Bucyrus Journal from Bucyrus, Ohio (2024)

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am aR is SPECIAL NOTICES What XXuamu Thinkt LE wooed YY gucjjrus Journal The Galion Murder Trial We last week published a resume of the evidence in this case which we found In the Columbus Journal We The Blind Troupe will glre a Concert at Bowse's Hall this Frida) evening with an Si Dr White Pin-v Compound 1 1 thenntrc'J th throughout published this because at the time we could do no better We had been promised the notes of the trial as taken by Mr Junkin who upon leaving handed them to 8 R- Harris with instructions to hand to us and Harris placed them in safe keeping with the Clerk until called for When Mr Harris called for them he was informed that Mr Jones had taken them and upon inquiry learned he had tak- en them to the Forum office evident- ly for the purpose of depriving us of their use as he was present when Mr Junkin told us we could have his notes Mr Jones had notes of Ins own he could have let our neighbor have Mr may be able to explain this in a satisfactory manner hereafter but as the case now stands it was unfair and ungentlemanly to say the least- The report of the trial as published last wee did not give satbfaction and was evidently gotten up with a view of making a good case for the defense omitting the greater portion of the testimony for the prosecution audevidentlvintended for the purpose of being used hereafter for the benefit of the" prisoner There seems to be a misunderstanding about what we said in regard to the trial last week We said or intended tosay that in consideration of the youth of the pris-ener his sentence to ten imprisonment in the Penitentiary general not that any did) not believe him guilty and hail the strict letter of the law leen executed he wouldhave been hung but that on account of his youth and thejife before him ten years in the Penitentiary would he greater punishment to him tnan hanging would have leen Some of our friends thought that we meant that the synopsis of the evidence as published by us general which was not the case1 As we now have Mr notes we now propose to give them in full as we would have done Jat week had they been in our possession There has been a very general desire on the part of a great many of our citizens to see the evidence in full it is in compliance with this general desire that we give it to tiie exclusion of our usual summary of new and local news Solpher Springs Items 8ttl1heb Springs Feb 27 1S67 Editors Journal: The Metho dists under direction of Revs Seits and Shall are having quite an interesting protracted meetings in this place Quite a number have professed religion and many more are still seeking after the of Great The meeting has now been in progress some four weeks and from present indications will continue as long At tbe request of Rev Beits all the places of business including the hotels and groceries ere closed up at 7 o'clock M- that all may have an opportunity of attending the meetings Btough has bought a farm of 40 acres in Vernon Tp in this County for which he pays $10500 per acre tA public discussion will take place on Monday evening March 4th at the Church in Cralls neighborhood upon the subject: Resolved That the Bible and nature teaii the immortality of the human so Disputants: Affirmative William Getry Rev Bulger: 'Negative King and The question i exciting considerable attention an both parties are making preperations Female The peopleof Mansfield are getting in earnest ajiout raising the money for the buildings for the Lutheran Female College Although they have one Female College there already they fullyrealize the benefits to be derived fitim the one now proposed We often! hear our people say a pity we did not get the Cleveland and Columbus Itoad through our town when 8jn0un would have done it The time will come when our people will say -what a pity we did not get the Female Seminary here we could easily have done it only Bucyrns township alone raisad $98-000 for drafts and would have easily doubled the amount rather than be grafted into the army We have the whole county now to assist us in this worthy enterprise or at least ive should have Every citizen of the county has an interest in it morally pecuniary and for the advantages of education at home Public Sale On Tlmrsdav the 11th Inst nt the resilience of lien Samuel Myers one mile east Bucyrus he will sell at public sale a lot of stock ami farming utensils For particular sec posters jr ji-jrss noniNsoN RALPH ROBINSON Hditors BtJCYRU? OHIO: i SATURDAY MORNING Mincn a 1807 EXTRA MURDER CASE have orders for upwards of 200 copies of the Journal containing the murder trial We can supply any number at1 3 oents per copy if ordered soon A powerful revival is In progress in Nashville (Tenn) church- i dHpatcli from China report Tycoon of Japan shot fgHont lliram Holmes formerly a member of Congress died at Atlanta Ga Monday 8 Colored Infantry Colonel Miles will shortly leave Washington for South Carolina 1P Accounts via Athens represent that the Turks have been defeated in several minor engagements in Crete SSTThe iKsv Dr McCarron Archdeacon of theCafftolio Diocese of New York died Saturday The man bitten by dog at In dianapolis some three mo rftti Sal ago aturday died of hydrophobia- on night larOil has been struck in Ray county Mo TheHt- Louis Petroleum Company have a well pumping one hundred barrels a day tQTA dispatch from Naples reports fiat a magazine of gunpowder had exploded at Possilippo near that city and a number of lives were lost STAn agent of the Russian gover-mint has arrived at Washington and is negotiating for the purchase of American small arm Saxon portion of Transylvania Is reported favorable to an union with Hungary Revolutionary documents have been circulated in Pesth without eftfect from China inform us that a great ilre had occurred at Tientsin in Chiba lass 3)3000 taels Tne Mohammedans in Kiangi had captured four towns I BeTThe Parliament of the North German States was formally opened by the Ring of Prussia in the presence of the member of the Royal family an IFIerr Von Bismarck ttS-Jsnl Ho'Jart has introduced a bill in the Wisconsin Legislature pro-vi ling tli tj no divorce shall bi granted by any Uojrt of tli it 8 tat for any other came than adultery tCTIu! Lowell man- factoring corpirations hive generally given itice of a re luctiotTof tea or fifteen jur cent iul the wages at the close of tho pre-ient) mth Press says: report that the beloved Freed men Bureau Gen II ivkrd is a -r to be displac-e 1 by llent Jolt ioi B3PThe steamer Chicago which nailed on Saturday for Liverpool took Xltil bales of cotton which is believed i be the largest number by ons stealiuer lu the trade i-ruise by Commander Porter around the island of Cuba has demonstrated the fact that no lauding of negroes (has taken place or expedition been ttted out from that island for up vards of a £SjTA Intiomoll ve on the New York Central It li I road exploded in Albany ne be Hudson River bridge Mon iuJuriiM the engineer fireman and ever ii itnjr persona ut uotf tally -m round i inghuiiuiugs were more or less injujed CfcaTWcirty every day person is trough vVashiugcon on their way 8 uth for tl lie purpose of purchasing real e-tate Toe passage of the reenr i wiii give a fare impetus to tiie enterprise of alien citizen BSySe i it Tromb ill was sereu ied on smiitday ui gtit by citizens from Iltinni up'im hi recent re-election to i the Seiale Senator Yate wa af ez-ward eoinnlimeijte 1 in a similar' manner a aide 1 with a speech Two young desperadoes in Kocheem went out on the road wi li the avowed purpose of murdering somebody unil succeeded In shooting i German in the book of tiie hea I When arrested they con House tiie St-n ate tiie Lower House- the House pf Common Freed Bureau has re-1 edved a letter from Texas respecting federation Toronto i i to Tn fe lem OT11C1CJ everVaken Crowded Tiie great length of the testimony prevents us from publishing in full th excellent letter of of Crestline We however extract from it the following item-: The Literary So-iety is in a flourishing condition and its meeting! well attended Ladies have recently been admitted as members who have established a paper which is read by one of their number each evening The Society have alo determined that one of fts members i shall deliver a public lecture once in two weeks to which a small admittance fee shall be charged the net proceeds to be used in establishing a public library and reading room Dr Harris delivered a very able lecture to a large audience on last Monday evening: subject It is ropo ed that he continue the i subject in ix additional lectures and tiie funds rai-ed he used in procuring I a chemical labratory and other in-struments for demonstrating I A tax has been levied for building a Union Heliooi House which will be an ornament to Crestline I Dr Booth will deliver tiie next public lecture on next We lne-diy evening March 6 subject in-Icreaseof infidelity and its The debate after the lecture will he onductelby Rv an! stoiz i rtf 1 Large 6 pp Circular giving Information of the greateHt importance to the young of both sexes it teaches how the homely may become iK-antlful the despised respected and the forsaken loved No young lady or gentleman should fall to send their Address and receive a copy postpaid by return mail Address Drawer 21 troy lonStai Know Th) Destiny Madame Thornton the great English Awtrologist Clairvoyant and Psychonv tlrician who has astonished tiie scientific classes of the Old World lias now lncatel herself at Hudson ton possesses such wonderful powers of second sight as to enable her to Impart edge of the greatest Importum-e to the single or married of either sex While in a state of trance she delineates the very features of I lie person yon are to imirry and by the aid of an instrument of intense power known as the Psyclioinotrope guarantees to produce a life-like picture of the future husband or wife ofthe applicant together with the date of marriage position In life leading traits of character A-c This is no linjnbng as thousands of test iaioniala can assert Hln will send when desired a certified certlficte or written guarantee that the picture is what It pnrports to le By enclosing a small lock of hair and stating place-of birth age disposition und complexion and enchising fifty cents and stamped envelope addressed to yourself you will receive the picture and desired information by return mail Address in confidence Madame Thors-tos Box 223 Hudson vl-5n6y Yonng Lady returning her country home after a sojourn of a few months in the City was hardly recognized her friends In place of a course rustic flushed face she had a soft rubyVompiexion of almost luarblc smoothness ihid instead of twenty-three she really nppeftred but eighteen Upon inquiry as to the cause of so great a change site plainly told them that she used the Circassiun Balm ami considered it an Invaluable acquisition to any Lady's toilet By its use any Lady or Gentleman can improve their personal appearance an hundred fold It is simple 9n its combination as Nature herself is sit vet unsurpassed in its efficacy in draw" Madame Thorn- simple drawing Impurities from also healing cleansing ana lieautifying the skin und complexion By its direct action on the eutlele it draws from it all its impurities kindly li Baling the same and leaving tiie surface an Nature Intended it should 19 clear soft smooth and beautiful Price tl sent by Midi or Express on receipt of on order by YV A OO Uiiemists No 8 West Fayette St Syracuse New Y'ork 1 he only American Agents for the sain of Ihe same vl5n6y Wonderfdl bnt True MADAME REMINGTON the world-renowned Astrologist and Somnambulistic Clairvoyant while in a clairvoyant atute delineates the very features ofthe person you are to marry and by the aid of un instrument of iutensc power know a the Psyclioinotrope guarantees to produce a perfeect and lifelike picture of the future husband or wife of tiie applieunt with date of marriage occupation hauling trait of character Ac This is no itnosHioii as testimonials without number can assert By stating place of birth age disposition color of eyes und iiuir abd enclosing fifty cents und stamjied em elope adijrossed to yourself you will receive tiie picture by return mail together with tiie di-si rod information 'Addtess In eonfldenee Madame Ger-TKrnF Rrjiinotox Box 297 YYest Troy a l'mOy ris)er oma ih she was beautiful and fair Witii starry wyes and radiant hair Whose curling tendrils soft entwined Enchained the very heart anil mind CRISPER COMA For Curling the Hair of either Sex into Wavy and Glossy Ringlets or Heavy Massive Curls By using this article Ladies nnd Gentlemen can beautify themselves a thousand fold It is the only article Jn tlje world that will curl straight hair and at the same time appearance The the hair bnt invigorates Itenutiflcs and cleanses it is highly nnd delightfully perfumed and is the most complete article of the kind ever offered to the American public The Crisper Coma will ho sent to any address sealed and postpaid tor Address all orders to YV CLARK A CO Chemists No 8 West Fayette Htreet Htracvsk Vl 5n6y AF'FTjTCTET)! SUFFER HO STORE When by the use of DR ELIXIR you can le cured permanently and at a trifling cost Tiie astonishing success wh ich has attended this invaluable medicine for Physical and Nervous Weakness General Debility and Prostration Loss of Muscular Energy Ira-potency or any of the consequences of youthful indeseretlon renilers It the most valuable preparation ever diseovereil It will remove 11 twrypps affi-clions de- Cression excitement incapacity to study pr loss of memory confusion thought of sell-destruction fears of insanity Ac It will restore the appletite renew the health of those who have destroyed it by sensual exonss or evil practices oung Men lie huffibiigged no more liy and iguorant praetitinRcrs but send without delay for the Elixir auu he at once restored to health and happiness A Uure Is Guaranteed in every instance Price i or foqr bottles to one address S3 One iKittle is sufficient to effect a cure in all ordinary cases AIJ0 bR HPETIFIO Plllx for tiie speedy and permanent epre of Gonorrher Gleet Urethral Discharges Gravel stricture an4 all flections of tje Kidneys und Bladder Uu res effected iu from one to five days They arc prepaired from vegetable extracts that are harmless on tbe system and never nauseate tiie stomach of impregnate the breath No change of diet is necessary while uRing tbem norloe their action in any manner interfere with business pursuits Price Si er lox Either of Hicalxive-menfionclartieleswll tie sent to any address closely sealed and post-paid bv mail or expivss on receipt of price Address all orders to BERGER HHITTH A (V Chemist No River st Troy There comet glad tidings of joy to all To young and to old to great und to small The bsgnty wBliii oice vas precious and i rre Is free (hr all and ail may le fpir By the use of CH A WHITE LIQUID For 1 ni pro lug and lleautUY inf the Complexion The most nluable and tetf't prejiaratlou In use fir elviinj lit skin a lcauttrul pewrl-likt tint tiuif Is obi liund ip yoqHi tl quick Ij' removes 'Tali 'Itwkhw Phuplea BIolehis Moth Sallow iin Eruptions and till liijpurltles tlieVkln kindly Ili'Hling the Slime liaiv ing l)esklu wliitehnd clear as atalHisler its usa oun url he usiarl -id the closest scrutiny and I icing a egl-tnlile preparation isiN'ih'etly harmiem It is the only article of the kind naed bv the French and ts considered by tln Parisian mn indisfieiisable to a perfect toilet Upward of 80600 I Kittles wei-e sold during the ivast year a sufficient gunrnnte of Its effieaov cuts Hent by niiUlpONt-pahl i 1 7 im 1 1'EM' KHUKKj Co henislK 285 Hlver Tray vloiitiy -H Preserve Year Eyesight hQUe Glaseee Yoa will fia4 them HTsITERS AND MUSTACHES! FORCED to grow upon the smoothest fora in from three to five week by using Dr 4lKs A V'i UJ I-1 AIRRMhe- Tilosh lit madcru seleivee acting upon he Hoard nQil Hair in an nlmrmt mdraeuious luauiwr lt has been lined by' the elite of Paris Mid Iku-don with the most flattering auceram Name of all purchasers will lie registered anil If entire satiatactlon is not given lu Instance the money will lie cheerfully returned by ijuii ncijid an pnl-nssi SI teHtitno-nl hi mailed free Addreso BKKGEIt HHL7TS A Co GJiemlsts JNo-285 River Ht J'rrtv Solt agents Pirthe JT vllndy ASTROLOGY The World Astonished AT THE WONDERFUL REVELATIONS MADE BY THEO BEAT ASTROLOOIHT MAIYAME A PERItlGO Lie -fl rrrets no mortal ever 1 Sto rwrtored ta tiapaipeva tausv wnp frui events oatpatrqpbesL prpase )p love of relations apd friends loss of money 6v beaorne despondent Bhe brings fsn heir ri l-f oF IU I vJ-uIbe me BRICK MACHINES wUl be sold cheap Call on Blair for a bargain Feb 28 1867 There will be a regular meeting of the Independent Order of Good Tt-m-J piers held on Monday evening of each week Jefferson Norton WCT i SMITH Gold Fens- The largest stock of Gold Pens ever brought to town and every Pen war ranted at PUBLIC John HalUwill 5 miles west of town will have a sale on next Friday March 8th 1867 Bucyrus Markets BccYRrs March 2 1417 From textra! S13 to 11 00 2 50 to 260 i2 00 to 2) 30 to 75 2 to 2 V) 87 00 to 1 2i 50 to 80 8 to 0 20 20 6' to 7 7 to 9 9 to to 9l4 9 to 10 20 to 27 10 to 0 Wheat (amix-r) do (red Barlev Flax Seed Hay per ton Potatoes Onions per bushel Dried Apples per 16 Bctter per lb Kuos per dozen Pork dreeaed Beef fore and hind quarter allow I rd ('IILFSE Coffee (ncording to quality) Bf Ns per bushel Wont Smt i barrel Cl OVER SEED -TiqOTlIV SEED Wood per cord slyV) to 60 10 to -t-' 81 25 to 75t) s-J to 82 7-5 to 54 From tkf Ifno England Mtdirat and Surgical hnzettt In Jnstitia- Time and again in our journalistic einoer we have been called upon to recommend medicinal preparations and in some instances Inducements such as nothing but the strongest sense of our responsibility could withstand have been held out to extort some kind of in endorsem*nt of a patent medicine There are two simple rules which should guide an editor if strictly adhered to will save much aexation und wrong-doing The encouragement or ail tiiat is good nml worthy and the condemnation of all that is bacl and unworthy: ami these rules should equally apply to sources from which we derive patronage as well as to matters of a political scientific morel or reliei4us nature It is thus the duty ns it should be the pleasure of the couscicnti4us journalist to commend to liis readers hnt-ever of good character may be brought to the health of ind iduals i concerned not overlooking the loot that temioral life in this world is only less in importance to the spiritual life in the orld to come We are lead to these reflections from the advertisem*nt in another column of White Pino a medicine which the highest medieal authority as well as tiie testimony of thousamls upon thousands win have been rest or wl to health and vigor through its wonderful agency endorse as the n-st patent medicinal article of this or any other period If snecess mav be taken asa test of merit then the White" Pine Compound from its great success may Ik conceded the most meritorious article in tho market Bore Throats Colds Pulmonary atreetions and all complaints of like character as eli a the dilli-reiit diseases ofthe Bladder and Kidneis ieid with astonishing rapidity to this medicine It is difficult to conceive the genus ofa man who will allow blmself to suffer for perhaps with these distressing maladies rather than expend a dollar fora medicine which thousands assure him they know will restore him to perfect health But it is no difficult to estimate the social and business loss which a single suffering from acute pain may occasion There may ie men who would willingly give thousands to make reparation for an injury done a fellow but who would begrndgp a paltry dollar to appease their outraged nature in less enlightened portions of tbe world but we doubt if any such enn be found in our rich and fertile surroundings This preparation is for sale by all druggists Biscuit a Luxury for AIL The popular notion that people suffering from dyspepsia or ptedisposed to that ease should not eat biscuit has grown out fact that tiie common Saleratus has been Used in the making of such biscuit And it Wis right the article ts misclievious But light and healthy biscuit such as ds-p-ptic people may eai with impunity and and a 1th positive benefit are made from I) De Iritnd A B-a Ck'mical Salem i Plijsieians admit this Tell Yonr Neighbors It a duty which every one who has suffered from the teriibic of the most horrible of till disease Dyspepsia and who ha been cured by Dyspepsia Cure to tell their friends and neighlors of it nito others as you would have others do unto is the golden rule Every one that has ca-r used it knovs of its wonderful curative powers in Dyspepsia Indigestion -Flatulency Sick Headache Sour Stomach Heartburn Cholera Morbus and we might say every disease that arises from disordered state of the stomach and bowels Honest There is a man out West who labors under the delusion that tiie placed 1k-tore a name stand for Honest if that was the true version it would bo placed before behind in the middle over under and nil around tlje Monroe Gold Medal Soap for it is reajjy tlje only honest Soap made It Is not to lie wondered tfiat the ladies prefer it to any other there is nothing like it Forons Plasters STRENGTHENING PLASTER IN THE POROUS PLASTERS resolve and assuage pain by calling fqrtlj tj)f' acrid humors from parts internal to tle skin and general circulation thus ip many cases positively evaporating the disease JAMEi-j LULL 1) There is nothing equal in tle way of plaster to the Porous Plaster of 3lr YlO CGCK Everything Is pleasant about them They are the plaster of the day and a fit type of our present advancement In science and art In Asthma Cough Kidney Affections Gout Rheumatism and local deep si-atfq the" afford permanent relief JOHNSON Si" lb on uenc dies" From a jiersonul knowledge of these plasters we can stute tiiat they are decldedly preferable to uuy other in use Wherever tslicfi to le Aiiitained by the usoofuplas- ter vve should i4Honmeud tiunr A INtJliAHAYf 'fckfitor of ork ientor Agency rajid red'th 'Hbusi Ney- Y'ork Hold by all Druggist EXTRACT BUCHU and Improved Rose Wash cure secret and delicate disorders in all their stages at littlecx pense little or no change In diet no ineon-v euieuce and no exposure It is pleasant in taste and odor immediate in its action and free from all injurious properties 15n9y DK TILLS CALOMEL Thoja Pill are composed of Tsrioa roots htr-r tka povor to ralsx tha leeretioa of tko livr so efkiCSll- as Mas nlll or msr-Serjr add without prodoolog say 'ofthts disagrss-sbie effeetswhioki often use Vstteir In all Mirons disorders thes Pills msjr used sondene thsy promote the lisejnrft of vitiated Mia and rsmoj tie obstructions from liver and billinry dnets which ars tbs sniiss of billions sanctions in gonsrnl MAVHBAKB PILL enrs Blek Hssdscne nnd nU disorders of th Liver indies-td by snow skin eosted tongns eostivsoess fl ro wsi lmi end general feelipf of wsarinsss fadlpesithd 'showing tkst ibb ilyer i is to( pjd oooditioo In short th Pill gssd with MfH-tsg in sU snass wba pnrystjr op sitsrsstj medicine is rognirsd Please nak for Mandrake Pills and obssTT that th two liksnsssss of th Doctor rt -1 tho Government stamp on whan la th last stag of Consnmption sad tko other In his present noslth Bold by aU Draggist and dealers Pries cents per box Prinnipsl Offleo Bt 15 north flth Street Philadelphia Pn General Wheiesale Agents Domes Barnes A 0o 21 Park BoW Hew York 8 8 Haase KM Baltimore ((tinors Md Jo ha Park N- 8 eor of fourth sad Walnnt St thnefitapfi Ohio Walker A Taylor 134 and Wabash Avsnms Ckl9egei IB: Oellla Brothers southwest sorasr eleddl On We-lm-s'lny tiie 13th of March at 10 o'clock A M- 1 a ill m-U my farm at public al- The farm is situated in Crawford eo Ohio six rnilea west of Creatline 4 mile from Nortli Robinson Station at equal distance from Gallon anti Bucyrus It contains acre 83 acre arc clear the ml I excel-lent timbeK land aU under fence It liaa a good orebam two sets of buildings all market mill school and church privilege de strable and the soil is of the best order Sole on the premises Terms easy made known on day of Bale KELMBOLD'S fluid extract MAX Is a certain cure for diseases of the ItTA Id KK KI DN A EL DRtjPSY ORGANIC WEAKXFLK FEMALE COMPLAINTS GENERAL DEBILITY' and all diseases of the URINARY' ORGANS a he-tber existing in MAIE OR FEMALE from whatever cause originating and no matter of HOW I NG STAN DING Diseases of these organs require the use of a diuretic If no treatment is nbmitteil to Consumption or insanity inav ensuu Our Flesh and Blood are supported from these sources and the HEALTH AND HAPPINESS and that of Fo-Jeritv depends upon prompt use of reliable remedy II ELM EXTRACT BUCHU Established upwards of 18 years prepared by rl' IllvLTlIlOLD DRCGGIRT 7 594 Broadway New Y'ork and vl-X'v Kd south Btrcs-t Phiiu Ta Gr CAMP I 8 Office over the Post Offieg in Building Buooras Ohio vlinSy For Sale A good stock farm situated in Iykens township Crawford county Ohio about three miles east of Benton one mile north and one mile west of Corners consisting of 106 acres about 60 of which is iu a high stateof eultiv at ion the balance excellent timber A good new ltarn dwelling house and othcroui-buiiding a good bearing orchard and fruit trees of all kinds Will lie sold in a body or divided into two lots Terms easy For particulars apply to the nnrtersigned at Benton or address bv mat! UI6IFS2J MILKER ANIIOOD AND YOUTH FU VK IOB are regaint-d by Extract Bueliu SHATTERED constitutions restored by Kxtru-t Buchu lin'iv 1 JEGAL NOTICE Wm II Waltemevfr of the State of Maryland will take notice that the First National Bank Bucyrus Ohio did on the iflth day of December 1861! file i( petition in the Court of Picas of Draw lord County Ohio against the said Win Walteiiieyer setting forth in sulisiance tlmt on tiie 17tli day of leceinler the said Wm Waltemeyer was indeblad to the sail First National Bank Bucyrns Ohio in tin- Mini five hundred and seventy-one and ninety one-hundredths dollars tor so much money before that time paid by tin-said First National-Rank Mr the use of suid Walteieyernt hi request uskingjiidgmcnt for said sum with interk-d from said 17t IV-ceniliei and that an orlebof attiielirueut has liceii iH-ned iu said ease Said Will Wal-ti-meyer is notifl4-d that he is required t4 an-swersaid ielition on or tx-foro tin: 13th day Of A pi il 1867 SCROGGS Attorney for Plaintiff Feb 167 vl5ntvv opf810 WOMEN AND CONSUMPTION Tim Young should not delay the use of Lung 3 a 1 When first attacked by a Cough TsE RICH AND THE POOR WILL FIND RELIEF AND A CI RE BY' USING FAITHFULLY' THIS VI SAM Those iu tfduence buy it use it arid are cured few of suclt ousesgre made known to th- public But notso vv ith the poor Many of I liis class are unable to buy medicines re-qnired for their cure To this class we have often given ilie medicine and invariably they hove been hem-fitted In no one instance ha it come to our knowledge that I nag Balsam lias not given permanent relief or a jmsitive cure Tile following lettersT or extrarts from letters which we nave received wlN show tha gratitude expressed by tbpxe'Csing the Balsam alter all other prescript ions arid medicines have failed Amboy TIiilsd vlf Mini October 15 1861 Messrs HA RRIS (J: I great pleasure in informing you that I reeeivwj ihe Balsam you sent me Many thunks for your kindness I have used it aceording to directions and ithii done me great good it lias helped my cough my appetite is liettor and I feel much better think Lung Balsam the Is-st medicine that I have ever iim1 and I tiiiuk by eon tinning its use It will cure me YVitli these few remarks I remain with thanks truly AllisS AM AND! A JONES A Bad Case of the Congestion of the Lnngs Cored Gr and Rat-ip Mini Get 30 1863 Messrs HARRIS A- Dk vr Sirs The gratituile I feel to vou Mie I nng Balsam supplied me ought (o have prevented any delay in acknowledging our kindness I me ear ago 1 was taken with intlamation of tin- lungs which ended in congestion My lungs were lyft in very bnd condition I wasindueeil to try Lung Balsam one lwitile lieiielieial A friend wrote you of my condition anil I enn not thunk you enough for the good tiiat the medicine you sent me has done me I am now enjov -ing comparative good health for which I am iiiiluliteil to tip Hlerliilg merits of jour Balsam and your kiudues in supplying It Mothers olMieted as I was will use Iung Balsam Jind receive the benefit 1 have they will always bless you yitb sincere gratltudi- 1 Vervlrulv Mis-- I KEY EH Cure -of Krs Wheeler and Daughter- Osuoon BipietCo Ind Jan 26 1966 Dear Sirs I want to let you know tbe benefits received from Lung Balsam It lias entirely cured me of mv cough nnd lung disease you sent It tome jf E'p-Iilier lasR js very sick My iit iat fi be tul breathed at nlj 7 f*ck It net-onj- ln a to direct idiiK nnd in one week ia entirely relieved Mv i'oiikU left me and am now ns well aw over I was take)) sick last March my iough wasdlstresslng and lungs very sore Three doctors told me I was going Into consumption hut I owe my cure to Lung Balsam I think It iiest medicine in tiie world for the It lias also cured my daughter ofa cough site hail for a year she Is now eu i call your lulsnni the a II cure a li a c-ppt many tlianks lor your kind: (s: Jioe Vbu will long 14 spa red toivclmlntstertto suf- ferlnfe hununiity I neviT eah IK too grate ful tj ymi Hfiiccrel v'vours' MJiS XyilEELEIL This Balsam lo Tula TRYIT Kold ly hI Medicine HARRIS A CO Cincinnati Ohio l'ur rale 1 Johnsum uiuui am Stoektun A Mills Biieyrus Son linliim Win YV Burnett Crestline A Graham Snntlnvky 15u7yl Notice Notice Is hereby given tiiat the undersign-eafisi'ifn ePpi'i''l 'lministrator of the estate of JYJm Onrapl-en Siec-LSM had hetatone 'tow'nsrwff' rn for if on DETER WORST Febuary 12th 1807 u7pJ EXCELSIOR EXCELSIQR chasteLlars Hair Exterminator 1 1 For Removing Hlpfrfiuov Hair To the ladies especially this lnaluable irt fooomiiicncla itseJf as being an i nUlspesi 4 ijM'j'o to heau- ty 1 easily applied does nut burn or injure the akin but acta directly oh the roots It i warranted to remove superfluous hair terpating the same leaving the skin soft' smooth and natural This ft the only rticie isr fyiZ Chemists lousy 285 River Ht: TrbjyX Common Sense I Comfort and FOR TH Kuptcrkb Hent postpaid receipt of 10 cents Ur Foote 1130 Hent In sealed envelope on receipt of 10 cents Address Dr fOOTE tpi thor of Medical Cqmmqg Sense riviuTi frtm h' rt it de- The White Pine Compound Cure Congha TM ptheria Pidmona- Dimarkalle I italic ten the Kblne A edlng from complampt? "nU Wi other early in the spring of that this 11 ai origin Lad A memlier of i 11 With an Irritation throat attended with disugreeahle IHd lor some months previous PrejK ration havllig for its inside hark of wbit4 plneimlght le 11 'i r1 as to be very useful lu dis-eases of the throat and lungs Toi test the value of it iu the case ulluriedto I rainmnud a small quantity of tbe tnedlrine tbat I had Pining and gave it ia teaspoonful doses The result wa exceedingly gratifying ithln two dajw tbe Irritation of the throat was removed the eonabsubeided and a speedy -qre was effeoted Soon after this I sent aome to a lady In Ixmdouberry bo had been suffering for some weeks with cough oeissioned by a sudden cold ana had raised mucus streaked with blood HUe soon found relief and sent for more Hue took nixxit ten ounces uf it land got oil Clarke Esq editor of the Manchester Daily Mirror made atrial ofthe same preperatlon in the case of a severe cold and was cured immediately file was so highly pleased with the result and so confident in success attending itsisales If placed liefore the public that he filially persuaded me tp give It a name and send it abroad Jto benefit the suffering In Novem-6er 185 1 first advertlsi-d It umlerlthename of White Pine Cotiiound In two yeais from unit time 1 hero bad been wholesaled In Manchester alone on hundred dollars worth where It took tiie lead pf all the cough remedies In tiie market and it still maintains that position There Is good reasons for this it ts very soothing and heal ing In Its nature I warming to the stomach and pleasant will si to the taste and is ex-ceeufngly cheap i 'A remedy for kidnev eonipla White Oompofmd stands ttnrivafiJI not originated fir that purpose but a per coin my on In using it tar a cough waa notionly cur ed of tiie rough but was also ciinnl of a kld-i ney ulffimlty of ten years standing Since that uoeidanuil liiwvery many thouKuna liave ustsl il for tiie same coniplalut hui! liuve is-en completely Tbe Rbove was written by Dr Poland in i840 Hinco then as It is in Manchester the White Pine Compouud has taken Ithe lead of all Cough remedies as well as jpreperu-tlonfor the cure of Kidney difficulties in every city town village and hamlet through-out the New England Ktates This roniwly iseafe andplcnsabt tiakea it Is effoetttar 1 Tiie editor nf the Manchester -Yiajl and Weekly Mlhhoii lu the loader of Hid liailv thus writes of the Com pound Thl White Pine Compound is advertised ai much length in our columns and wore1 happy to learn that thedemand for It Is increasing beyond all previous expectations Jt is Ihe Very best medicine for conghs and colds we know of and no family that has once used it will lie without it We speak from our own knowlinlge it Is sure to kill a cold and pleasant os it is sure Tho greatest Inventions eono by urtddent and it is stligqlar that the White Pine compound made for coughs and colds should prove to lie the greatest remedy for kidney difficulties known But so it is We cannot doubt it so many testimonials come to us from well known men B4sldes the character of Dr Poland Wisnch flint we know that he will not countenance what is wrong Foij years a Baptist clergymen studying rhedii'pne find remedies for nis ailments viit a etc cate consumptive look standing with one foot upon tiie grpve he made the discovery which saved himself and called out from others the strongest testimonials possible We have known Dr Poland forjfenrsi and neyer Ifnegr a more oonsdeutous honest upright irab and qre ('lad to state that we ielieve whatever about hi Willie Pine The White PineCompou GEORGE SWEET ML D- PROPRIETOR PRUF4 IEP AT Tl? Hw England Botaniekl Depot 106 HANOVER STREET RttfiTONJ Under tlieHupervislon of Rev 3 Poland For sale In Bucyrns by Johntson nnd Dr Fulton A Son Benton Myers A fVmfleld nnd Strong and ArmstrongCleve-land wholesale agents 1 l'inttj 1 GREAT BARGAINS GREAT BARGAINS GREAT BARGAINS GREAT BARGAINS GREAT BARGAINS GREAT BARGAINS GREAT BARGA1N8 GREAT BARGAINS IN DRY tfOOD IN DRY GOODS IN DRY GOODS IN DRY GOODS IN DRY GOODS IN DRY GOODS IN GOODS IN DRV GOODS AT FISHER LAtCITS AT FISHER Jb LACC1TS AT FISHER A LACCJTS AT FISHER Jk LACCCS AT FISflEp 4 LADCN AT FISHft A AT FISHER A AT FISHER A LAUCKJS MAIN 8T BUCYRUS MAIN ST BUCYRUS i Mnj ST BUCyRDS MAN 8Ty BUCYRUS MAIN ST RUOYRUS MAIN MAIN 8Tv BUCYRUS WEAK- VI ED 1 TCf THE YOUTH 10 THE AGED -qE urK eejuvenaxur cruBxa NKXV0C3 lkOAFACITtr JfirlA 8BMST0H LDS8 Ot IM V(AHh8 OF rba 03- BiATIOJ IMBMtMfr 18M08 BMAODTIOB B8V I MOST iLIHTFUb VL BFFOT rrOH THB BBBTOUfi t4 wko im may wiy pi uaMMi vf nwromm dlMMftltUc mrm Urimm4 mmk mmmf thii tiftlUot Tmrmmm wfeo hr Imvrmdmumrn bmrm Ion tnIr MATDBAL TIGOA will Asd ps7 pns usut sura if ty th DIBPAIE-18G tbs OLD Bsoalogiv this vsiasbla SlSeoVS-tf a trial It will hs foaafi totally tUfisvsat from all other srttolss for tbs rasj TO rBMALii This aabl la asrvsas wa kl4l restore tbs wasted etrssctb wltb wou4rfo ysrat- It Js io a grand topis s4 111 Dyspepsia with tbs tiM dobs Jt ih Its ass will rssoTsts th stsaisl to a dsgra of vsrfsst hssltb sad hsatsl Dysyspsls forsvsr pas dollar ysr Bottlo or rig Bottias for old by Draggtsta gsssnily- express anywhere by ssdrsseisg HOTORIMGI HILLTAA fraprOMn 11 CeriaF treat Maw Tsrb FBBTOB A BCAHAM Agata Clsrslsad Wbolsssls alda entirely new and excellent pro- gramme Presbyterian Church Rev Davis of Mansfield will preach at 10 A M- and 7 at Presbyterian church of Bucyrus on next Sabbath March 3 Missionary Meeting The regular mopthly Missionary I meeting of the Sunday School Wl11 take place next Sunday evening at 7 All are respectfully invited to be present Deal 8upt Collector of the 9th District Geo Anderson of Sandusky City lm been appointed Collector of the Sth IHstrlct Mr Anderson is a first-class business man and has always acted with the Union party and hU apMintnient cannot fail to give general satisfaction Our friends don't feel so Jubilant ns they did sometime since ns their prospect for office i diminishing daily Andy is going back on them but he help it A leu more will walk the Jlank soon Found Dead-A man named 8mith who lived at the gas house in Galion and obtained aliving by doing small jobs was found dead on last Tuesday morning at the gas house Whiskey is supposed to le the immediate eause of his death The School House Letting The bids for letting the building of the new school house took place on the 23d inst and' the hid ranged as follows: George Fenner $9800 'has Rahr 9400 David Shanks $8400 Wm Burkhart $8300 The bids of Burkhart and Shanks were about the same as Mr Shanks made the drafts and specifications for which lie makes no charge in case he gets the conlract We understand the contract has not yet been let The Agricultural Meeting In answer to tiie published call a meeting was held at iwsc's Hall on Saturday la-t for the purpose of organizing a County Agricultural Society The meeting was large In point of numbers and for general intelligence was unsurpassed by any assembly of the kind ever held in the County It was composed of those whose strong arms have swept away the and supplied their places with fields of vaiing grain whose vigorous iitinds have overcome every obstacle that nature or miifortune placed iu their way and whose labors have made the county widely known for its excellent stock cereals fruit and other productions Such men seldom fail in anything they undertake They now design organizing an Agricultural Society and having a Fair next Fall on a larger and better scale than any former exhibit ion of the kind The meeting was called to order by John Kaler and Butterfield wa elected Chairman and Elliott Secretary On motion of Lauck a Committee of three wa3 appointed liy the Chairman to examine the imnks of tho old Society and al-o to see whether any pecuniary aid can be obtained under the State Law The chairman appointed Lauck Elliott and Kaler On motion of I) Boyer a committee was elected to" examine grounds and leport upon tho host localities and tho terms upon wh'oh they can be procured The following gentlemen were elected Boyer W-n McGee IV Quaintanoe Koler Toll Bremen ami James MeKinstry On motion of Kaleri a Committee was elected to draft rules as a haisof a permanent organization Tbo meeting appointed Ja Orr 1 Twitched Eoln iam Moiinct and Koler After empowering ihe Chairman to call a special meeting i necessary the m-'cting adjourned until Saturday March lirli at one o'clock i hen the committee will report and permanent officer he elected RcTTFKFiKiit chairman KrLinrT Secretary a it Jo A Copperhe idsaid toil friend of mine the other day that would give him mire pleasure than to see Ih? fellow humj that sign hi nimi in thebr-n tl Tiii min i really not to blams for speaking so haeau-e he ha been taught liis leaders not only to hate it to abhor every man who was in favor of saving the Union from being destroys 1 by traitors but this man and hu Irod of others in this county are really to he pit ie 1 that they have saTere 1 themselves to dapsd in with a pirty whose conduct during the war wa so depiably mean that it grieve them nearly to death td hive it referred to even though it hi casually: they are to be pitied because they have clung to a few unprincipled political leader who were not content in selling Ihemidres to traitors but who actually sold the whole Democratic par In out horse foot and dragoon to assist the rebels In destroying the Government they are to be pitied because they have let their crafty leaders whose only arguments are and llnigg*rv persuade thoui iih? a policy that their own better sober judgment told them time and again was wrong The man above referred to not Oiilyy cxpre-sed the great desire of his owl boqgt in saying what he did but he expressed tte qusirp that was so strikingly manifested by th whole Copperhead party in this county during tha war to out generally every man that had tiie uouiage and manliness to declare publicly lu favor of sustaining the Union I doubt very much if the men who verc so recently held as slaves in the 8 utli warn pjore completely under the control of their mash-? than i are the men who compose the Copperhead party in Crawford county i under the control or their leaders and just long jis their leaders can succeed in preventing thejfl from thinking and reading for themselves just so Jong FAS they enslave apd use them as their tools to awrxf put their wicked purposes even though it be to destroy the government that protects them in the enjoyment of life liberty apd happiness Ekastts 9 909 sad case of drowning occurred on Thursday night at Stories Upper Coal Works about eighteen miles from Pittsburgh Mr Samuel Alton and his son Henry were crossing the Monongahela in a skiff with three others when the current being swift caused by tbe recent rise in the river one of he party caught at au ice-breaker which projected into the river and caused the skiff to skifT to upset succeeded in saving themselves byr swimming ashore bqt old Mr and liis son Henry were both drowned assistance arrived THE GLORY OF MAN IS nervous and debilitated should immediately use Ft tmct Bucbu Tl5u9yl -M ARRIE F- Bbikkmax Wenxer On the 21st inst in Bucyrus by Rev How-enstein Mr Christian Brinkman and Miss Barak Wenner DIED Eaton On the 20th of Feb 1867 of heart disease and Dropsy Emmia Cornelia daughter of A' and A Eaton aged 13 years four months and 29 days How short has been her mortal race How sweet her heavenly res 1 What holy joj the cJiill solao No more with pain opprest Now what are all our joys la-low But like poisnous spring Since death of children pain us And leaves a lasting sting But from our Gods unchanging lo We should our comfort brimr Then though the whole creation move We shall our requiem -log she moans no more beneath I be woe That her down to dea'h Bright glorie- In her eyes disclose Though of mortal 'reoili 5fv pleasant child Is gone lirfore An 1 bat a lil tie while For life with me will i h- o'er Then wherefore or willf Hinfe we shall in e' on An 1 loin the songs abive Ati-i through ct The wonder of His lov STiJjEnoran On Sunday the 11th inst Adam Siinebough near Lees-ville aged 5S year oi Neifmonia WoonsrnE Died at the residence of Jc-rry Yost on the 21st of Feb 1867 James Woodside aged 84 years on the 22nd of this month He was born in Dauphin county Pa and was one of the oldest citizens of our county Wish an Died at Cleveland Ohio whilst undergoing a surgical operation for the gravel Mr Christian Wisman Mr was an old resilient ofthi township On Sunday night Feb 2' 1867 at the residence of Mrs Barret in Bucyrus where she sometimes made herRome Mis Mary Monnett in tiie 33d year of her age Her disease wa consumption Bhe is the last of her family her parents brothers and sisters having all yielded to tiie same insidious disease Bhe was distinguished for her Christian piety and gentle amiable deportment Crestline Let ter List- Weekly list letters unclaimed in Post Office at ('rest line Fehnary 28 1(I7 Baker IT-nry 'unit 1 ill) Kitty Henry Hardin Louis Nle Christ Michael Kilev Geo- Hmitli AVeiland Martin A Patterson 1 Conrad 4 uslnr John Foil lk John -Hughes Huszey Edmund Public Sale I will offer for sale at my residence two miles and a half east of Bucyrus on the Middletown road on Thursday March 21 1807 at 10 A the diowing describo 1 property to wit: 3 mares 3 or 4 good cows young cattle 8 hogs' 60 head of sheep a Mower fc reaper- combined one two horse wagon one spring wagon one good new grain drill one pair of bob-sleds Harness plows corn planters and otler farming utensils to numerous to mention Terms nine months credit on nil amounts over five dollars and less cash Daniel Bavagh Notice The uudersigtq ted and qualified as Ad mini estate of Adam fetineoaugh' late of Jaokioq Township Crawford Cotin-ty deceased Newton Stinebaugh 9 March 1 1867 n9w3 Peach Blow Potatoes From Western New York of the e3tqualityfor sale at WH Provision In Quimby Block Farm for Sale A well improved farm iu Holmes Township 3 miles from Bucyrus containing 8J acres for sale and in a first l'Ato neighborhood for further infor-on call at this i office Dissolgtioa of CF-partoership Notice is hereby giveq that th partnership hsietofore existing under the firm name of Franz Riblet has been mutually dissolved The business will hereafter be conducted by Henry Ribiet and George Kehrer uqder tie firm name of Ribiet Keh -rer The books qf tlje old firqj will be found at the store and ail person indebted are requested to call aqd pay immediately WILLIAM FRAN4- HENRY RIB LET Bueyru Feb 18 1867 9nw4 Answer to 111 nitrated Rebut Eye hath not seen nor ear heard nor can men understand how Emrich sells sych cheap Clothing TO Rbnv F4BYf Any person having a farm to rent of from one to tTd Uuudred acre Mill please address cyrns Ohio Feb 16 67 i Ji 4 4 it i 1 i 1 i 1 1 4 Edj Jouuxat: On of last week I arrived in this place with family and good intending to make li oar We were at the it by a number of frien is who warmly welcome i in lr goad ivjrec nvcy'ed at onoe to tha ither-au parsonage of which we took pos-Bjssion the same day' In the evening we were visited by more than forty of th4 members of the Congregation who gave ui such a warm reception and left us such bountiful supplies fr tiie larder A that we could not 'ihjhplp but feci that we wer in the I midst of friends and that our lot was cast witii a people who would never th'dr iwstor or his family to the murder of two negroes in Grayou eoi'py and urging tiie Government interfere for their protection A Kjt'ig of rufflYin are eontinu illy inal-tre ituig the black aud witliin a circuit of twenty 'miles a dozen have been assassinated 1 -fcay-The notorious Titus of Mexican and bushwhacking attempting lately drive a birpoon through a revenue officer when lu the executhm of his duty was I and turned over to the United States Marshal at Augustine FI I I St Liwraucj which sailed from Naw York on 8at- in the steamer iJcgrT he nows by the cable ri po the introduction into the House of Commons 'of tiie resolutions on Reform Disraeli opened the debite proposing four new franchises and the change of some borough seats Bright lu a forcible opposed the Derby administration from Europe Is to the effect that la serious lusurrectiou Weaklug out lu Hpiin that the First I'arliiuaent of the North German Htate-s was formerly opened with a speech from the Throne by the King urday carried several hundred tods of goods to the Paris Exhibition balance of tue go sis will bo forward- el by thL stoamsr of March ai John IPjyuolil Com missiimer from Ibin is to the Exp isitian sailed I People who Lize in Glue Houisi The Sandusky Tl '-g infer say: i-lfnr lVE We Mi nll judge that is a That unhappy class of people can cHectual-1 di-pose of their rivalsabout asafe-I in that county as In any spof we 1 1 Tiie trial of George Fitch tiie deliberate murder of Ids rival Smith has jut ended at Buv-ru resulting In a verdict of manslaughter and a -enfene? of ten yeais in thepenitentiarv And in the same paper i-an account liily knocking 1 f-r iwforJ entity in this St de good locality for jealous lover o'" two row lie pul dmn juei defying the police and people and keeping the whole of tiie gviit city of San iu-ky in stateof term forj about two day On the same of rea-oning ai that pursued by the San imkiaus must le the ino-t owardly set in the 1 an excellent locality for rowdies I vvaj a Stranjsr andye ioak in? want fur neeeJaries of life Thank you ail eiijd friends and may the Lord reward you an pqrjdred foi Brown Bucyrus Feb 27tli 1W7 Removal We notice that Dr DeCump Jq of the Deutal firm of lleCamp of this city has removed to ij48yrus ij(l estaolished a Dental office there ThG young Doctor is a tegular graduate of his profession and deutist and ageoUemen in evry respect Mansfield Shield si- Banner evening 1867 To help pay expenses a small fee of ten cents will 'be charged for admittance to the evening meeting Children half-price Tickets at the Book Store and at the door Doors open at 6j Lectures commence at 7j A meeting the YOung People and all others who may beJblG rp attend will be held on Tuesday afternoon at the Methodist Church at half-past three o'clock Temperance Songs Will be sung the nature and objects of the Band of Hope and Teetotal Army Dully explained and a Division organized wf Prussia! that Hungary is peaceibly reputatu fur sci-Jneiineil thift the Cretan haw gain- avnS praotioeo fer Uls some viotorie and that England father for some years one of the old-will not -yet reform this session WOj 1 and mot experienced dentists of less Liberal take the uter out thoStgte The people of Bucyrus and of tiie hands of the Ministry I vicinity vM tfod him not only a fine flQ thebody of a fe- ftcquHitioutu socipty liiit a tirst-elass male paunr Ju New York the student J-lence unexpectedly found evi- that another human being bad been devoured by tmhinae spir- Temperance Meetings alU The Intestine when subjected I James Guthrie Editor of the to microscopic examination proved Weekly Golden Era the Teetotaler to le litorUy alive with thee minute the Monitor and -State Temperance Lecturer the appointment of the Grand of Honor will give twb lectures in this piace at Hall on Monday evening and the Methodist Church on Tues- 1 destroyers and they were found in abundance everywhere in the muscular tissue 1 C-Surratt wa? brought out for trial on Saturday On reaching the court room his minacle igere taken off The iudictninit was read to which he The District day March 11th and 12th together those long seperateo gives lmor-mntion concerning absent friends or lovers restores lost or stolen property tells yon the business yop are best qualified to pursue and In what yon will be most successful anuses Spefcdy raarriflges ttnd tells ybft the Very fili you wiitmart-y give you -the ness and cbaracterlfltics of the person Hhft mods your very thoughts and by her almost supernatural pop-era unveils tbe dark and hidden mysteries pf thp future From tire stars we see in the firmament the malefic star that overcome or predominate In the configuration from the aspects and positions of the planets and the fixed stars In the heavens at the time of birth she deduced the future destiny of man Fall not to consult the greatest Astrologist on earth It costa you but a trifle and you may never again have so favorable an Consultation fee with likeness and all de-CCRE sired information 1 Parties living at a distance can consult the Madame by mail with equal safety and satisfaction to selves aa If in persen A fall and explicit chart written out with ail inquiries answered and likeness enclosed sent by mail on receipt of price above mentioned The strictest secrecy will be maintained and all correspondence returned or destroyed References of the highest order furnished those desiring them Write plainly the day of the month and year la which you were born pleaded not guilty Attorney not being ready to proceed with the trial Burratt was taken back to jail He looked pale and thin and wore an ordinary suit of clothes There wae great curiositv to see him and the spectators seamed mostly label sympathisers The Senate on Saturday passed the joint resolution prohibiting the of any claim aecruidj prior to April 13 1861 to any person 4 afterward sustained the rebellion or cannot prove that he wa in favor of Its suppression The Indian Appro- bat lob'bnL was afterward discussed without any action bet ng taken upon It- Ho use was occupied in the consideration of Cl vil Appropria-Hou W1J Bounties and Pensions increased Attention Soldiers! Tbe regalatlsa el tbs Bssrstarg Wa yraridsd that Applies ti obi ts rssrir lauasdiete attsstioa she id be aris iasMs of six ssoalh tram tbs bit of October ia Baaatysaaaa aadsr as aly 1IM This ts impartas -Cell fa tbs sadsrslf-d st th Ottss pf Oaptaia AslsHprssris ia Ceart Bras sad i for ayptusaM as at ease milUUMIII AptheririM rldsM i i enclosing a small lack of luwr Addrass- Madaxi A PERRIGO Pbswbr 293 Bitfft Jf -J I yiYny I 4- N'.

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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.