: Nicholas Barkeri played this cool flash game where you had to drill through the surface of the moon to find precious ores and could upgrade your ship thing to last longer before having to refuel, and how much it could carry. Was additctive as hell.

If you could play that while mining to get ore that would be awesome, and probably hard for macro to do too ;)

Actually, it's based on Mars. It's called Motherload, from X-Studios or something. Just type "motherload" in Google and you'll find it.

I got addicted to that game as well....

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (60)

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (61)
Meirre K'Tun
Brotherhood of the Shadows
Curse Alliance

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (62)

Posted - 2007.03.18 21:45:00 -[14]
EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (65) Originally by: Jenny Spitfiremini eVe card game? I support this thread. EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (66)

they should put the trading card game in the game.
you get cards from rats, find them in shot down wrecks at exploration sites and you can trade them via the market of course.
i think that would be a nice idea, i loved triple triad in final fantasy 8 so much :)

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (67)
Guys of Sarcasm

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (68)

Posted - 2007.03.18 21:54:00 -[15]
we just need flash support and were set :-P

BTW: A GOOD Cache-Cleaner
EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (71)
Eve Cluster Explorations

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (72)

Posted - 2007.03.18 21:55:00 -[16]
EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (75) Originally by: Meirre K'Tun
EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (76) Originally by: Jenny Spitfiremini eVe card game? I support this thread. EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (77)

they should put the trading card game in the game.
you get cards from rats, find them in shot down wrecks at exploration sites and you can trade them via the market of course.
i think that would be a nice idea, i loved triple triad in final fantasy 8 so much :)

If they did this I would quit.

Rather have the /dance emote than that, it would fit the game better.

If you go into your options menu, there's a difficulty slider. Put that all the way over to the easiest setting and you'll be fine.

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (78)
Guys of Sarcasm

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (79)

Posted - 2007.03.18 22:13:00 -[17]

excuse me.. need a bigger tank, better drill, more hull, more cargo *sobs*

BTW: A GOOD Cache-Cleaner
EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (82)
Izzy Pol
Fear and Loathing in LoneTrek

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (83)

Posted - 2007.03.18 22:18:00 -[18]
Alt tab out of the bloody game and use windows. Otherwise ppl will decide the game needs a spreadsheet program and ask for Excel to be implemented next.EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (86)
EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (87)
Entropy Industries

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (88)

Posted - 2007.03.18 23:52:00 -[19]
I also think it would be awesome if they brought the eve card game to eve-online.

I would have put a code on each card that can be registered in eve-online, and be credited to your account, but the time for that has passed.

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (91)
Guys of Sarcasm

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (92)

Posted - 2007.03.18 23:56:00 -[20]
zwaplat: i hate you

expect a wardec soon

no wait.. i dont have time.. need more einsteinium

BTW: A GOOD Cache-Cleaner
EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (95)
Evolutionary Transhumanist Apperception

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (96)

Posted - 2007.03.19 00:08:00 -[21]
I dunno, can't u just play something else in windowed mode?Sex0r > you're bounty turns me on.. you seem like the kind of amarrian to dominate me
EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (99)
Guys of Sarcasm

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (100)

Posted - 2007.03.19 01:01:00 -[22]
yep, works fine

mytheatre in window mode aswell so i can even watch tv

or zoomplayer in window mode to watch something while doing mining

BTW: A GOOD Cache-Cleaner
EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (103)
Infinitus Odium

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (104)

Posted - 2007.03.19 01:52:00 -[23]
Tbh you missed something in this topic m8's but on the subject of a mini game, they could implent some old game's that are allready freeware into java form that IGB can handleEVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (107)
Grant Smith
Infinitus Odium

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (108)

Posted - 2007.03.19 01:59:00 -[24]
EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (111)

G o>
INFOD Director.

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (112)

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (113)

Posted - 2007.03.19 03:03:00 -[25]
how about a casino! Being able to dock and play a friendly game of poker with other members of the game. SERIOUSLY THINK ABOUT IT CCP PLZZZZ
EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (116)
Jason Marshall
Emerald Empire

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (117)

Posted - 2007.03.19 03:09:00 -[26]
that table golf thing from Fable.

all the mini games from Fable.

and, of damn i forgot the name =\.

Tacky lens flares in sigs 4tw!

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (120)
Mr Mozzie
Eve University
Ivy League

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (121)

Posted - 2007.03.19 03:45:00 -[27]
I for one love the idea of having a casino in game.

Slot machines ftw.

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (124)
Infinitus Odium

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (125)

Posted - 2007.03.19 03:46:00 -[28]
I am fascinated by the number of people who missed the point of this post entirely.

I enthusiastically endorse this thread. EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (128)

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (129)
Ket Halpak
Southern Cross Alliance

EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (130)

Posted - 2007.03.19 03:49:00 -[29]
I liked Motherload, i was addicted to it for days. Once you can afford to, I suggest you use alot of explosive to make a super highway to the bottom of the world :)

I'd like to see a mining minigame like motherload implemented for the mining carreer, it would make mining more fun that shoot and wait.

Any views expressed in the above post are my own and not those of my corp unless otherwise stated as such. If you are reading the above post, thePages: 1 :: [one page]
EVE Search - Mini-games should be implemented in EvE (2024)


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