Barcelona: February, 2017
Six months prior to the attacks, thousands of demonstators took to the streets demanding that the country take in more "migrants"
Free agent NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick will be featured in a Black Lives Matter collection at the National Museum of African American History and Culture, museum curators announced this weekend.
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, the nation’s longest-serving black justice, remains absent from the museum
If you want evidence that the American leftist cult has reached a point of fanatical unreason every bit as bad as the darkest of dark ages, here's a sentence from the Atlantic's piece on the eclipse:
"On August 21, 2017, a total solar eclipse will arrive mid-morning on the coast of Oregon. It has been dubbed the Great American Eclipse, and along most of its path, there live almost no black people. Presumably, this is not explained by the implicit bias of the solar system."
Former Obama DHS Secretary: 'Confederate monuments are a threat to public safety'
Ragnarok: Then why didn't you do something about them when you were in office, Jeh???
The cries of Allahu Akbar mean that the Muslim terrorists are proving that Allah is greater than the gods of their enemies by killing them. They specifically target sites associated with other religions.
Barcelona Terror Cell Originally Planned to Target Sagrada Familia Cathedral With Massive Truck Bomb
Europol Chief Warns Terrorism Is 'Highest Threat in Europe for a Generation'
From 2014 to 2016, jihadist terror attacks in Europe increased from 2 to 30, and the pace of attacks this year is becoming unrelenting
‘This Place Is Lost’: Barcelona Chief Rabbi Tells Spain’s Jews to Head for Israel
“What the Negro needs is a Hitler”
Malcolm X had previously met with the KKK. The Muslim racist bonded with the Nazi racist over anti-Semitism. "The Jew is behind the integration movement, using the Negro as a tool," Malcolm X told him.
Malcolm X’s Klan meeting was part of an alliance between the Nation of Islam and the KKK in opposition to the Civil Rights Movement. The Nation of Islam received protection for its mosques from the Klan.
J.B. Stoner, the KKK leader he met with, would be convicted of the bombing of the Bethel Baptist Church in Birmingham. The bombing had taken place three years before their meeting.
Malcolm X had even urged the KKK to eliminate “traitors who assisted integration leaders". The man after whom streets all over the country have been named was urging the KKK to kill civil rights workers.
"I sat at the table myself with the heads of the Ku Klux Klan," Malcolm X later admitted. "From that day onward the Klan never interfered with the Black Muslim movement in the South."
There's a statue of Malcolm X at the Audubon Ballroom in New York. It's some 40 blocks up from Malcolm X Boulevard. The Champions for Humanity Monument in Oakland's Kaiser Memorial Park includes Malcolm X. There’s a Marcus Garvey/Malcolm X installation in Washington D.C.
They must come down.
Wesleyan University hosts Malcolm X House. Berkeley has the Malcolm X Elementary School. San Francisco has the Malcolm X Academy. They must be renamed.
And all the streets named after Malcolm X must go. In New York, in Washington D.C., in Dallas, in Lansing and in Los Angeles. The signs must come down and their names must be changed.
It’s the only right thing to do.
If Confederate statues are unacceptable, then how can statues, streets and schools named after political allies of the KKK, Nazis and Neo-Nazis stay up? If General Lee must go, how can Malcolm X, Marcus Garvey and W.E.B. DuBois remain?
Trump supporter wearing Israeli flag told to 'get the f--k out' of Boston by hecklers
Why Is The Man With Israeli Flag Being Harassed At The Free Speech Rally In Boston?
Ragnarok: Short answer? Communist leftists and Islam have converging tactics towards attemprting to reach their shared goal of the destruction of western ( read: Judeo/Christian ) society and culture
Ragnarok: I Cannot Stress This Enough!
This page is taken fron the Islamic State publication, "Black Flags Over Rome" which instructs prospective jihadi's on operation planning
European Terror at ‘Epidemic Levels’, Leaders Must ‘Get Real’ After Barcelona
Breitbart London Editor in Chief Raheem Kassam has warned Americans that Islamist terror in Europe is reaching “epidemic” proportions because No Go Zones and illegal immigration has not been addressed
Ragnarok: Don't we hear this after every attack? And, our leaders ( including Trump ) have done what???
McMaster Fails to Brief Trump Before ‘That’s Too Bad’ Error
H.R. McMaster Endorsed Quran-Kissing Apology Ceremonies
A book on terrorism endorsed and touted by H.R. McMaster, the embattled White House National Security Adviser, calls on the U.S. military to respond to any “desecrations” of the Quran by service members with an apology ceremony, and advocates kissing a new copy of the Quran before presenting the Islamic text to the local Muslim public
Franklin Graham: ‘Politicians Should Stop Saying Islam Is a Religion of Peace’
In other words, the religious ideology behind Islam itself, rather that the extremism of a given group such as the Islamic State, is often what leads to the violence and terrorism carried out against infidels by Muslims.
In his politically incorrect text, Graham wrote that “we are making a mistake by allowing the operation and spread of the dark and dangerous teachings of Islam.”
Ragnarok: The fact that this even needs to be said shows how far behind the learning curve our "leaders" are...
Bannon on Refusing to Meet Abbas: “I’m not going to breathe the same air as that terrorist”
Ragnarok: GOOD FOR BANNON! I wish more people understood what he said! Did you ever wonder why Abbas changed his name from Abu Mazen? It is because he is trying to hide his past... Read the next three articles for more information...
Abu Mazen Funded Munich Massacre
Abbas Financed Munich Massacre Of 11 Israeli Athletes By Muslim Terrorists - New Details Revealed About Atrocity
Hamas Seeking to Bolster Relations With Iran
Ragnarok: The Sunni/Shia alliance that should have folks in power worried...
Syria’s Assad Rejects Security Cooperation with the West
Syrian President Bashar Assad on Sunday refused any security cooperation with Western nations or the reopening of their embassies, until they cut ties with opposition and insurgent group
Assad’s Forces, Hezbollah Advance Together in Syria
Turkey, Iran Agree to Boost Military Ties
Turkey Warns of Sectarian War as Iraq Ejects Islamic State from Tal Afar
Palestinian, Egyptian, Jordanian Officials Meet Ahead of Trump Delegation Visit
Special forces will protect UK's bank holiday revellers: Elite troops will patrol in armoured vehicles to protect Britons from ISIS attacks
This is war, but unlike any other war in history. The genocidal ideology and doctrine is never spoken of, and if it is, it must be spoke of with respect and deference. Enemies of the genocidal ideology are targeted for smear and defamation. Adherents to the ideology are given special class status and protections from phantoms and bogeymen that have been created out of whole cloth.
Tanks in the streets is war. Against whom? Against what? Stay quiet!
Chicago: Muslim Uber Driver locked 19-year-old female passenger in his car and demanded sex in lieu of fare
Death Threats and Declining Attendance at Tolerant, Inclusive Mosque in Berlin
Ragnarok: Anyone with just a basic knowledge of Islam could have predicted this. The thing that surprises me is that no one has tried to kill the imam, yet...
Finland: Police Knew Jihad Stabber Had Been Radicalized but Did Not Have Him Under Surveillance
Ragnarok: Which means the government of Finland is directly responsible for the deaths of two of their citizens. They let the guy in, they knew he was a terrorist, they did NOTHING. Think about that when you ever have a notion that the police are there to 'protect'...
Muslims fear “anti-Islam backlash” in Barcelona
Ragnarok: People should be getting used to the show, by now. First an attack, then local Muslims cry about how THEY are the victims because of "Islamophobia", media plays it up making all of the locals and kuffar feel guilty, the whole incident is forgotten after a few hashtags and empty platitudes, repeat...
Holy... Crap... Winner of Today's "WTF Award" Goes To: Primary school children in U.K. to be taught what to do in a TERROR ATTACK with the help of a cat set loose in a school for mice
Primary school children are to be taught about what to do in a terror attack with a book about a cat set loose in a school for mice
New US Mideast Director Implied Moral Equivalency between Palestinian Terror and Israel
David Satterfield, who is slated to become the State Department’s New Mideast Director, has repeatedly suggested a moral equivalency between Palestinian terrorism and Israeli counterterrorism. Should someone with this perspective be dictating policy?
Anti-Israel Leaders Hosted at State Dept. Seeking to Drive Wedge in U.S.-Israel Alliance
The newly appointed Middle East director at the State Department has a long record of criticizing and pressuring Israel. Isn’t anybody at the White House paying attention to who’s being hired over at Foggy Bottom?
Trump State Dept Unsure Why Palestinian Terrorists Kill Israelis
Officials in the Trump administration's State Department are standing by a recent report criticized by Congress that blamed Israel for terror attacks and claimed Palestinians rarely incite violence, telling the Washington Free Beacon that it remains unclear why terrorists engage in violent acts
In Egypt, Clashes Between The Institution Of The Presidency And The Institution Of Al-Azhar
Egypt’s Al-Azhar University, the most important institute of learning in the Sunni Muslim world, and its head, Sheikh Ahmad Al-Tayeb, are currently facing a political and media attack led by the institute of the Egyptian presidency, headed by President ‘Abd Al-Fatah Al-Sisi. This is the latest episode in the past two years of ongoing tension between the two institutions, over Al-Azhar’s apparent refusal to comply with the president’s dictates in matters of religion
Ragnarok: Eventually, Sisi will need to confront al-Azhar head-on and it is not going to be pretty. In fact, I fully expect him to lose this confrontation...
Muslims Tell Europe: "One Day All This Will Be Ours"
The Archbishop of Strasbourg Luc Ravel, nominated by Pope Francis in February, just declared that "Muslim believers know very well that their fertility is such today, that they call it... the Great Replacement. They tell you in a very calm, very positive way: One day all this, all this will be ours...".
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán just warned against a "Muslimized Europe". According to him, "the question of the upcoming decades is whether Europe will continue to belong to Europeans".
We can see what the problem is, so why the hesitancy in finding a solution?
What I want to know is aren’t there smart people in governments that see it coming and are encouraging Europeans (and the Japanese in their case) to have more children.
Find tax incentives, find more ways to make it easier for Europeans and for the Japanese to support more children in large families, create media campaigns/TV shows about the joy of large families—make it cool to have babies!
And, expose the big money globalists (and chamber of commerce types) who see numbers of people in terms of consumers of their products. Maybe someone needs to be thinking in terms of smaller economic growth and how to get used to that for awhile as Europeans kick-start their production of their own babies.
And, of course, most of all stop the importation of Middle Easterners and Africans who will be outproducing those of European heritage. Let them stabilize their populations in their own parts of the world.
Inside the Islamist terrorist’s mind: A conversation with James Mitchell
As a key architect of the CIA’s enhanced interrogation program, James Mitchell spent thousands of hours questioning terrorists, including 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM). He came to understand the terrorist mind better than anyone in America.
Now, for the first time, Dr. Mitchell will share what KSM told him — including his opinions of US counterterrorism policy, the Bush administration’s response to 9/11, his plans for future attacks, and why he is certain they will ultimately prevail in their war against America
Journalism project claims hate crime committed against mosques 'about once every 3 days'. ProPublica‘s newest project on hate crimes is raising eyebrows because of its reliance on a questionable source for its data. The report says more than 370 “hate incidents” directed at U.S. mosques and Islamic centers have been catalogued by CAIR since April 2013.
One revealing statement in the article says: “Note: ProPublica has not researched whether any updates or follow-ups to these articles exist.”
In other words, ProPublica did very little of its own independent research to confirm CAIR’s findings, or to determine whether there were any updates or changes in the original stories
ProPublica has received funding from the Soros’s Open Society Foundations, the Knight Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, Pew Charitable Trusts, Ford Foundation, the Carnegie Corp., Hewlett Foundation, Sandler Foundation and Atlantic Philanthropies. In 2010, it received a two-year contribution of $125,000 each year from Soros’s Open Society Foundations.
“CAIR is Hamas, they were founded by two former Hamas agents, Nihad Awad and Omar Ahmad,” Haney said. “They, along with the whole Islamic Shura Council of North America, were wiretapped by the feds in 1993 in Philadelphia talking about forming a Hamas-type organization that would defend the interests of Islam in America called the Islamic Association for Palestine, which later became CAIR.
“We have known who these people were for 25 years. Why are we still listening to them and giving them positions of influence within American culture?” he added. “Until we resolve that, it’s just going to get worse. They were just invited to the State Department last week to meet with [Secretary of State Rex] Tillerson’s boys and present their grievances about the situation in Jerusalem and the mosque there.”
U.S. Islamic Movement Enters Final Stage
One day in the future, history will record with great astonishment how military leaders, politicians on both sides of the aisle, intelligence professionals, and others were catastrophically unprofessional for 16 years after 9/11/2001, thus putting the American people in grave peril
Target the Nurseries of Terror Indoctrination
The gutless response of world leaders to so many terrorist attacks suggest that the world has apparently bought into the "victim narrative" of these extremists, who first set their own countries on fire and then entered Europe with the baggage of their totalitarian ideology, aiming to enslave the masses here too.
The free world, if it would like to win this war, will first have to give up its duplicity. It will have to target the nurseries of terror indoctrination without cherry-picking and keeping favorites. If not, the global security organizations will find themselves exhausted running after the individual suspects, but each time looking just at the "minnows", never the pond they swim in
Former commander of British forces in Afghanistan Col. Richard Kemp tweeted Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May:
"If Enough is Enough, why does the government continue to appease Jihadists by allowing the so-called 'Al-Quds Day' march through London?"
Officials from largest US Islamic charity promote anti-Semitism on social media
Ragnarok: But they don't get banned or de-monetized...
Boston: Iranian Military Agent Caught Trying to Enter U.S. at Logan Airport
Ragnarok: Hmmm... The same airport the 9/11 terrorists used. Might want to conduct a full-on security review...
Louis Gohmert on Charlotsville: “This is being driven by forces of evil that are beyond what normal people can think about”
Vandals Smash Up Oldest Christopher Columbus Monument In Nation
Vandals smashed a 225-year old monument to Christopher Columbus in Baltimore early Monday morning. The edifice is documented as the oldest still standing in the nation dedicated to the explorer
Reversal of Reality
The denial of the truth that both sides were violent seems to go beyond mere criticism, into a reversal of reality
I’m Not Charlie Hebdo
Chairman of national-conservative EKRE, Mart Helme, thinks an end should be put to the “leftist-liberal globalization experiment”. While the politically correct mainstream refused to acknowledge it, the connection of terrorism with immigration and Islam was real, and the choice between a pro or anti-immigration course of existential importance.
Estonians get it...
“Mental Illness” Expected To Dramatically Increase In France
Islamic radicals to be treated by mental illness specialists
Ragnarok: France didn't learn a damned thing from their failed initiative to "rehabilitate" jihadi's...
One Woman Dead After 35-Year-Old Man Rams A Stolen Car Into Two Bus Stations In Marseille
An Ominous How-To For A Terrorist Attack In America
The terrorist attack in Barcelona follows a pattern that has left more than 100 people dead and hundreds more injured in Nice, Berlin, London, Stockholm and Ohio State University — a terrorist takes a van or truck and plows through innocent pedestrians on a crowded thoroughfare, turning the vehicle into “a mowing machine, not to mow grass but mow down the enemies of Allah.”
Those words come from an article called “The Ultimate Mowing Machine” in the 2010 edition of the glossy online al-Qaeda magazine Inspire, which provided detailed instructions for how to carry out vehicular attacks, urging would-be terrorists to “pick up as much speed as you can while still retaining good control . . . to strike as many people as possible in your first run.”
Ragnarok: The same magazine which I have linked to in it's entirety here many times ( Every time a new issue comes out )... They are just now getting around to telling you about these magazines,I have been preaching it for years. I hope everyone downloaded the one I linked to last week...
White House Petition To Recognize Antifa As A Terrorist Organization Hits 211,412 Signatures in less than a week
Ragnarok: Too bad petitions are worthless...
Houston, Texas: Andrew Schneck Arrested For Planting Explosives At Confederate Statue
Ragnarok: Andrew Schneck... Couldn't figure out why this guy's name seemed so familiar... Then I found this:
Schneck was arrested in 2013 after multiple Houston-area homes owned by his family and his Austin College dorm were raided by the FBI. He pleaded guilty in 2014 to one count of storing an explosive in a manner not in conformity with regulations